2 minute read
from May 1962
by StPetersYork
Over seventy recruits joined the Contingent this term, and have been given excellent initial training under Petty Officer Gildener.
The appointment of Lance Corporal Jowett as Parade N.C.O. has brought continuity into the procedure for checking attendances.
There have been Advanced Proficiency exams. in the R.N. and R.A.F. Sections; results of these are shown elsewhere. Main Events 27th February.
March Past; the Salute was taken by Brigadier W. W. A. Loring, C.B.E., Schools Liaison Officer, Northern Command. 20th March.
March Past; the Salute was taken by Councillor Jack Wood, the Sheriff of York.
Arduous Training. Ten cadets carried out Arduous Training under Captain Gaastra, based at Cwm Pennant in Caernarvonshire, from 27th March to 2nd April. Pageant
The title of the Pageant which it is hoped to produce on the night of 27th July is "The Garrison City"; the theme is the history of York as a military centre.
The Section congratulates Lieutenant Waine on his promotion.
L/Sea Gildener took over second in command of the section from L/Sea Headlam, A.M., before being appointed in charge of recruits and rated Petty Officer. L/Sea Rhodes also assisted P.O. Gildener with recruits
The high standard of turn-out has again been maintained. The stores have been kept in good order by L/Sea Sutcliffe and AB Dixon, M. R. During one parade a sheerlegs was erected outside the seamanship hut. This should be of benefit to future proficiency candidates.
Much energy has gone into preparing for the Proficiency examinations and we owe a lot to C.P.O. Gregory who has done so much for the power of command training and examinations. In the Lecturettes all but one candidate were successful, but the Morse and Semaphore examinations revealed a lower standard. It is hoped to improve opportunity for morse and semaphore practice in future.
ABs. Routledge, Adams and Templeman are to be congratulated on passing the Proficiency examinations in all parts. Many others have only one part left to take.
P.O. Ainley, L/Sea Evans, C. G. and AB Milnes, D. N. are specially to be congratulated on passing the gruelling Advanced Proficiency examinations conducted by H.M.S. Calliope. It is some time since candidates have been in for this examination, as it is impossible to arrange for the instruction of cadets, who are themselves instructors, during C.C.F. time. This has inevitably meant that they have had to put in work in their own time.
It is hoped next term once again to bring the whaler up from Naburn to York for more practical training in boat work. 23