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Chapel Notes

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Old Peterite News

Old Peterite News

It is pleasant to 'acknowledge two gifts to the Chapel, the first a handsome pair of large communion cruets kindly given by Mrs. Perks, and the second a fine new 'fair linen cloth' for the altar as a leaving present from Mrs. Joyce Griffiths, sister-in-charge of the sanatorium.

We have both a gain and a loss to record; at the beginning of the Easter Term we welcomed the Revd. A. J. G. Ellery, B.Sc., the Junior School's new Chaplain, but in July we say goodbye to Mr. Exham, who, as a Reader, has done so much in this field during his time here. His latest major contribution has been the series of addresses given at the Wednesday evening Compline Services last term.

Our two Middle School services have both been impressive events. The Headmaster produced Tolstoy's 'The Three Old Men' with the younger boys acting, playing instruments and leading the congregational singing in Chapel on March 15th, and we were lucky to have a service arranged by Mrs. Sally Janiurek (Sally Trench) on June 7th. Peter Holmes led a group of folk singers and Mrs. Janiurek gave a powerful and emotional address about her work among the alcoholics and drug addicts of New York and London.

Other visiting preachers were the Dean of York, Mr. John Shannon of the Civic Trust, Mr. D. A. Frith, Headmaster of Archbishop Holgate's Grammar School, and the Bishop of Wakefield.

The main innovation since Christmas has been the Family Communion Service. A new scheme of Sunday services seems to be emerging in which this 9.30 a.m. celebration takes the place of Sung Communion and one Matins. It is voluntary, and parents are invited to accompany their sons, and many boys then take an Exeat.

The Confirmation service was conducted by the Bishop of Whitby on Saturday, March 14th. Many people appreciated his informal introduction to the service, which will be remembered as one of uncommon power and clarity.

Finally, we record a change in the Chapel Committee's allocation of collections. In order to make donations more meaningful, a specific collection is made for each charity, named in advance, and the result announced the following week.


May I add a warm word of thanks to all those who help in the running of the Chapel: the cleaners and the ladies who have presented and arranged the flowers—there are twenty on the rota—the members of our loyal and hard working choir, and this year's most efficient Chapel Monitors, David Pollard and David Harding?



By Tolstoy "The Three Old Men", which was performed by members of the Third Form in chapel on Sunday 15th March was an interesting demonstration of how Theatre workshop and audience involvement can be combined in the service of liturgy. Basically a simple morality 12

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