HOUSE NOTES THE GROVE The Grove started the term with Biddle appointed as Head of House, and Bennitt, Brown, Crombie, Oxley and Winn as House Monitors. We had new sleeping accommodation at No. 8 St. Peter's Grove, into Which people settled very comfortably, some even having their own private rooms. People noted with pleasure some new interior decorating in the hall and changing rooms, the various shades of blue and purple in the changing rooms being a Legacy from Stott. The number of boys in the House had decreased from sixty-four to fifty owing to several people leaving us for the luxuries of Dronfield'. We received only nine juniors, two of whom are day-boarders, who quickly settled down and became an integral part of the House. Mr. Wells and Mr. Duncan also joined the House this term as Assistant Housemasters, Mr. Wells being in charge at No. 8, and we welcome them with the hope that their stay will be happy, and thank them for the drive and enthusiasm that they have both already displayed. The •term has not been marked by any outstanding sporting conquest, though the Senior House team put up an excellent fight against Dronfield' in the House Matches, being narrowly beaten by points gained on penalties. The House improved its performance in the House Leagues this term and actually won some matches. The teams are to be congratulated on their keenness and the captains on their leadership. At the end of term Emsley and Biddle were awarded their House Colours. The House was extremely well represented in the School's production of "H.M.S. Pinafore", many fourth year boys making a valuable contribution, and Biddle playing the part of Sir Joseph Porter; also working hard to construct an impressive set were Crombie and Oxley, aided by people from the Grove. We look forward with interest to the House Play in the Easter term, something that has become traditional. We may, then, look forward to the next two terms confident that whatever may happen we have an enthusiastic and spirited House.
MANOR The House began a new era this term under the control of Mr. Bolton, with Mr. Austin as assistant housemaster. Haggie, Pickersgill and Brown became House Monitors. We had a profitable term in both the sporting and academic fields. Pickersgill is to be congratulated for his spirited efforts in producing successful rugger teams, both of which reached the semi-fmals only to be narrowly beaten. P. W. Brown and Youle were awarded their House Colours while J. R. Wood and H. L. Wood gained their Junior Colours for their efforts in these and other sporting events in the House. On the academic side we must congratulate I. L. Holmes for gaining a place at Hertford College, Oxford, and Haggie and Youle for being accepted respectively at Emmanuel and Jesus Colleges, Cambridge. In the Work Cup competition we discovered that the junior part of the House possesses a good deal of intellectual talent, being placed second overall.