5 minute read
List Of Contributors
from Oct 1968
by StPetersYork
No doubt some went away a little the wiser for having understood better the values of our School in a wider sense—of wide activity and inventiveness and the role of responsibility in an increasingly permissive society. And that, like the company and conviviality, was all to the good.
The Headmaster, P. D. R. Gardiner Esq., K. G. Coulthard Esq., P. G. Croft Esq., D. G. Cummin Esq., R. F. Harding Esq., D. Kirby (o.P.), D. S. Mair Esq., J. Maw Esq., P. Power Esq., L. C. Le Tocq Esq., T. H. V. Williams Esq. (ex Staff), A. P. Beckingham, M. T. Bennett, P. R. H. Black- , ford, J. P. Gee, F. T. Gooder, M. G. B. Hepworth, R. F. Hornby, R. A. Howat, H. E. D. Little, T. P. Littlefield, C. J. McFee, A. C. Marson, K. Morris, J. S. Nixon, A. H. Powell, J. C. Richardson, K. J. Sargeant, P. J. Shannon, P. T. Summers, I. D. C. Summers, P. D. Wilson, C. A. Wood.
Editor: C. P. M. Duncan Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Harding retired from the Grove in July after 20 years , there. (R. F. H. very much hopes that he has succeeded in thanking personally every ex-Grovite who contributed "so heart-warmingly" to their present.) They are succeeded by Mr. and Mrs. Nixon. * * *
Mr. Pemberton comes from St. Olave's to take over the Directorship of Music from Mr. Waine, who left in July to be Warden of Addington Hall at the Royal School of Church Music. F. WAINE, M.A., BMUS., F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. "Many will think back with delight to Freddie's selected recordings of musical extracts from a career of 23 years at 'St. Peter's played on the afternoon of Speech Day. They included the schoolboy treble of a now nationally known baritone and his own transcription of Bach for guitar. It has been his chief attribute that his attitude to music has at all times been so sincere and so unequivocal that he enthused many whose musical gifts had lain in obscurity. "After a one-day appearance in 1939 as newly appointed musical director, he was spirited away by the War and only able to take up his position in the School at its close. There was an immediate response in the entire vocal side of the School's music, in choir, chorus and congregation. If instrumental ensembles were robbed of their full strength by the difficulties of rehearsal time, his individual pupils on piano and organ have achieved often enough exceptional distinction. 'He was possessed of warmth and good humour, and a fine intellect which was as evident in the meticulous presentation of a good story as it was in his ability to organise with calm the diverse elements of a big production. He was influential too, in the musical climate of York, responsible for the coming and going 2
Of York musicians within our precincts. It was a great joy to him to have so successfully helped to integrate the music of this with other schools in the City. "His wife, Beryl, is inseparable from our memory of him. They take to the R.S.C.M. that impeccable taste and musical distinction with which we knew them here."

Mr. Dixon left in July to take up a teaching appointment in Canada. How well he would have figured in a 'Schoolmaster in the house" film! Oily under a car, lisping through a freshly rugger-battered tooth (chronic 3
affliction), deerstalker-capped man about town; sometimes so brash you'd never have guessed the extent of his understanding of boys, specially the problem ones, or his deep involvement with his teaching. These make for a rich personality and Montreal is the gainer.
Mr. Wise married at the end of July. He and his wife will be living in Flaxton.
Mrs. Heddle left in July. The Modern Languages department is indebted to her for her support this past year.
Fourth-formers A. N. Lawrence and C. J. Clark had poems ("Hands" and "The Horseshoe") broadcast by the B.B.C. in term. * * *
The St. Peter's contribution to the cycle of plays 'performed in York Minster in aid of the Appeal was written by boys in Transitus, directed by Mr. Bolton, and acted by Transitus and the Fourth Form combined. It proved to be a vigorous account of the saving of the Minster glass by Sir Thomas Fairfax.
* * *
The announcement that Mr. Bolton has been appointed headmaster of the City of Bath School, to take up the appointment in January next year, brings another admixture of regret and congratulation. Mr. Shuttleworth will suceed him as housemaster of the Manor. * * *

J. C. Richardson's outstanding performances in Yorkshire and national teams over the summer holidays have won great credit. A summary will be 'found in the Cricket notes.
In the Danish National Trapeze Class Championships J. D. B. Hargreaves sailed into 3rd place (out of 75 entrants) on overall points. * * *
D. M. Jackson and C. H. Noble have achieved the Gold Award of the Duke of Edinburgh scheme.
* * *
Individual results from Bisley, where the School won the Marling, were: 21st out of 1,480 entries, M. E. Bailey; 4th and 15th respectively out of 1,568 entries, L. M. Creer and J. H. Bavister. The trophies were the "Iveagh" and the "Wellington".
This July, for the first time, the VIII visited Henley. They went out early but have set a precedent which should lead to greater success later. The visit was largely made possible by the fact that "0" and "A" Levels fell earlier this year.
Eighteen years' guardianship of the keys of St. Peter, to say nothing an ubiquitous and colourful personality, leave us this October in the n of Mr. Shallcross. "The Peterite" wishes his wife and him robust and happiness in their new home.