C. D. Hamilton-Williams. 1954-65. L.VI CDE. "0" Level (7); "A" Level (Art, Maths for Science, Physics). House Athletics, House Shooting. C.C.F. L/Sgt. Signals Section. Treasurer of Photographic Society. House Monitor. P. A. Horsman. 1959-65. V. Mod. "0" Level (4). 2nd XV Rugger 1964 (Colours). School Swimming Team. Quantity Surveying. 29 Windmill Lane, Hull Road, York. J. H. Russell. 1955-65. U.VI. C. "0" Level (II); "A" Level (Maths (Dist.) and Higher Maths (Dist.), Physics). 1st VI Tennis 1963-4-5 (capt.), School Chess 1960-64. House Tennis (capt.), Cricket, Rugger, Squash, Chess (capt.), Swimming. House and Minor Sports Colours. C.C.F. Cpl. R.E.M.E. Section. Cert. A Part I and II. Games Committee. Library Monitor. House Monitor. Nottingham University (Mathematics/Economics). Birchinlee, Strensall, York. A. C. Ryan. 1956-65. L.VI.B. "0" Level (7). 1st VIII (Cox) Colours. House XV. House XI. Senior House Colours. House Monitor. J. R. Stapleton. 1955-65. U.VI. "0" Level (9).; "A" Level (Physics (Dist.), Chemistry (Dist.), Maths for Science (Dist.), Maths). Scout Group Quartermaster. House Representative Senior Science Society. House Monitor. St. Andrew's University (Maths). Oriel Lodge, Easingwold, York. P. M. Thomson. 1957-65. IV.Mod. Further Education. 145 Mount Vale, York. D. W. Tidy. 196o-65. L.VI. C. "0" Level (io); "A" Level (Maths, Higher Maths, Physics (Dist.). 1st VIII .22 Shooting. 1st VIII .303 Shooting. House Cricket, Rugger, Squash. C.C.F. L/Sgt. R.E.M.E. Section. House Monitor. Imperial College, London. B. J. Watson. 1955-65. L.VI. D. "0" Level (8); "A" Level (Maths for Science, Physics, Chemistry). House Fencing. C.C.F. Corporal, Army Section. 3 Barrett Avenue, Holgate, York.
HOUSE NOTES DRONFIELD HOUSE The House welcomed two newcomers this term—Leake, who joined us from Temple, and Muller, who came from Germany for the term. The Senior Cricket team managed to reach the final but, with no bowling, could not contain The Grove. The Juniors reached the semifinal but once again The Grove were our vanquishers. The House is not musical but we must thank Carr, Doyle and Little for representing us in the Inter-House Competition. We hope to be represented by the bagpipes in next year's Baird Cup. The House Tennis team also met with little success on its first outing and it is to be hoped that more interest will be shown next summer. Both crews were successful in the House Boating; the VIII beating Queen's by a canvas after an epic battle, and the IV winning all their races very convincingly. The winning of these clinched our gaining the Oxford Cup. This was further confirmed when the Kazerooni Cup was won on the final day of term. Above is an outline of our sporting successes, but these alone are minimal compared with the spirit which pervades the House and the enjoyment we have all shared in the first year. We look forward to the future, confident and ebullient. 23