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School News
from Feb 1963
by StPetersYork
E. J. Lawson has been awarded an Open Exhibition in Natural Sciences at St. Catharine's College, Cambridge. * * *
Mr. D. Kirby, who left the School in 1958 and has been Captain of Cricket at Cambridge and Captain of Leicestershire, joined the Staff during the term. We also welcome Mr. J. Maw, Mr. P. M. Nixon and Mr. D. N. Ranson to the Staff. Mr. T. Robinson and Mr. M. Woodruff (O.P.) have joined the Junior School Staff.
The Head Master's Secretary, Miss B. M. Stonehouse, retired on 31st December after eleven years at the School. She received presentations and thanks from the Staff, the boys and the Old Peterites and she takes with her our very best wishes.
A Science Exhibition was held on 14th and 15th December. The Exhibition was officially opened by Sir Owen Wansbrough-Jones, K.B.E., C.B., and was well attended by parents, Old Boys and friends.
The Student Christian Movement in Schools (York Area) held their Conference in the Memorial Hall on 28th November; it was attended by about 400 Staff and members of the Sixth Forms of local schools.
Work has begun on the additional storey to the Junior School Changing Room block and also on the new boarding house to be built behind No. 18 Clifton.
"The Pirates of Penzance" will be performed in the Memorial Hall on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 20th, 21st and 22nd February. * * *
R. R. Baldwin (The Rise, 1948-58) has played for Yorkshire in all their matches in the County Rugby Championship so far this season. * * *
As part of a scheme arranged by Toc H in schools, 48 members of the Sixth Form and Transitus contributed to send 16 personal Christmas parcels to Borstal boys who are completely homeless.