Oct 1964

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No. 367

EDITORIAL On 31st October, Dronfield House is to be officially opened by the Bishop of Durham, the Right Rev. M. H. Harland, 0.P., and it will obviously be an important day in the history of the School: a weekend holiday is being allowed for celebrations. Any Old Peterite or present member of the School will readily understand why the house has been given the Headmaster's name and this is one means of ensuring that it does not remain unknown to future generations. The purpose of a fifth boarding house is not to pack in a fifth more boarders, but to expand and improve the amenities for the existing numbers. This kind of change and evidence of adaptability tallies well with what D. G. Christopherson, the Chief Guest at the last Speech Day, had to say on the subject of survival: longevity, in an institution or a species, is entirely dependent on its ability to adapt and evolve, and the fact that an institution or species is an old-established one is proof of its living and creative qualities. Here is an example of the process in action. The future of private education is not at present clear, though there should be more certain knowledge by the time of the opening of Dronfield House. But what is clear is that this sort of expansion is only symptomatic of similar improvements and innovations being carried out in numerous other private foundations. There is no shortage of confidence and belief in the sort of education which the Public School provides.

SCHOOL NEWS MR. A. E. R. DODDS At the end of last term Mr. Dodds left us to take up his appointment as Headmaster of Ottershaw School, Surrey, and we congratulate him on his appointment to this most interesting post, which should offer full scope for his undoubted abilities. Mr. Dodds came to St. Peter's School in January, 1950, to joint the Modem Language staff, but was almost immediately recalled to National Service as a "Z Class" Reservist and despatched to the Korean Peninsula. He returned, however, with his wife after a year, and in January, 1959, was appointed Housemaster of The Manor. For the past Si years Mr. and Mrs. Dodds have given outstanding service to the House, and there is, indeed, scarcely any branch of school life in which Mr. Dodds has not been active. We are especially grateful to him for his management of the School Hockey, for his signal success as 1

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