1 minute read
from May 1962
by StPetersYork
Saturday, 17th March 9-30 a.m. Exhibition Opens. 9-45 a.m. Civil Service—Mr. J. R. Foster, Assistant Director, Examinations, C.S.C. 10-30 a.m. Second Session. Opportunities in Industry (with special reference to the nongraduate scientist and the non-scientist): Mr. T. Beevers, M.A., Chief Education Executive, S. Smith & Sons (England) Ltd. 11-30 a.m. Third Session. (a) Accountancy : A Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. (b) Banking : Mr. M. P. Bevan, Assistant Staff Manager, Head Office, Midland Bank Ltd. (c) Insurance : Mr. D. J. Fearnley, F.C.I.S., A.A.C.C.A., F.S.S., Insurance Institute of York. 3-0 p.m. Fourth Session. (a) A Career as an Officer : R.N.—Lt.-Commander P. J. Hutton. Army—Brig. W. W. A. Loring. R.A.F.—Squadron Leader A. Blucke. (b) A Career in a Nationalised Industry—British Railways: Mr. S. J. Judson, Chief Establishment & Staff Officer, North Eastern Region, British Railways. 4-30 p.m. Tea. 6-30 p.m. Fifth Session. (a) Careers in Commerce (Advertising, Retail Trade, Sales etc.): Mr. T. M. Higham, Chief Employment Manager, Rowntree & Co. Ltd. (b) Any Questions? Visitors are invited to put any careers questions to a panel consisting of : —Mr. Hugh Lyon, Mr. T. M. Higham, Mr. W. R. Wilkinson (Manager of Midland Bank, Parliament Street, York), the Head Master and the Careers Master.
The new Chairman and Secretary for the Christmas Term were C. J. Territt and D. K. Hirst, respectively. New members were Messrs. Fawcett, Pickard, Thompson, Carruthers, Shubrook and Bryan.
Only two full meetings were possible during the Christmas term, owing to a series of technical difficulties. One of the proposed speakers was found to have a prior engagement with his bridge club, and another was discovered in gaol a week before he was due to speak. Nevertheless there was an enjoyable evening of art appreciation, and Mr. B. H. Holbeche, the retiring Senior English Master, addressed the Society on the subject of "Public Schools".
This present account is one term overdue for publication, and there have been hints of a vote of censure for the "most disastrous term ever", so it is with some relief that the present secretary hands over the job to someone else.