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Development Fund, 1962-63
from Feb 1963
by StPetersYork
subjects after three years in the Sixth Form. It is, however, possible that a boy with but a moderate examination record may nevertheless have shown at school outstanding qualities in other spheres which would fit him for a University course. The minimum requirements must, therefore, be placed sufficiently low to ensure that all possible candidates present themselves and that no boy with even the slightest chance of being able to pursue a University course is denied the opportunity of being considered. Judging by the number who are selected but fail to complete the course, it would appear that not nearly so many suitable candidates are rejected as the critics maintain.
It is a fundamental mistake, as many freshmen have discovered, to conceive the University as just a super Sixth Form; the freedom enjoyed by an undergraduate is an integral part of University life, and unless he can use that freedom to develop his mind and his judgment, he is not justifying the money spent on him by the nation.
By the time we go to press you will no doubt have heard that a campaign to raise money for the above has been launched. The target figure is £80,000.
Very briefly the objects are as follows:— 1. A new Boarding House—to be known as Dronfield House—which will stand adjacent to No. 18 Clifton. 2. A new covered and heated Swimming Bath, which will be built on the site of the present Swimming Bath. 3. Completion of the Junior School Block.
4. Improvements to the Chapel, including the provision of a new organ.
Contributions received or promised in advance of the official opening of the campaign from 150 individuals and firms amount to £32,000. This is a most encouraging start and is largely the result of the very high proportion of Deeds of Covenant received. We hope that the generosity of those who have already given will be matched by others and that we shall reach the target figure by the end of April.
The campaign is based on a system of personal approach and anyone willing to offer his or her services is invited to contact the Resident Campaign Director, Mr. J. S. Chambers, who has an office at the School. (Tel.: York 24169.)