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House Notes
from June 1969
by StPetersYork
In the Christmas term Mr. R. H. Hubbard joined us as Assistant Housemaster. R. S. Johnson was appointed Head of House, with T. M. Day an additional School Monitor. I. A. Blomfield, S. R. Buckman, D. J. Moss, J. A. Pease and A. H. Powell were appointed House Monitors. J. P. Gee was also made a House Monitor later in the term.
In the rugger House matches fortune did not favour the House. The Junior team was beaten by a strong Queen's team, the eventual winners. In the Senior competition, the captain, D. J. Moss, could only play at half-pace due to a leg injury. Without Moss's placekicking, the team lost an extremely exciting match with School House, 8-9. Both House league teams scored several victories, but neither was outstanding.
In the inter-House basketball competition, once again injuries limited the team's performance. In the Senior event, the House lost 4-9 to the eventual winners, School House.
On the penultimate Sunday of term a House Carols evening was held. T. M. Day and A. H. Powell organised a most successful evening. Mrs. Coulthard kindly provided hot drinks for the participants.
A considerable number of boys helped to produce the School plays. A. H. Powell, R. J. Brockbank and G. A. Hunt who acted, and I. A. Blomfield, the stage manager, and J. P. Gee, the set and programme designer, all deserve special mention.
At the end of the Christmas term Johnson and Pease left and I. A. Blomfield became Head of House with D. J. Moss as an additional School Monitor.
At the beginning of the Easter term we welcomed R. A. Stephenson into our Junior year and Sami Eid as a second year Senior.
Although our cross-country teams were not victorious, M. S. Bidgood deserves special mention for winning the Junior event.
In athletics standards all members of the house excelled themselves to the full and as a result of this we were well in front when the competition was unfortunately abandoned. However, in the indoor competitions which were provided because of the cancelling of the athletics, the Junior section of the House acquitted themselves well in the mini-swimming sports while the Seniors reached the final of the volley ball competition to be beaten by The Grove.
This term saw the third Dronfield House play, The Mayor of Lower Thrustlethwait. Many members of the House contributed to this successful event both behind and on stage. Our producer, A. H. Powell, and leading performers H. H. S. Kaye, J. D. Willis and C. J. Watson all deserve special mention. Many thanks to Mrs. Coulthard, Mrs. Hall and Mr. Hubbard for their expert assistance behind the scenes.
R.S.J. and I.A.B.
Mr. Nixon took over from Mr. Harding as Housemaster of The Grove, and we would like to give him and Mrs. Nixon our best wishes, while thanking Mr. and Mrs. Harding for all they have done for us. Mr. 7
Bulcock and Mr. Hirst remained as assistant Housemasters. The House was allowed to run much as before during the Christmas term, although one significant change was the formation of a Grove House Committee. Each year is represented on this Committee by two of its members, so that each member of the House can express his personal opinions on any subject related to the life of the House. The House worked up a fine spirit for the rugby house matches and both teams were indebted to the enthusiasm of Mr. Hirst in training them. Both Senior and Junior sides won through the first round with resounding victories, each time against Temple. The Junior team narrowly lost to School House in the semifinals, matching their opponents in the forwards but not possessing School's thrust in the three-quarters. The Senior team was defeated even more narrowly in the semi-finals, losing 12-9 to Queen's. Even taking into account the naturally prejudiced nature of this report, we were decidedly unlucky. Two tries for and three penalty goals against, all from easy kicking positions, reflect the unluckiness of our defeat.
Feature of the Easter term, which was almost completely ruined from the games point of view, was the achievement of the Junior long-run team. Shrugging aside the considerable handicap of running without two of their most proficient performers, Parker and Storie, they nevertheless won the team event comfortably. Particularly fine performances were recorded by Dempsey (D. M.), Kerruish, Stephenson, who all finished in the first ten and received their House zephyrs, and Warnock (G. A. R.). The team effort was almost capped by Dempsey winning the individual award, but after holding a commanding lead at one stage he was eventually overhauled near the finish by Bidgood. A few weeks earlier the Senior team had finished a predictable fourth in the Senior cross-country. The chess team's commendable performance in reaching the final of the chess competition, in which they lost to a strong Queen's team, together with the performance of the Junior long-run team, augurs well for the future, since Juniors figured prominently in both. The success of the chess team was largely due to the encouragement and guidance of David Jenkins.
Apart from games, the highlight of the term was a visit from the Franciscan friar, Brother Damian. All those who listened and spoke to him found him to be a friendly and sincere person. I think we were made aware that a life such as his, far from escaping the realities of life, comes into contact with the harsher of those realities. Towards the end of the term the monitorial body was strengthened by the appointment of Derek Brown.

