9 minute read
House Notes
from Feb 1963
by StPetersYork
QUEEN'S : P. J. Anfield, C. P. Farmer, W. D. Fleming, D. Hargrave, P. R. Harrison, D. S. Lockhart, R. M. Mackenzie, P. N. Moore, C. J. Pearson, C. I. R. Watson, C. E. Wilks, J. R. Wood.
THE RISE: P. N. R. Burnett, P. R. S. Fairclough, A. W. Fieldhouse, D. S. Gale, A. J. Gill, N. G. A. Morris, R. I. Moss, M. G. Pace, J. K. Park, A. W. Parker, M. A. Summers-Smith.
SCHOOL HOUSE: C. R. Argyle, R. J. Blomfield, J. S. W. Cook, P. J. Doyle, M. A. Groundwater, A. J. E. Hodges, C. E. Knowles, C. S. Martinson, C. J. Sinclair, R. Talbot-Jones, M. D. Wright, J. N. Yellowley.
TEMPLE: B. P. Amos, R. M. Anderson, J. R. Bailey, D. J. Barker, S. A. Bough, A. M. Bowie, P. S. Disney, R. G. C. Elliot, P. J. Nix, R. A. Peacock, P. F. Reeves, C. C. Russell, R. J. H. Skerrett, S. C. Sugar.
It was our very great pleasure to welcome Mr. P. M. Lanning as resident Assistant Housemaster to The Grove at the start of term. To most of us he is no stranger, and it was not long before we realised that the aroma which pervades his movements had taken on a more exotic and pungent form! Also to Mr. P. H. Bolton we extend a hearty welcome, and we hope both will enjoy our company as much as we shall enjoy theirs.
At the start of term we also welcomed the two Emsley brothers as members of the House, as well as thirteen new Grovites. G. F. Bach, A. C. Jowett, A. R. Magson and A. W. Perry were promoted to the monitorial body.
After the Senior House Rugger team had been beaten by School House (eventual winners), the Junior team gained revenge under the captaincy of R. J. Slade by defeating School House by 8 points to 6 in the final of the Junior House Rugger Cup.
A. W. Perry made a valiant effort to win the Singing Competition with a very keen but inexperienced team.
The House Play—"Harlequinade" by Terence Rattigan—was a completely new venture for the House and was a great success. Our versatile producer, C. G. Evans, and all who assisted, particularly the many Senior members of the House, are to be warmly congratulated on their splendid efforts.
Mrs. Harding has, as usual, acted as hostess to the select band of musiclovers fortnightly, and Mr. Bolton has spent some time with the "Under Fifths" Society, whose meetings unfortunately were curtailed by the Play.
The term ended with the usual round of competitions—none of which, let it be noted, were won by our esteemed Housemaster!
This term five new Monitors were appointed, namely R. L. Bruce, S. D. Ward, E. J. Wise, P. A. Wrigley and D. L. Whitfield, and we welcome eleven new Juniors.
The new extensions and alterations are now complete and a considerable part of the House was repainted during the Christmas holidays. To former members of the House the whole effect is one of transformation and the present members are appreciating to the full the central heating, the lavish changing and toilet accommodation and the new Games Room and Hobbies Room.
This was not a very successful term on the games field : the Senior XV put up a very gallant fight against Queen's after losing Brown, the captain, in the first minute of the game, whilst the Junior XV unexpectedly held The Grove until the very last minute. J. S. Atkinson, J. M. Mordue and T. H. Vickers were awarded Junior Colours. The Senior League team, however, played with great spirit to finish top with The Rise.
The House Society eventually flourished after a number of earlier abortive attempts and three meetings were held, all interesting and well attended.
We thank our leavers, Ward, Dixon, Liversidge and Elson, for all they have done for the House and wish them well in the future

