13 minute read
House Notes
from Jan 1971
by StPetersYork
The set has been designed and executed by Richard Hamilton-Williams and Gordon Mcfiroy.
Stage Manager—Timothy Stead, assisted by Nigel Foley, Philip Dobbins, Nigel Pritchard, Donald Davis, Martin Tree and Richard Tasker.
Lighting and Sound Effects—David Fotheringham, assisted by Neil Moxon and Charles Hodge.
Make-up under the direction of Mrs. Hall, assisted by Peter Bell, Michael Bidgood, John Craven, Robert Terry, Christopher Smith and John Whittle.
Programme—Nicholas Wormald and Jahn Pette.
Produced by Peter Gardiner. He particularly wishes to thank John Gaastra, Michael Dawson, Simon I'Anson and Paddy Power; also Eileen Skaife and Tom Spencer; and to thank the Headmistress, Staff and girls of Queen Anne Grammar Schaal for their contribution to the production.
We started the Term by welcoming Mr. Du Croz to the post of Assistant Housemaster and in a very short time he has done much to brighten up the House. In Athletics several members of the House excelled themselves. Michael Bidgood achieved maximum points for the second year running and also won three events, the 440, 880 and the High Jump. He also managed to come second in the Mile despite injury. John Cresswell won the 100 and 220 yards and came second in the Long Jump, which was won by George Park. The aforementioned with the valuable help of Graeme Perks won the Relay Race. In the Senior section Philip Gooder, the Captain, endeavoured to beat the School Captain, Robin Walker, in the long distance races. He came joint second with Brian Macartney in the Long Jump. The House won the Standards but failed to retain the Shield.
The House further excelled on the Rugger pitch with both teams being drawn against School House. The Junior Team gained a 27-12 victory after being 6 all at half time. The endeavours of John Cresswell, Michael Bidgood and Graeme Perks are to be especially commended. The Senior House Team under the extremely able captaincy of Robert Taylor won a 13-6 victory in their match with School House. Unfortunately both of our Teams were defeated in the next round. The House was well represented in the second and third fifteens as well as the under sixteens. Robert Taylor gained his second fifteen colours and John Cresswell and Stephen Kirby gained under sixteen colours. In the field of Fencing Charles Caratini also gained his colours.
During the course of this Term George Park, Simon Clark and Philip Gooder constructed a new Table Tennis table for the games room and we are extremely grateful to them for their work.
We also welcomed Nicholas Wishart, Charles Caratini from France, and eleven new Juniors. At the end of last Term we also said goodbye to David Broom whose unique brand of humour will be remembered by all who knew him. This Term we lose our Head of House, Graeme Cowen. We thank him for all he has done for the House and wish him well in the future. Next Term his place will be taken by Neville Turton. G.E.C.
This Term we welcomed Mr. M. Dawson as Assistant Housemaste and G. F. Horsfall who is a first year Senior.
On the Athletics track the Grove was not disgraced by any means, although we picked up the "wooden spoon" on Sports Day. However, that only merits individual effort and individual stars we sadly lack. But the House effort for the Athletics programme can be seen in the Standards results in which we came fourth. A creditable position, due to the work of A. T. Sykes, the House Captain of Athletics. In the House singing competition, the Grove, ably managed by R. J. Wood, came fifth overall but it was undoubtedly "our night" especially as the Grove received the loudest applause and appreciation for the rendering of "Casey Jones". Those who took part were all volunteers.
This season, the Grove Senior House Rugby Team earned praise for its noteworthy, spirited attitude. The team contained no less than seven people from Game two. Although dispensing with Temple in the first round the side lost to Manor in the semi-finals. Due to injuries and absentees the Team was at half-strength but still managed to lead 3-0 until the last five minutes of the game. Final score was 9-3 to Manor. The Junior side did not shine quite as much and lost a disappointing game to the Rise 14-0. I. W. Stephenson captained the side.