The last two terms have seen many changes. Foremost among these was the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Bolton and their family after more than four years in the House. We thank them for all they have done for the House and wish Mr. Bolton every success in his new position. Taking over from them we welcome Mr. and Mrs. Shuttleworth and family, and we wish them every happiness in The Manor. Mr. Wise left us at the end of the Summer term and Mr. Depledge joined us in his place.
Success in the House has come about in many varied ways these last two terms. Although putting up a spirited display, the Senior House rugger team lost 6-13 to Queen's, the Junior teams also going down to 8
Queen's in the semi-finals. Dean, Les, Rennie and Bowler were awarded Junior House Colours. The Junior part of the House accounted well for themselves in winning the Junior House chess competition, captained by A. D. A. Smith. The greatest achievement of the term was undoubtedly in winning the Work Cup, the Junior part of the House leading the points in their division, the Seniors being second in theirs. At the end of term A. Holmes, R. F. Cawood and P. Holmes were awarded Senior House Colours.
The Easter term saw several notable achievements. A. C. Dunn became the first Manorite for many years to win the individual crosscountry cup (he was awarded his Senior House Colours); the House were runners up overall. The Junior team was less successful but showed promise for next year. J. A. L. Whittaker is to be 'congratulated on leading the House shooting team in retaining the shooting cup. Under P. Holmes, the House team, containing three of the School 1st V, beat Temple in the final of the inter-House squash competition. Lastly, J. P. Moffatt was awarded his House colours and is to be congratulated on his excellent production of the House play—Doctor Faustus.
The Christmas term proved to be one of the most successful terms the House has had for a long time. Both the Senior and Junior teams reached the finals of the Rugby competitions. The Seniors finally lost 3 points to 6 points in a close game with School House. Gration's kicking was one of the outstanding features of the competition; he scored more than two thirds of the team's points. The Juniors retained their trophy with some brilliant rugby, scoring a total of 98 points without conceding any. These successes were perhaps predictable, because we were well represented in all the School teams.
The other main feature of the term was the basketball programme. All four teams reached their respective finals, the Seniors and Juniors winning one trophy each and coming second in the other two finals.
At end of term Mr. Burbridge left, after only three years as House Master, to take up a post further south. We wish him every happiness in his new position.
At the beginning of the Easter Term we welcomed Mr. Kirby as our new House Master, but that was about all we could look forward to that term. After three or four weeks, the whole of the hockey programme, except the first two games, had to be cancelled. The Athletics, too, succumbed to the weather, and this was one activity in which we would no doubt have excelled.
The two Cross-Countries did take place. In the Senior event the House finished fourth, with Walker putting up an excellent performance to come fourth. The Juniors came fifth overall, Sherriff being our outstanding runner.
We finished the term on a high note, retaining both the Chess and Fencing cups. Judging by these past successes we can look forward to the Summer term with enthusiasm.

At the beginning of the Christmas term we welcomed Mr. Pullin as assistant House Master. We hope that he enjoys his stay with us and offer congratulations for his marriage early in December.
On the Rugby field there was no lack of enthusiasm, but no gain of silverware was effected. The Junior House team, under the captaincy of I. D. Raley, especially deserves mention for its spirited performance against a strong Manor team. C. D. McAinsh and I. D. Raley were awarded their Senior and Junior House colours respectively for activities in this and other spheres.
The Junior House league team, too, did exceptionally well, under M. S. L. Bradley, scoring 221 points for and sustaining only 43 against. The Senior Basket-ball team- won the plate competition.
Once again during the Christmas term a House Concert was organised by C. H. Noble with ten widely ranging performances and this is fast becoming a regular institution, reflecting a keen interest in public entertainment, borne out by the fact that 10 people, largely from the second floor, represented the House in the School Festival of Music and Drama.
The Easter Term started in a promising way, but quickly deteriorated when the bad weather took a hand. The highlight of the term, from the House's point of view was the success of the Senior Cross-Country team. This was the first time for over ten years that the plate had been won by The Rise and, although the effort was essentially a team one, individual commendation must be given to R. M. E. Raley, the Captain, who came third. With this success having been achieved, hopes ran high for the Athletics sports, but these were unfortunately cancelled.
We therefore look forward to next term when we hope to put up a strong challenge in the Cricket competition.

A. L. Jervis was appointed Head of House in September to be succeeded by J. R. Williamson in January. We welcomed an American E.S.U. Student, Paul Kane, and 11 Juniors.
After an interval of five years the House has been successful on the Rugby field. The Junior House team reached the final, losing quite heavily to Queen's. The Senior team had an easy first round match, but won an exciting semi-final against Dronfield. Against the favourites. Queen's -in the final, we played above expectations and won 6-3. In the Rugger leagues both Senior and Junior teams were also successful. K. J. Sargeant was awarded his 1st XV cap, J. N. Town and J. C. Goodrick their 2nd XV colours, and J. T. Morley his colts colours. The Senior Basketball team was also successful, beating Queen's in the Final.
In the School Opera we were well represented with S. M. G. Scott and P. H. Rivers taking leading roles, and A. N. Lawrence had a large part in The Business of Good Government, produced by Mr. Exham. W. E. Sherlaw and S. P. Collinson represented the School at Chess and we reached the Final of the House competition. During the Christmas holidays G. D. Henderson gained his B gliding certificate.
We wish to thank the three leavers, A. L. Jervis, R. F. Davies and T. B. Sargeant, the last two being awarded their House colours. A. L. 10