18 minute read
Old Peterite News
from Jan 1971
by StPetersYork
This has been a term of varied progress. The more Senior players, with notable exceptions, have not distinguished themselves, indeed some of them are quite definitely weaker players than they were last year This is partly and justifiably explained by pressure of work, but regrettably lack of interest and effort are also reasons in some cases. Sadl it was necessary to cancel the only Under-16 Colts match. In view o this apathy, the tremendous enthusiasm of the Under-15 group was al11 the more encouraging. The Under-16 Colts match against York S.R.C. was replaced by an Under-15 fixture—this produced a most enjoyable evening, thanks to the splendid approach to the match of the club players' and the eager response of the boys.
The captain, Ian Robinson, has set an excellent example and is to congratulated on his selection for the Yorkshire "A" and 2nd team He and Peter Hall were members of the Yorkshire Under-19 team, whi spent three successful days in the South of England; both won all the matches with considerable ease.
Although unseeded, we had quite a good draw and reached the fi of the competition without great difficulty. In the Final, Stowe's secon and third strings were too strong for us. Our team of Ian Robinso (unbeaten in the tournament), Peter Hall and James Gillgrass dese many congratulations in their fine performance. Results: 1st Round v. Rugby ... ... ... Won 3 2nd Round v. New College, Huddersfield ... Won 2• Quarter-Final v. Whitgift ... ... ... ... Won 3 Semi-Final v. King's, Canterbury ... Won 2- Final v. Stowe ... .. ... ... Lost 1-
Other results: 1st V v. Scarborough S.R.C. (away) ...
••• Won 3- 1st V v. Abbeydale S.R.C. (away) ... ••• Lost 1 `A' VII v. Squashbucklers (home) ... • • Won 6. `A' V v. Ampleforth College (home) ••• Won 5 1st V v Queen's S.R.C., Halifax (away) • • Lost 0 1st VI v. King's, Taunton (home) ... ••• Won 6 1st VII v. York S.R.C. (home) ... ••• Lost 1 1st V v. Old Peterites ... ... ... Lost 1 Under-15 Colts v. York S.R.C. (away) . • •• Lost 1
Although each member of the first team has been pre-occupied wi end-of-term examinations, the club has managed to have an active an very successful term. Every match has been won and some of the resul have been extremely gratifying.
In the Yorkshire Youth championships the first team, representing York, converted the many near-misses of last year into material success by winning the event and acquiring a handsome trophy. After defeating Teesside and Wakefield with comparative ease, York reached the final and met a very experienced Sheffield side. At one stage the team was 4-2 down; however, with a great recovery York clinched victory, 5-4. It was an outstanding exhibition of tenacious fencing and gained the school its first external fencing trophy for some time. The sabre team was also victorious but this weapon unfortunately does not yet merit a cup.
On the last Saturday in November a triangular match was held between ourselves, Leeds G.S. and Bootham. Victory was won by all our teams. The first team crushed Leeds 9-0. This was certainly the best performance of the season with every member of the team hitting peak form. Bootham were also soundly beaten. The junior foil team had two good wins and the junior sabre team remarkably beat Leeds's first team 5-4, due mainly to some excellent sabre by J. R. Woodcock.
The outstanding fencer in the senior final was R. J. Haze11, who made a remarkable impression by his uninhibited fencing. He defeated both M. J. S. Muncer and R. G. de H. Oldham with some deceptively fast foil play, and completed the pool with only one defeat. Muncer missed the chance of a fight-off by losing to Oldham in a singularly fine bout, leaving J. C. W. Williams, who had lost to Muncer, to face Haze11 in a barrage for first place. Williams, relieved at not having to fence Muncer again, defeated Hazell and received the cup from Dr. Slade himself. The fencing was not as consistent as in the junior final but it was pleasing to see the more junior colours giving as good as they got and achieving some good results.
On December 5th Muncer went down to the Under 20 foil championships in London. He was unsuccessful but gained more valuable experience. He takes over the captaincy next term and we all hope that he can bring out the club's potential for the Public Schools' championships and have the success he deserves.
There was a feature on fencing in York on "Yorksport" during the term. The reputation of the school fencing club is spreading further and such television programmes bring a boost both to the sport and the school. I hope that Yorkshire Television will continue its interest in fencing.
Because the team has been basically the same as last year's, there has been only one new team fencer this term. C. S. Caratini has been a valuable addition to the sabre team and, due to some outstanding results, was awarded his colours at the end of term.