Cossins, Mann, Gow and Thompson were appointed House Monitors at the end of last term. This term we welcomed 12 new faces to Queen's.
The members of the House returned to find that a number of structural alterations had taken place, and that everybody was now living on the same level. The House had all been connected, making for easier working and movement about the House; a unification of body as well as spirit had been achieved. There are, however, a few seniors who are not pulling their weight, and are affecting the spirit of the House. They must remember that a half-hearted show of support can be just as destructive as a positive refusal to co-operate. Fortunately the negative individuals are very much in the minority, and the great majority of the House give their full support to the activities of the House.
In turning to other events, the House XV acquitted itself well again, beating The Manor (magnificently) and The Rise (just) to meet our old rivals, School House, in the final again. A match with School House has always been a needle affair, which in the past Queen's always used to win, but whether the "Cup-tie" fever, which always hits the House at some time or another during the City season, spreads to the Rugger field and causes this lapse or not we don't know. Anyway, suffice to say the final was a very nerve-ridden game, which School House managed to win by an unconverted try to nil. Gow was awarded his colours.
The Junior XV surpassed all hopes we had in them, for in meeting School House it was generally agreed that they would do well to hold their opponents down to fifteen or so points. Against a comparatively
heavy scrum, with an excellently drilled front row, the House scrum played well, always trying to keep the ball on the move in the loose where the bigger opposition forwards could not use their weight. This sort of game is hard work for a light pack, however, and the eclipse of the scrum in the last five minutes of the game shows how much of a strain this was.
A series of Squash matches for the first-year boys were held, and the House beat School House and lost to The Manor. House Table Tennis enjoys an unbeaten run, and although the Singing was less successful, the House Captain was well supported by the House.
There was one meeting of Q.A.S. concerned with "Blues" singing, and this was well attended. The Scouts continue to flourish, and Hopwood is to be congratulated on becoming a Queen's Scout.
We say goodbye to Reiss, Jesper and Wheeler, and thank them for all they have done for the House. We wish them well in their future careers.
The big test for the House comes next term, however, with the Junior Long Run and Cross-country Competitions. Last year Queen's won three of the four Cups open for competition, and it remains to be seen what can be done next time. There is much confidence except in the mind of the Captain, who can already be heard murmuring about practices. Already. . .?

We returned at the beginning of term to find that Kemp, D. N. Milnes, Mitchell, J. L. Newhouse, N. G. Pace, Shaw and P. W. Shepherd were all sporting new coloured jackets, and that Kettlewell had been appointed Head of House. Eleven new Juniors also arrived and have since been tolerated. The rest of the House soon accustomed themselves to their new "years".
The House has had its share 'of representatives in the School teams, though the Rugby cups seem to have evaded us once more. Both our teams met with the same fate, losing in the semi-final—the Seniors to Queen's 5-3, and the Juniors to School House 15-0. By comparison, the League teams have excelled in no uncertain manner. We shared first place in both Senior and Junior competitions, and all who took part are to be congratulated.
We lost the Singing Cup, though it was only a single point that pushed us into 2nd place. We thank Kemp for his efforts as Director of Singing. The R.D.G. and Bible Reading Group continue to flourish.
A House Squash ladder under Shepherd's watchful eye and a Table Tennis ladder under Harding's equally watchful eye, have both been inaugurated. Whether they work or not is a doubtful question! Kettleweli won the House Knock-out Table Tennis competition.
This term we welcomed twelve new boys to the House. New monitors were Brown, Le Pla, Richardson and West. Another warm welcome goes to Miss Arton, our new matron; we wish her a long and happy stay with us.
In retrospect the term has been most successful. For the first time ever we won the House Singing Cup under the leadership of Brown. This represents a great achievement and surprised many people. The enthusiasm of all songsters was most gratifying. However, the Senior House Rugger provided the highlight of the term. For the third year in succession we succeeded in winning the Cup after some close and exciting matches. The Junior House Rugger team looked like giving us the "double" and it was most disappointing to lose the final by the two points of a conversion. Coles was an exceptionally able Captain and led a very competent team.
A strong Chess team unexpectedly fell in the first round of the Chess Competition. Table Tennis, in House and School, received a great impetus through the initiative of Shah. In the House Competition Carruthers beat Charlesworth in the final.
House Proms met regularly with the usual enthusiastic support, but it was disappointing to note that the Ecclesia had only two meetings in the whole term. One of these was a most enjoyable visit to the Minster to see the bells rung. The Junior Debating Society and Intermediates' Discussion Group have flourished.
Senior House Colours were awarded to Starkey and Lunn for their achievements in sporting activities and Junior House Colours to Hudson, Robinson, Rowbottom and Town.
We say goodbye to Holgate and Gaunt and wish them a very happy and successful future.
We hope that next term will be as lively and energetic as this one
has been.

Once again the House demonstrated its scholastic ability by keeping the Work Cup on the House shelf. This is the 14th time the House has won the cup since 1938.
Having started the term with no Assistant Housemaster, we were pleased to welcome Mr. Kirby to our midst, and we hope his stay with the House will be a long and happy one.
In the Senior Rugger luck was against us, but even the best Temple pack seen for years could not match the luck and fire of J. A. B. Carruthers, the score being one penalty goal to nil. Our thanks are here recorded to Mr. Kirby and A. L. McKay who produced an excellent team. House colours were awarded to J. T. Bradshaw, K. W. Headlam and M. E. Raine.
The Junior Rugger XV was similarly unlucky against a powerful Grove side, but the display was excellent. T. B. Ward and P. R. Hart were awarded Junior House Colours.
In the singing, despite a magnificent performance by the quartet, School House won the cup by one point. In this respect our thanks are recorded to R. Dawes, our musical director.