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Old Peterite News

Old Peterite News


The Grove started the term with Biddle appointed as Head of House, and Bennitt, Brown, Crombie, Oxley and Winn as House Monitors. We had new sleeping accommodation at No. 8 St. Peter's Grove, into Which people settled very comfortably, some even having their own private rooms. People noted with pleasure some new interior decorating in the hall and changing rooms, the various shades of blue and purple in the changing rooms being a Legacy from Stott.

The number of boys in the House had decreased from sixty-four to fifty owing to several people leaving us for the luxuries of Dronfield'. We received only nine juniors, two of whom are day-boarders, who quickly settled down and became an integral part of the House. Mr. Wells and Mr. Duncan also joined the House this term as Assistant Housemasters, Mr. Wells being in charge at No. 8, and we welcome them with the hope that their stay will be happy, and thank them for the drive and enthusiasm that they have both already displayed.

The •term has not been marked by any outstanding sporting conquest, though the Senior House team put up an excellent fight against Dronfield' in the House Matches, being narrowly beaten by points gained on penalties. The House improved its performance in the House Leagues this term and actually won some matches. The teams are to be congratulated on their keenness and the captains on their leadership. At the end of term Emsley and Biddle were awarded their House Colours.

The House was extremely well represented in the School's production of "H.M.S. Pinafore", many fourth year boys making a valuable contribution, and Biddle playing the part of Sir Joseph Porter; also working hard to construct an impressive set were Crombie and Oxley, aided by people from the Grove. We look forward with interest to the House Play in the Easter term, something that has become traditional.

We may, then, look forward to the next two terms confident that whatever may happen we have an enthusiastic and spirited House.


The House began a new era this term under the control of Mr. Bolton, with Mr. Austin as assistant housemaster. Haggie, Pickersgill and Brown became House Monitors.

We had a profitable term in both the sporting and academic fields. Pickersgill is to be congratulated for his spirited efforts in producing successful rugger teams, both of which reached the semi-fmals only to be narrowly beaten. P. W. Brown and Youle were awarded their House Colours while J. R. Wood and H. L. Wood gained their Junior Colours for their efforts in these and other sporting events in the House. On the academic side we must congratulate I. L. Holmes for gaining a place at Hertford College, Oxford, and Haggie and Youle for being accepted respectively at Emmanuel and Jesus Colleges, Cambridge. In the Work Cup competition we discovered that the junior part of the House possesses a good deal of intellectual talent, being placed second overall.


Activities in the House itself ran smoothly and were well supported. The House Society, now run by Haggie, met to hear Mr. Austin talk on a historical topic, and also had their first venture to the outside, a visit to the Theatre Royal to see "The Bed Sitting-Room". The House Games competitions produced a rush of would-be champions, the whole being handled and organised very efficiently by Tomlinson.

Finally, this teen we welcome a visitor "from the other side". Steve Howard, from Loomis School, Connecticut, is gaining experience of England from our School, and we wish him a very profitable and enjoyable year.


At the beginning of a new school year fifteen new boys and Benn from The Rise joined us, bringing our numbers to sixty-eight. C. E. M. Atkinson took over as Head of the House, with G. W. Cloughton as an additional School Monitor. Birch, Burnell and Senior were appointed House Monitors and shortly afterwards Clayton and Shannon further increased the monitorial body to eight. Other alterations included the interchanging of the Senior and Junior common rooms, which has proved of benefit to all concerned, and the acquisition of various modern prints.

The Work Cup was our first success, being the culmination of all last year's hard work in the form room and examinations. This put the House in good heart and it was no surprise when our Senior and Junior Rugger teams reached the finals in their respective competitions, playing Dronfield House on both occasions. We were unlucky to lose in the Senior final by 11-6 and the Junior by 14-0 after two hard struggles. In both matches our teams played with skill and determination and were a credit to the House. In the House Leagues, also, we have had a good season, and we managed to win the Junior Leagues convincingly.

Our many and varied House societies continue to flourish successfully under the guidance of the Cultural Committee, and the progress of the Junior Debating Society was marked by the formation of a sub-committee of seven, which has drawn up a constitution and arranged our first interhouse debate.

Scholastically we •have been successful also, with D. A. Burnell gaining an Exhibition in Maths. at Trinity Hall, Cambridge—we hope this will be the first of many at this and other universities during the course of the Year.

C. A. Wood scored a 'fine personal success by winning the Yorkshire Junior Fencing Championship and he, together with our other fencers, make our prospects for next term's fencing competition very bright indeed.

We were well represented in the School Play, both in •the cast and the orchestra, and this will have given some of our actors great experience for the future.

Another edition of Royal Purple, our biggest yet, has emerged, thanks to the voluntary contributions and efforts of many members of the House.