On behalf of the club, I would like to thank Mr. Power for his tremendous drive and enthusiasm, and also Muncer and Oldham for making such a large contribution to the success of the various school teams. I am sure this will continue in the future. ANALYSIS
Senior Foil: 1st Williams 4V; 2nd Hazell 4V; 3rd Muncer 3V; 4th Atkinson 2V.
Junior Foil: 1st Tait 5V; 2nd Green 4V; 3rd Caratini 3V.
House Tournament (so far): 1st Temple, 22; 2nd Manor, 15; 3rd Queen's, 7; 4th Dronfield, 5. 47
First team (foil) v. Teesside (home) v. Y.F.A. Ladies (home) v. Teesside Youth (home) v. Wakefield Youth (home) v. Sheffield Youth (home) v. Y.F.A. "B" (away) ... v. Leeds G.S. (away) ... v. Bootham (away) v. Sunderland F.C. (home) Second team (6p6e) v. Sunderland F.C. Junior team (foil) v. Huddersfield Youth v. Leeds G.S. 2nd III v. Bootham 2nd III
Junior team (sabre) v. York Youth ... v. Leeds G.S. 1st III v. Leeds G.S. 2nd III v. Bootham 2nd III ••• Won 5-1 •• • Won 9-0 ••• Won 6-3 ••• Won 7-2 ••. Won 5-4 ••• Won 5-0 ••• Won 9-0 ••• Won 5-1 ••• Won 5-4 I
Lost 3-6
... Lost 3-5 ... Won 7-2 ... Won 5-0
... Lost 1-8 ... Won 5-4 Won 7-2 ... Won 9-0
First team: J. C. W. Williams, M. J. S. Muncer, R. G. de H. Oldham.
Second team: R. H. Hodgson, R. J. Hazell, J. Prendergast.
Junior (foil): R. J. Hazell, S. A. Atkinson, K. N. G. Benson.
Junior (sabre): J. R. Woodcock, C. S. Caratini, K. N. G. Benson, S. A. Atkinson.
The party of 17 Peterites and seven girls from various York schools covered the long journey to Villars in high spirits. Travelling arrangements worked well. After stormy weather during the previous week, the English Channel was calm and, apart from some delay in Calais, the trip through France and Switzerland passed without incident.
The Gray brothers awaited the party outside the hotel in Villars, having motored from The Hague with their parents.
Despite earlier adverse reports, snow lay on all the slopes and the magnificent Alpine peaks stood out against a clear, blue sky : these conditions were to prevail during the whole week.
Monday morning found experienced members of the party taking the mountain railway to the Col de Bretaye for instruction on the high slopes. The 16 beginners took their first lessons on the nursery slopes close to the village. The instruction, given by "moniteurs" of the Swiss National S
School, was again excellent and all members of the party (with one possible exception!) made good progress in the sport.
Food at the hotel was good and after Mr. Hirst had solved a few minor problems concerning daily routine, all arrangements went smoothly. A power cut on Monday morning did not prevent the management from providing breakfast for all the hotel guests!
Evenings were usually spent in the two discotheques at the hotel but some members went bowling, skating or to the cinema in the village.
The management once again contributed to the birthday celebration of a certain Peterite and offered the traditional "raclette" on 6th January. The latter meal was found by some to be interesting if not so filling as a normal dinner.
After seven days of unbroken sunshine and fine skiing the party left at 5.00 p.m. on Sunday 10th January. It must be mentioned that, by now, top-class skiers were to be heard complaining about the scarcity of snow on the more difficult "pistes". For our purposes, however, the snow conditions had been good.
The journey home, inevitably more tedious than the outward one, went well. The Channel was smooth once more and British Railways deposited the party safely in London arid York.
Twenty-six boys and girls had enjoyed the best possible weather and good skiing, and by their co-operation and responsible attitude had contributed to the happiness and success of the eighth St. Peter's School Winter Sports Holiday. A.N.L.
CRICKET FIXTURES, 1971 1st XI Wednesday May 5th Home Saturday May 8th Yorkshire Gentlemen C.C. Home Wednesday May 12th York C.C. Home Saturday May 15th Worksop College Home Wednesday May 19th Durham School ... Away Saturday May 22nd Bradford G.S. Away Saturday May 29th Sedbergh School Home Wednesday June 2nd XL Club ... Home Saturday June 5th Giggleswick School Away Saturday June 12th Ampleforth College Home Saturday June 19th Leeds G.S. Home Saturday June 26th Craven Gentlemen C.C. Home Saturday July 3rd Bootham School Home Monday, July 5th Pocklington School Away Wednesday July 7th The Saints C.C. ... Home Friday July 9th / Old Peterites Home Saturday July 10th Monday July 12th Denstone College Home
Any Old Peterites wishing to play in the Old Boys match against the School should apply to J. A. Shouksmith at Denstone College Preparatory School, Smallwood Manor, Uttoxeter, Staffs.
