2 minute read
Chapel Notes
from June 1969
by StPetersYork
Jervis has gone to South Africa before going to Nottingham next year and R. F. Davies is spending two terms teaching at Terrington Hall Prep School before going to the Canaries.
There is little to be said about Easter Term activities as most sporting events were very badly curtailed by the weather. J. N. Town captained School Rowing and K. J. Sargeant and J. C. Goodrick played for the 1st Hockey XI. R. F. Atkinson showed promise in the Athletics.
Academically the House has had mixed success. We warmly congratulate Nutter on his award at Oxford and Scaife on his place. For the first time in many years we lost the Work Cup to Manor. Results in GCE were generally very good, two boys gaining the highest grades in all three of their 'A' levels.
In Rugby we achieved little corporately; but certain individuals distinguished themselves. Cantrell captained the School 1st XV and was awarded his cap, Hart his colours. In the Senior and Junior House Competitions we went down in the first round. The less said about the leagues the better. Similar apathy towards Cross-Country Running and Athletics by half the House detracted from the lead given by the less self-centred and more enthusiastic remainder. Athletics were deluged under snow and abandoned; in the Cross-Country races we were third in the Senior, and second in the Junior; C. R. Place ran well to finish 3rd in the latter. The Squash team were beaten in the Final, and so were the Fencing team. Lockwood and Heddle won the Senior and Junior Foil competitions respectively. In Shooting we were third. Clearly, in many activities much has been done by a few and not enough by many. Senior House colours were awarded to Hart and Lund, Junior to Arnup, Mitchell, C. R. Place, and Taylor.
The House Play by any standard was a success, and a personal triumph for the producer, Hart, who led his team of 37 with good humour and common sense. Our audience were very generous and we thank them for their tangible appreciation. We are also grateful to one of our parents for his gift of two squash rackets.
Mr. Kirby has departed to Queen's where we wish him every happiness as the House Master, and thank him for his interest and help over a period of many years. We still await a replacement.
As usual the Easter term services have seen a full and varying programme. The first Sunday service was the Epiphany Service in York Minster which as usual was a great success. On February 2nd the Archbishop of York addressed the School with characteristic vigour.
On February 23rd the Third Forms under the guidance of the Headmaster and Mr. Anderson produced a special service for the Middle School concerning The Pilgrim's Progress. Two weeks later the Sixth Form had their own service which was conducted brilliantly by the Revd. Professor E. J. Tinsley, and the service proved to be a tremendous success.