C. E. M. Atkinson, J. W. Hey, M. Shannon and B. J. Atkinson are all leaving this term and we thank them for all they have done and wish them all they wish themselves for their future. 9

Risites came back at the beginning of term to find, not unnaturally, that several new appointments had been made. J. A. Eatough succeeded N. G. Pace as Head of House, and T. J. Newhouse, R. D. Harding, F. R. G. Hutchinson, S. Croft-Baker and J. N. J. Grisdale joined R. W. C. Clegg as House Monitors. As a result of the newly opened Dronfield House, numbers have become slightly diminished, although the new complement of juniors, twelve in all, is larger than usual.

Although neither of the House Rugger teams in fact succeeded in winning a cup, •this was certainly not through lack of effort. S. CroftBaker, the Captain, had both teams on frequent runs and training sessions in an effort to replace the undeniable lack of talent in the House by fitness. But, nevertheless, both teams were well beaten in their first encounters with other houses. The Senior team lost 11-50 to the powerful Dronfield House team, the eventual winners, whilst the Junior team lost rather disappointingly to Queen's. The two House League teams, nevertheless, met with a certain amount of success, particularly the Senior under F. R. G. Hutchinson. One particularly pleasing aspect of the matches was the unrivalled support for the two teams from other members of the House. For their efforts on the rugger field and in many other House activities, R. D. Harding, S. Croft-Baker, and F. R. G. Hutchinson were awarded !Senior House Colours, whilst M. J. Wright was awarded Junior House Colours.

The Rise Society continued to flourish; during the term two meetings were held, the first in order to elect new committee members and additional members, the second when the chaplain addressed the Society. The Society also arranged House singing under the direction of J. R. W. Thirlwell.

The Games Room, this year under the chairmanship of J. R. Tilley continued, as in previous terms, to be a tremendous asset in the House. Billiards and Table Tennis were played regularly by the majority of Risites, Tilley successfully organising a Table Tennis competition. Guitarists too began to frequent the room, thus providing a further medium of enjoyment and entertainment.

The House was well represented in the School performance of `11.M.S. Pinafore", with J. R. W. Thirlwell playing one of the leading roles. It has been decided that next term the House will undertake the production of a play under the direction of Thirlwell and Mr. Nixon.

Approximately half-way through the term Mrs. Daley said goodbye to the House after sixteen years of loyal service. In recognition of the invaluable work which she performed so cheerfully the House presented her with an engraved stainless steel tray. We welcome Mrs. Charlton to the House and hope her stay will be as long and happy as that of her predecessor.

To the leavers, J. N. J. Grisdale and A. M. Hedley, we wish all the best for the future and thank them for •the many different ways in which they have contributed to the success of the House.



The House returned this term to welcome Mr. Craine as Housemaster with Mr. Williams as his assistant. With only 47 boys we are now the smallest house in the School. The transfer to Dronfield of over 20 boys has seriously reduced the sporting talents of the house but it has enabled all the House to be under one roof. With the smaller numbers it has been possible to provide a games room, the old junior middle common room. This has been decorated and contains a table tennis table and dartboard. All the Senior studies have been painted and each common room and study has its own notice board.

There is little to report in the rugger world, both teams losing in the preliminary rounds. Several boys took part in "H.M.S. Pinafore", the juniors as sisters, cousins or aunts, and the Senior boys as sailors, with Fear in charge of the Properties. Talbot-Jones and Goodwill were official photographers for the play. With several other keen photographers in the House, the idea of a Cine Society has been suggested. It is hoped that time can be found to make our own production complete with sound track. To obtain experience in using a cine camera each group has been asked to make a short commercial advertising film.


We're open at last! Although our first term could have been expected

to be difficult, hopes of chaos were soon dashed, for everyone settled down


The normal activities of the Christmas term do not show great variety, and are usually weather-dominated—still we feel we have had a successful as well as a happy term. The first event of term was the opening of the

House by the Bishop of Durham—followed by a half term holiday. Since

Dronfield House was responsible for this latter we enjoyed a transient popularity in the School. After our official opening we celebrated by

winning both Senior and Junior Rugger cups. In doing so the Senior team scored 73 points to 23, the Junior team 76 points to nil. As a result of these competitions M. V. Smith was awarded his House Colours and A. S. Medlycott, S. C. Martinson and P. J. Doyle received their Junior Colours. M. Donnelly is also to be congratulated on the award of the only 'School Rugger Cap. Both House teams would like to •thank Mr. and Mrs. Coulthard once again for entertaining them so hospitably at the end of their struggles.

The House Leagues are to be commended for their effort and hard

work; they faced the disadvantage of limited personnel but still won as

many matches as they lost.

In the 'School 'Play A. T. W. Sproulle played a leading part and

several members of the House appeared in supporting roles. This is a good omen for the House Play which we intend to produce next term.

Now that the fuss about us is almost over, we can say that the House

is a successful venture and we hope it will continue to be so for many


M. V. 'Smith alone is leaving •this term. We wish 'him well in the future and hope to see •him again from time to time. We should like to thank him for giving the House such a magnificent start and for the

example he has set us academically—he has been awarded an Exhibition in Sciences at Peterhouse, Cambridge—and on the rugger field as House Rugger Captain.

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