No. 371
OBITUARY It is with great regret that we have to record the death of Dr. Edward S. Vergette, on 13th December, 1965. He had been our School Doctor for the past nine years, and no School could have had a more assiduous and attentive doctor. Many were the occasions when he would come at a moment's notice to make certain, often in the most trivial cases, that a boy was having the right attention and nursing, and the frequency of his visits showed his concern for anyone who was in his hands. He was the ideal family doctor to us all, and a familiar figure we shall miss. A 1st XV Rugger and 1st XI Cricket match would have seemed strange without him, and indeed his interest in the well-being of the School was one of the dominant features of the past nine years. He was proud of St. Peter's and of his connection with it. Edward Vergette was direct and fearless—dogmatic when certain of his ground—not slow to seek advice (a second opinion) when he felt it might help him to help his patient. His memory will fade, but his example will not have been lost on those who worked with him. We are richer for having known him, and the poorer at his departing. We extend our deepest sympathies to Mrs. Vergette in her bereavement.
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A Memorial Service for Dr. Vergette was held in the School Chapel, on Saturday, 29th January. The Headmaster gave a short address.