6 minute read
A Welcome to The Hon. D. C. S. Montagu
from Oct 1968
by StPetersYork
Warden of the Royal School of Church Music in Addington. I need hardly say how much we shall miss the sprightly presence of this musical perfectionist, and we wish him and Beryl Waine the utmost happiness in their new home.
Mr. Dixon, one of our physicists, is leaving to teach in Canada—it is sad to say goodbye to a teacher of such ebullience. I know the Canadians will find him a "Great !" as we have at St. Peter's.
Mr. Harding, after 20 years in the Grove, retires as Housemaster and Mr. Nixon takes over; it would be impertinent for me to say what a good housemaster Mr. Harding has been, but many of you know how much he and Mrs. Harding have devoted themselves to the welfare and growth of boys in the Grove. I myself will miss them as the kindliest and most hospitable of neighbours. But of course Mr. Harding, though he will be living out in Bulmer, will still be running our sports as a full member of the Common Room.
Another goodbye—to Mr. Shallcross, our Head Porter. For 18 years he has acted as guardian of the premises, expert on the School minibuses and general settler of the crises which suddenly strike unpredictably. We wish him and Mrs. Shallcross the very best of luck in their retirement.
Let me end by saying this—my distinguished predecessor bequeathed a school that was buoyant and full; for the next few years there is likely to be a large and talented entry from St. Olave's, where so much forwardlooking teaching and varied activity goes on. With your continuing enthusiasm, this ancient School of ours, so far from being caught unaware by the future, will in fact take that future by the scruff of the neck.
Salvete omnes,
Tribus annis prioribus, tres viros, illustrissimum quemque et clarissimum in rebus litterarum et domi et externis, ad hanc contionem salutavimus. Quis non lam recordatur quanta cum eloquentia nosier Vice Cancellarius iuvenum mores laudaverit, quam liberaliter nobis indulserit alumnus nosier, Collegii 'Balliolensis magister, denique qualis fuerit splendor et doctrina Archiepiscopo nostro? Quid loqui in animo habet nobis praesens hospes?— Id est quod mihi animum maxime excitet. Nam, ut ita dicam, sunt ventri meo quoque papiliones ! Itaque ad finem verborum festinabo.—Nobisne sermonem habebit ipse de vita sua? Olim se linguae Anglicae apud Universitatem Cantabrigiensem tam acriter studere ut gradum primum attigerit in Tripodis examinationibus; quod super spes ultimas tantopere excedere ut in Americas ,paene se ante transtulerit, quam hic fuerit mos cuique doctissimo solitus ! Sed quod Americanis est damni, fructus nobis. Fortasse nobis in aurem susurrabit quis hodie paimam primo victurus sit in ludis circenibus ad Eboracum. Nam temporibus prioribus iuvenem nonnumquam Forum Novum vistavisse; quod ut credam ab amico eius quodam adductus sum, qui haud milia centum abest, ut fama fert, ex eodem fonte apud Montem Carlonem quotiens mensam plurimam quasi verrisse! De negotiatoribus haud dubie nihil aliud exspectandum est, qui se praebeant velut per lineam callidam Faunis Helvetiis studiosos.
Facetias dimittamus. Si adhuc sunt qui plura cognoscere velint de vita hospitis nostri, licet consulere Librum Quis est Qui adscriptum.
Nam omnes ad unum nos benigne eum salutamus, et gratias ei summas agimus, quod hodie contionem nostram sua praesentia illustrare vult. 12
Prizes were given away by the Hon. D. C. S. Montagu from a platform devoid of its usual civic representatives. He had earlier been welcomed with traditional Latinity by A. ,Scaile. His words blew through the webs of traditional speech day speechiness like a wind in the face; but then his was a new angle, that of a highly successful career in banking. One by one he knocked the idols of our age: the Baal of Equality, the rearing of children as "export apprentices". Anger, Sex, Antipathy came under heavy fire; bloated bodies ("expanded to fill the vacant columns") on the sacrificial
altar of the great god News. Permissiveness was the Goddess, the embodiment of that "forbidden to forbid" which we know so well. "Cry havoc and let loose the purple hearts," shrieked her devotees.