A meeting of the General Committee of the Old Peterite Club was held at the School on November 21st.
The President informed the meeting that the K. H. Rhodes Memorial Fund stood at almost exactly £1,000. It was agreed that the School should arrange the date for the Dedication of the Choir Stalls in memory of K. H. Rhodes, although the Committee felt that Commemoration would be the most suitable time.
Dates for Regional dinners were announced as follows: —
NORTH WEsT—Friday, March 5th at the Brocket Arms, Wigan. Organiser : G. E. L. Graham, Netherby House, 15 Upper Dicconson Street, Wigan, Lancs.
BIRMINGHAM—Friday, May 7th. Venue to be announced later. Organiser: M. Holloway, 1 Sharmans Cross Road, Solihull, Warwickshire.
EAST RIDING—Friday, May 28th at the Highfield Country Club, Driffield. Organiser: P. S. Atkinson, "Greystones", Garton, Driffield.
It was resolved that the next meeting of the General Committee should be held on Saturday, February 13th, 1971. The Hon. Secretary (D. Kirby, 7a St. Peter's Grove, Clifton, York) would like to receive any items for inclusion on the agenda by February 3rd.
The following crested neckwear is available:—
All-silk crested ties ... 20s. Od. each, postage free.
Terylene crested ties ... 13s. Od. each, postage free.
All-silk bow ties ... 12s. 3d. each, postage free.
All-silk batswings 20s. Od. each, postage free.
All-silk squares 60s. Od. each, postage free.
All-silk cravats 34s. Od. each, postage free.
A concert will be performed in Chapel on February 13th, at 7.0 p.m., to inaugurate the Choir Stalls built as a memorial to the late Kenneth Rhodes. The stalls will be dedicated during Commemoration.
Old Peterites are reminded that the 1971 School Commemoration will be held on July 9th, 10th and 1 1 th, and Old Peterites are urged to support it.
The Headmaster has again kindly agreed that a limited number of unaccompanied O.P.s (in order of application) can be accommodated in the Junior School, charge 17s. 6d. per night for bed and breakfast.
Old Peterites are reminded that the President of the Club will, as is customary at Commemoration, lay a wreath on the Memorial Shrine in the Ante-Chapel at 10.30 a.m. on Saturday, July 10th, and it is hoped that O.P.s attending Commemoration will accompany him.
The O.P. Club Annual Dinner will be held at the School on Saturday, July 10th (price £1 2s. 6d.). It is hoped that Old Peterites, who wish to come to the dinner, will apply for tickets in good time.
Organisers for the O.P. teams for the Sporting Events, with whom members wishing to take part are asked to communicate, are as follows: —
Boat Races : C. R. G. McNeil, Thorganby Lodge, Thorganby, York.
Cricket : J. A. Shouksmith, Denstone College Preparatory School,
Smallwood Manor, Uttoxeter, Staffs.
Golf : P. J. Middlebrook, "Highfield", Brayton, Selby, Yorks.
Tennis : B. Jones, 12 Elm Park Vale, Stockton Lane, York.
The London Old Peterite Annual Dinner was held at the Charing Cross Hotel on November 13th.
Present : —The President, The Headmaster. A. C. Brown, R. Cawood. A. B. Cooper, J. H. Cook, J. M. Dickensonl A. E. R. Dodds, D. I. Donaldson, F. H. Douglas, J. Dronfield, P. J. Dronfield, J. R. Eggleshaw, P. Garbett, H. F. S. Gedge, J. P. Gee, G. H. Golden, H. A. L. Golightly, G. E. L. Graham, J. C. Griffiths, J. A. Hanson, F. H. Hiilyard, M. J. Hollis, C. K. Hudson, D. Kirby, C. H. Lewis, T. J. Lewis, N. M. Lumley, J. R. Maxwell, S. G. S. Pawle, C. J. Pattison, T. S. Pick, G. W. A.dPlews, F. H. Potter, A. H. Powell, R. M. E. Raley, K. M. Ratcliff, J. C. M. Rayson, C. M. Shadwell, A. Short, R. J. H. Skerrett, A. B. Smallman, C. J. A. Smith, N. J. Smith, M. Speight, M. G. V. Stephenson, D. H. Tate, C.W. Thompson, H. A. Thompson, R. D. Wheatley, R. S. F. Webber, A. G. Wilson.