A large number of Grovites took part in both School plays, "Peer Gynt" and "The Crucible". In the latter, the Grove constituted nearly half the male cast and praise must go to S. J. Parker, for a convincing performance in the leading role. The cup shelf has been boosted by the arrival of a couple of large trophies won by C. J. Brown swimming for Darlington County. He must also be congratulated for the award of House Colours.
Finally, the House took on a "new look" this Term with new lino and carpets, as well as the installation of new furniture. Even the dormitories in No. 17 are quite luxurious (they are now heated!).
The Christmas Term has seen many Manorites involved in a great variety of pursuits and meeting with considerable success in a number of them. The House has had, during the Term, four Captains of School sports as well as leading committee members of seven societies. The outstanding individual of the Term has been A. S. Rennie who, captaining the Athletics and Rugby Teams, has achieved a great deal in both fields.
The excessive Rugby training spoilt our hopes in the Athletic Standards but a dedicated core of good Athletes brought us fourth place in the sports. In the sprints A. S. Rennie won both the 100 yards and 220 yards with two magnificent runs and kept the Sprint Cup very firmly in the Manor.
Both Senior and Junior Rugby Teams played excellent football and reached their respective finals. A. S. Rennie, who was the House's only 1st XV colour, led a very determined Senior Team. He received considerable help from A. P. R. Dean, K. D. Bowler and J. J. Les, and 14
the Team played exceptionally well against Queen's in the final. In fact it was not until well into the second half that Queen's, on paper a far superior side, managed to impress their superiority and win. In the Junior final, also against Queen's, the Team played extremely well and W. F. Elsy and C. D. Pallant led them to a convincing 17-6 win.
At the end of the Term S. Foster successfully completed his Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award, an outstanding achievement. In the Fencing world J. C. W. Williams retained the Dr. Slade Senior Foil Cup which he had won last year.
The spiritual side of the House's activities has been prominent this Term. Once again we held a House Communion which was arranged by R. H. Hodgson and celebrated by Mr. Ellery, the Junior School Chaplain. The House also took over a week in Chapel and services were arranged by Mr. Depledge, S. Foster, R. H. Hodgson, R. F. Hornby and J. C. W. Williams. In the House itself the voluntary House prayers have progressed well with good attendances.
In the House Music Competition R. F. Hornby organized both the singing and instrumental competitors in the House. The singers were very successful with their rendering of the "Lyke Wake Dirge", coming second equal. This was particularly pleasing as we entered a large group of singers, rather than a few talented individuals. The instrumentalists were less well placed but their performance was of a high standard.
In the sphere of Drama, many members of the House have been involved in this Term's theatrical productions. Most notable of these was J. J. Les who had one of the title roles in "Peer Gynt".
Academically the House has had a good Term. We came third in the Work Cup and, although some "years" contributed rather less than others, this was a good result. At the end of Term three Senior Middles sat for "0" levels for the first time and three out of the eight "Oxbridge" candidates were Manorites, a pleasant reflection of the academic strength throughout the monitorial year.
During the Term A. P. R. Dean, S. Foster and A. S. Rennie were awarded their Senior House Colours, and M. S. Bruce, R. R. R. Clayburn, A. F. Harben, R. D. Millikin and M. S. Ray their Junior House Colours.
At the end of Term A. P. R. Dean, S. Foster and J. C. W. Williams leave the House, the latter two sharing the distinction of being the joint holders of the last ever Manor shove ha'penny championships. Let us hope they each reach their intended destinations in the "rat race" to further education.
At the beginning of the Christmas Term, we welcomed seventeen new boys and one "Old Peterite". G. Hodgson was appointed Head of School and Head of House, M. G. B. Hepworth was made a School monitor and the vacancies in the House monitors' study were filled by N. Barnes, K. V. Cable, P. S. K. Crossley, J. D. Harrison, M. J. Jones and E. R. Walker.
