Oct 1966

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No. 373

EDITORIAL Mr. Hill, in his address on Speech Day, called for more of the spirit of rebellion and argument. He invited us to criticise and question the world around us. Certainly, without rebellion and disagreement there can be no progress. This is true of any society, at any time. Unthinking acceptance of the world as we find it can produce only stagnation and apathy. There is always scope for change and development, modification and improvement. Abraham Lincoln and William Wilberforce in the sphere of politics, Stravinsky and Berg in music, the Wright brothers and Rutherford in the sciences—all were inclined to question established theories and beliefs. All, however, rebelled intelligently and thoughtfully. Blind revolt as an end in itself is not progressive, but retrograde: it proves only the foolishness and selfishness of the rebel. Nothing is so sacred or established that it cannot bear questioning and probing, but no reassurance or enlightenment can result when the mind is made up at the outset. Bigotry is not an improvement on gullibility.

SCHOOL NOTES At the end of the Summer Term Mr. E. K. Robinson retired after many years' service, and Mr. T. H. V. Williams moved on to fresh fields in the South of England. We thank them for their many and varied contributions to the School, and wish them well in the future. On 6th May a party from Transitus visited the I.C.I. works at Billingham and spent an interesting and instructive day there. On 14th May a party from Felsted School, Essex, joined some Peterites on a survey of some geographical features of this region. The footbridge over Clifton was opened to the School on 24th May. It was soon discovered that the bridge provided not only a safer crossing but usually a quicker one too. At the end of May the School welcomed Dr. Bullock for a few days' visit to study aspects of boarding-school education. His findings will eventually be made known in a report being prepared by Dr. Royston Lambert, in Cambridge. The annual C.C.F. inspection on June 14th passed off well. The inspecting officer, Captain Watson, R.N., complimented the contingent on its display.

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