The next London Dinner will, as always, be on the second Friday in November at the same hotel.
The North East Old Peterite Annual Dinner was held at the St. George Hotel, Teesside Airport, Darlington on October 16th, 1970.
Present : —The President (F. W. B. Pacey), The Headmaster, D. L. Brown, H. Brown, R. A. Cockroft, W. R. Dalkin, T. M. A. Griffiths, D.C. Holmes, W. G. Huntley, D. Kirby, F. A. L. Kirby, G. R. A. March, F. J. Pacey, J. B. Pickersgill, C. G. Rob, J. N. Roe, D. T. Rumfitt, D. N. Simmons, W. J. B. Strike, T. E. Thomas, R. E. Underwood, E. K. Varley, M. Wye.
The West Riding Old Peterite Annual Dinner was held at the Metropole Hotel, Leeds, on Thursday, October 22nd, 1970.
Present : —The President (F. W. B. Pacey), The Headmaster, J. N. Bamforth, A. R. Barratt, S. Beetham, J. P. Blake, T. H. Burdon, M. A. Butterworth, C. I. Chadwick, R. T. Clark, R. A. Field, J. Gillgrass, M. Hallas, J. C. Houghton, M. J. Kent, D. Kirby, G. F. B. Mitchell, B. M. Nendick, F. N. Parkin, G. D. Parkin, J. C. M. Rayson, M. H. Seed, J. Shirtcliffe, C. W. Thompson, E. G. Thompson.
The following new members joined the Club in December, 1970:— M. W. Bainbridge, "Ingerthorpe", 33 Water End, Clifton, York. (Tel.
York 56282). A. P. R. Dean, 30 Davies Avenue, Leeds LS8 1JY. (Tel. Leeds 663205). S. Foster, 32 Woodbury Rise, Malvern, Worcs. VVR14 IQZ. J. D. Harrison, Grosvenor House, Alne, York. (Tel. Tollerton 302). C. A. Myers, 29 Middlethorpe Grove, York YO2 2JW. (Tel. York 67058). R. J. Tebb, Turnbridge House, York Road, Moor Monkton, York. (Tel.
Rufforth 387). J. C. W. Williams, "Windy Ridge", 2 Motley Lane, Guiseley, Leeds LS20 9EE (Tel. Guiseley 5410). T. J. Young, "Marchfield", 164 York Road, Haxby, York. (Tel. York 68110).
From New Zealand comes news of an Old Peterite seeking to renew his acquaintance with the School: H. R. Webb (1905-10), whose father and uncle were also at the School, writes from Auckland to ask about it and has been sent a progress report. FERRAR, A. N. (Temple 1959-1964), a graduate of Emmanuel College,
Cambridge, has been awarded a Doctorate of Philosophy at Liverpool
University. He is working in research in the Courtauld Group. MORRIS, P. A. (Temple 1952-1957) has been appointed York City
Coroner. PHILLIPS, S. C. (S.H. 1964-1967) is at Cardiff University, reading
Statistics. QUICKFALL, P. W. (Grove 1957-1962) married, on 4th October, 1969,
Miss Jane Thompson of Cherry Garth, Thornton-le-Dale. WOOD-HALL : The engagement is announced between Hugh Leslie, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wood of North Ferriby, Yorkshire, an
Christine Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. S. Hall of Brough,
ANFIELD, J. R., 29 Wrensfield, Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead, Herts. Tel.
Hemel Hempstead 53595. ANELAY, W., 1 St. Oswald's Court, Church Street, Filey, Yorkshire. Boorx, R. M., The Lodge, Friars Rise, Ashwood Road, Woking, Surrey. BOTTOMLEY, W. J., 14 Pollard Way, Gomersal, Cleckheaton, Yorkshire. BURDASS, W. J., 12 Kobeelya Avenue, Katanning, Western Australia, 6317. CLOUGH, C. R., 18 Richmond Road, Stockton, Teesside. COATES, M. N., 76 Friars Wood, Pixton Way, Addington, Surrey. DOBSON, Dr. L. P., The Cottage, Stokesley Road, Guisborough, Yorkshire. TS14 8DL. Tel. Guisborough 2421. EMSLEY, P. M., 45 Swinburne Road, Darlington, Co. Durham. FERRAR, Dr. A. N., 5 Mortimer Close, Woolavington, Nr. Bridgwater,
Somerset. Tel. Puriton 676. FRANK, J. M. B., 4 Albany Close, Derby Road, London, S.W.14. Tel. 01-878-0778. FRATER, R. J., M.A., Kaim End, Hudnall Lane, Little Gaddesden, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire. Tel. Little Gaddesden 3383. GARBETF, P., M.A., A.M.I.C.E., 8 Ling's Coppice, Croxted Road, Dulwich, London, S.E.21. Tel. 01-670-8682. GREETHAM, G. C., The Headmaster's House, The College, Bishop Stortford, Herts. HAWKINS, R., Milton, Londonderry, Northallerton, Yorkshire. Tel.
