MAY, 1963
No. 363
OBITUARY COLONEL H. A. CAPE, D.S.O. It is with great regret that we have to record the death of Colonel H. A. Cape, D.S.O., on 21st April, 1963, in his 91st year. Although he had exceeded the normal span of life, he was very active right to the end, and his many friends and admirers are grateful that he was spared any long illness, for his abiding hope was never to become a burden on others. We have good reason to claim Colonel Cape as a close friend of the School. His counsel and advice, drawn from long experience, were always readily available and freely given, and his simple faith in our destiny was an inspiration of incalculable value. Soon after Mr. Toyne's resignation in 1936, Colonel Cape was persuaded to add to his many commitments the Bursarship of the School, and during those difficult pre-war years he did much to help to preserve valuable traditions and to maintain public confidence. After giving up this office in 1942 he continued his interest in us, and in June, 1944, was appointed to the Governing Body as a Dean and Chapter representative, an appointment which he resigned, much to our sorrow, in October, 1962. There are at least two tangible evidences of Colonel Cape's very considerable impact on the School which should be recorded and will long remain. In 1948 he presented the "Cape" Cup which inaugurated the Inter -House Singing Competition, and in 1953 it was he who designed the School Coat of Arms and organised its registration with the College of Heralds. Thus, two of his life long interests, Music and Heraldry, have found a permanent place in our School history. We remember him with pride and affection as a man of the highest integrity, who knew nothing of compromise or expediency, and we say with many others, "I am the better for the privilege of having known him". -
WALTER R. LYTH We record with great regret the death of Mr. Walter R. Lyth on 8th February, 1963. Mr. Lyth was an Old Peterite and throughout his life a strong supporter of his old School. In 1936 he was appointed a member of the Governing Body of the School and resigned from this office in March, 1961, after nearly twentyfive years' service to his School in this capacity. Mr. Lyth will be remembered by many Old Peterites, and not least by the School Governors for his wise advice on finance, particularly in the difficult days before the last war. We extend to Mrs. Lyth and the family our sincere condolences. 1