Editor of "The Peterite" and for the many ways, both on the games fields and elsewhere, in which he has been an encouragement and inspiration to
Mr. and Mrs. Dodds have our very best wishes for their future, and it is of some comfort to us that they are still numbered among our parents and therefore will be doubly anxious to keep in touch with the School.
We had to say good-bye at the end of last term to Mr. G. D. Field and Mr. B. Pease, both of whom have left St. Peter's to take up Lectureships, and both have our very best wishes for success in this new experience. Mr. Field, who came to us in September, 1958, from Glenalmond, spent the whole of his service here as a resident and always seized every opportunity of helping in out-of-school activities. He will be specially remembered for his incursion into local politics, for his successful running of the Debating Society and for his general contributions towards the School Classics teaching. We hope he will be happy and successful as a Lecturer in Classics at Fourah Bay College, in West Africa. *
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Mr. Pease, who took over the Biology of the School in January, 1959, also identified himself with many School activities apart from his Biology, these particularly including swimming, rugger and the organisation of natural history expeditions and field work. We wish him success in his new work at Portsmouth Training College. *
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It was announced during the holidays that Mr. A. T. Howat had been appointed Master-in-Charge of St. Olave's in succession to Mr. J. S. Cooper, and Mr. Howat has now taken up this appointment. While this, of course, involves relinquishing his Senior School teaching, we shall hope
to see just as much of him as we have in the past. * * * We welcomed to the Staff this term Mr. C. P. M. Duncan, who has joined us to teach C.Iae.lics.
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Mr. F. Waine has been elected an Honorary Member of the Royal School of Church Music for the services he has rendered to Church music. *
N. G. Pace was appointed Head of the School, C. J. L. Clarke, ViceHead, and J. N. Spencer a School Monitor and Head of School House. M. H. Ibberson became Chapel Monitor, and N. Shah a School Monitor. *
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At the end of term a party from the School, organised by Mr. Field, completed the Lyke Wake Walk. A report appears later in this issue. 2