No. 374
EDITORIAL The main purpose of this magazine is, and always must be, to report news. This news will be in part the happenings at St. Peter's and in part the activities of Old Peterites. This magazine acts as a news-letter with a wide circulation and as a regular addition to the archives of the school, so that at any time ready reference may be made to it. But is the mere recording of facts and statistics enough? The opinions and ideas of successive generations of Peterites are, after all, just as much part of the fabric of life here as are the events and ought, therefore, to be recorded. The excellent contribution to cultural expression made by Oasis has a limited readership, especially among Old Peterites. There would appear to be no reason why the two publications should not be complementary. This magazine, like all others, is at the mercy of its readers, and there can be no broadening of its scope without contributions from them. Letters to the Editor, of complaint or accord, will be most welcome. A selection will be published. Pieces of imaginative writing and expressions of opinion will also find a place. In this way, the magazine will be a record, not just of what Peterites have done, but of what they have thought.
SCHOOL NOTES At the beginning of term we welcomed Mr. R. J. Bulcock to teach English, Mr. J. P. Rigby to teach Economics, History and English and Mr. P. G. Wise to teach Physics. We wish them a long and pleasant stay at St. Peter's.
Mr. Mair was away on Sabbatical Leave this term and we are most grateful to Mrs. Wilks for filling his shoes so successfully. 1