Bedale 2562. HOLT, J. M., M.D., M.R.C.P., Old Whitehill, Tackley, Oxford. Tel.
Tackley 241. IRVIN, D. B., The Monkey House, 21 Kingsgate Avenue, Kingsgate,
Broadstairs, Kent. JowErr, A. C., Flat 5, Abbey Court, 32a Morris Lane, Leeds. LS5 3JD. KEMP, J. R., Hoggarth Hill, Stone Quarry Road, Burniston, Scarborough,
Yorkshire. Tel. Cloughton 398. KING-REYNOLDS, G. E., Headmaster, Dauntsey's School, West Lavington,
Nr. Devizes, Wiltshire. Locxwow, C., 2 Princess Road, Strensall, York. LOCKWOOD, P. A., 2 Princess Road, Strensall, York. MARSH, A. M., 13 Lime Avenue, Stockton Lane, York. Tel. York 55043. MIDDLEBROOK, Dr. W. R., "Downsway", School Lane, Kirkella, Hull.
HU10 7TH. MOUNTAIN, Rev. G., "Cherith", 4 Beckfield Lane, Acomb, York. YO2 5RL. Tel. York 71172. OGILVIE, D. G., 20 Littledene, Lodore Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2.
Tel. Gosforth 859669. OLIVER, Lt. R. W., 'C' Squadron, 14th/20th King's Hussars, R.A.F.
Aldergrove, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland. From mid-March, 1971: `B' Squadron, 14th/20th King's Hussars, B.F.P.O. 1. PALLANT, Major D. J., Flat 5, New Nunthorpe House, Bishopthorpe
Road, York. Tel. York 29197.
PICK, T. S., Devan Wood, Old North Road, Wansford, Peterborough. PORTLOCK, E. S., 6 St. Anne's Gardens, Lymington, Hampshire. SO4 9HT.
Tel. Lymington 4927. POWELL, W. B., 273 Vale Road, Ash Vale, Aldershot, Hants. QUICKFALL, P. W., 42 Lowfield Road, Beverley, E. Yorkshire. HU 17 9RE.
Tel. Beverley 884193. REAVLEY, D. R., c/o Coromandel Valley P.O., South Australia, 5051. ROBINSON, John, 12 Moorland Garth, Strensall, York. RYDER, Major C. D., Headquarters, Northumbrian District, Scotton
Road, Catterick Camp, Yorkshire. SHARDLOW, R. J., "Streetley Holme", Streetley, Worksop, Notts. SHELDON, F., 7 Hawksley Rise, Oughtibridge, Sheffield. S30 3JB. Tel.
Oughtibridge 2791. SHUBROOK, Flt. Lt. D. C., M.A., R.A.F., 4 Rosemead, R.A.F. Halton,
Aylesbury, Bucks. Tel. Wendover 2120. SLADE, D. L., Walnut House, Lodge Lane, Tendring, Essex. Tel. Weeley 227. STOREY, Dr. S. H., c/o Scientific Control Systems Ltd., Sanderson House, 49-57 Berners Street, London, W.1. STRATTON, R. A., 26 The Firs, Bowdon, Altrincham, Cheshire. THOMPSON, D., "Dezrel", 38 Beechpark Way, Watford, Herts. Timms, D. K., c/o Records Section, Foreign and Commonwealth Offi
London, S.W.1. TOMPKINS, D. S., 37 Great King Street, Edinburgh, 3. VARLEY, J. C., 15 Northlands Park, Northway, Bishopston, Swansea. WALKER, D. M., c/o P.O. Box 1293, Zambia Breweries, Lusaka, Zamb (Abroad for three years.) WHITELOCK, P. R., F.C.A., 18 Stapleton Close, Coopers Lane Ro
Potters Bar, Hertfordshire. WICK, J. A. E., F.R.I.C.S., F.R.V.A., "Broadgate House", Walkingt
Nr. Beverley, East Yorkshire.
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