If this was a highly amusing piece of moral skittles, it was helpful to hear the message reiterated that the old form of discipline might still live with the new forms of creativity. This was where the public school came in. By creating wide opportunities and by (all-importantly) opening wide its doors, it might lay the bases of success in the business (as in other) worlds through loyalty, integrity and (thank goodness he had the nerve to say it) love of Jesus.

A. G. Bird ... Exhibition in Natural Science at St. Catharine's College, Cambridge. A. M. Bowie Exhibition in Classics at Emmanuel College, Cambridge. R. W. J. Dingwall Exhibition in Modern Subjects at St. Johns' College, Cambridge. P. T. Summers Exhibition in Engineering at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.
Scholarship to the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst
M. G. V. Stephenson
The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
R. A. Howat Distinction in Grade VIII and entrance into Guildhall School of Music.
G.C.E., JULY, 1967
"A" and "AS" Levels : 63 candidates took i 68 subjects with results as follows:— z2 Distinctions, 112 Passes, 33 Lower Passes, II Failures.
Of the 63 candidates, 27 were on the Arts side and 36 on the Mathematics and Science side.
The Distinctions were divided among subjects thus:- 1 Latin; z Greek; 3 French; 2 Art; I History; i Maths. for Science; 2 Physics; Chemistry.
In the "Special" Papers 3 Distinctions and 12 Merits were gained. "0" Levels :
There were 89 candidates from the Vth Forms.
Examination Results
The following successes were achieved at Advanced Level:— Harding, G. W.—French, English. Hodgson, A. W.—Latin, Greek Ancient History (A) English (A2). Kirk, A. L.—Latin, English (A2), History. Lund, J. R.—Latin, Greek Ancient History (A). Richardson, J. C.—Latin, French. Russell, Q. R. D.—Ancient History, English, Geography, Art. Scaife, A.—Latin, Greek Ancient History (A). Baby, M. P.—Art, Biology. Bennett, M. T.—English, History. Blackford, P. R. H.—English, Economics, Pure Maths. Bowen, M. K.—English, History, Economic & Political Studies. Brown, D. H.—Art. Davies, R. F.—French (A2), German, English (A). Day, T. M.—English Dickinson, J. E.—Biology. Fairclough, J. W. P.—English (A2), Economics & Political Studies, Maths with Statistics. Ferguson, M. J.—History. Howat, R. A.—History, Economic & Political Studies Music. Jenkins, D. 0.—Economic & Political Studies, Maths. Kemp, J. R.—French, German. Lack, B.—English, History, Economic & Political Studies. Little, H. E. D.—French, English, History. Mcllroy, R. I. D.—Geography, Economics. Mitchell, P. G.—English. Morris, K.—Pure Maths, Applied Maths. Pace, P. G.—Art, Biology. Palliser, J. R.—History, Geography, Economic & Political Studies. Pease, J. A.—French, English. Scott, A. G.—French, English. Stansfield, R. R.—Art. Stewart, G. A. W.—English, Economic & Political Studies. Stokes, M. R.—French, English (A), History (At). Thompson, B.—Mathematics (A), Physics (As), Chemistry (A). Thompson, G.—English. Turner, P. H. N.—Art. Wagstaff, S.—English. Wilson, P. D.—Music, Art (A). Winterbottom, D. R.—Maths Physics. Wright, R. M. A.—English, History. Zissler, P. V.—Geography, Biology. Fairhurst, G. M.—Maths, Physics. Jervis, A. L.—Pure Maths, Applied Maths, Physics. Nutter, J.—Pure Maths (A2), Applied Maths (Az), Physics (A). Warren, R. A. de B.—Pure Maths, Applied Maths, Physics (At). Donaldson I. S.—Physics, Chemistry, Biology (A). Doyle, D. J.—Maths, Physics, Chemistry. Fisher, M. J. H.—Chemistry, Biology Gilbert, M. C.—Maths, Physics, Chemistry. Hoad, J. G.—Maths (A2), Physics. Johnson, R. S.—Maths (A), Physics, Chemistry (As). Jones, C. R.—Biology. Marson, A. C.—Physics. Pinder, M. B.—Maths, Physics, Chemistry. Pugh, B. D.—Maths, (A) Physics (A). Scaife, P.—Maths, Physics, Chemistry. Shannon, P. J.—Maths, Physics, Chemistry. 14