We started the Term confident of retaining the Athletics Standards title, but were hampered more than somewhat by the rugby commitments 15
of many Team players (eight members of the House played for the 1st XV at one time or another during the Term) who could have gained the points necessary to have lifted us from third to first place. However, on Sports Day, we more than made up for this disappointment by winning the Shield, eventually quite comfortably. E. R. Walker won the Senior 440, 880 and 1 mile, breaking the School record in each event (the last of which had stood for well over fifty years). D. G. Senior won the Intermediate mile, and P. A. Winstanley proved a very capable replacement in the 440, finishing second. Mention must also be made of R. A. Pinder and R. M. Spencer who came first and second in both Junior sprints—Spencer also winning the Long Jump—and the victorious Senior and Junior Relay teams.
We were also bidding to retain the two House Rugby Trophies. After a bye in the first round, the Senior Team, under P. S. K. Crossley, met Dronfield in the semi-finals. After a hesitant start, we eventually won 32-5 scoring nine tries against a side depleted by the loss of Perks during the first half. The final against the Manor proved a much harder match, yet despite playing with fourteen men for much of the game, we won 16-3, K. V. Cable scoring ten of the points.
The Junior side, captained by P. A. Winstanley, and playing with practically the same pack as last year, also gained a bye in the first round, and met the Rise in the semi-finals. After defeating them 26-0, they, like the Seniors, came up against the Manor in the final. Even though they were without Warren, there was a period in the second half when victory seemed a possibility, but the big Manor forwards proved too strong, finally taking their side to a 17-6 win.
Many members of the House took part in the two School plays, and with this in mind, we look forward to another successful House play next Term.
In the House music competitions, we also did very well indeed, winning the instrumental and coming second equal in the singing. E. R. Walker must be given full credit for the amount of time and effort he put in, arranging the pieces, as must, of course, his "team": —J. J. Beadle, J. P. H. Harrison, S. D. Lloyd-Jones and R. M. Spencer.
At the end of Term, Senior House Colours were awarded to N. Barnes, K. V. Cable, S. P. Coverdale and R. T. S. Young, and Junior Colours to J. G. Bailey, R. A. Pinder, R. A. Scott and T. J. Ward.
Finally, we say good-bye to three leavers, J. D. Harrison, R. S. Cole and J. Prendergast, thanking them for all that they have done for the House, and wishing them well for the future. G.H.
The Christmas Term was one of change, both in the School as whole and in the House.
All the Sixth-formers can now wear clothes of their own choice, an all meals are now run on a cafeteria system; and these have necessitat changes in the running of the House. Especially the latter, which enabi more Senior people to get up much later in the morning. The Junior common room now has a separate writing area for each boy, and other, 16
common rooms will be converted during the Easter holidays. This has enabled all prep to be done in the House; a system preferred by all. The House has a new Assistant Housemaster, S. G. I'Anson Esq., a mathematician, who is interested in drama production, and will be helping with our House play.
The numbers of the House are down this year, there being eight Juniors. And this depletion of numbers affected our results in the sporting field. We were beaten in Rugger by Houses with half as many members again as the Rise; the Juniors being beaten in the second round, and the Seniors in the first round. But we fared better in the autumn Athletics, as we came second in the Standards (by a total of only four points) and third overall. The only other inter-House game played was Chess, in which we were beaten in the first round by last year's winners.
One other notable event was the visit of Brother Andrew Paul, a Franciscan Friar from Florida, U.S.A., who talked with the Rise Society in an informal open meeting with members of the House. Mrs. Cummin kindly provided coffee for the occasion.
Further details and comments on many things written about here will be published in the June issue of the Risite, which is edited this year by Ashley Cooper; and letters to the editor from old Risites will be most welcome.
Although this Term has not been a successful one for the House in team events, many individuals have distinguished themselves.
The Term began disappointingly with the House coming last in the Athletic Standards. On Sports Day two of our best runners were injured and unable to run. With these two we would surely have come higher than the sixth position we obtained. However, R. F. Atkinson ran well to gain second and third positions in the two Senior sprints.
On the Rugger field the Senior House Team lost to Dronfield by 13 points to six. The Junior House Team also lost to Dronfield, the score being 27-12. Individually the House has been well represented in School Teams. J. T. Morley captained the 1st XV, and A. N. Lawrence and K. H. Sargeant were awarded their 1st XV Colours, while among others R. F. Atkinson, P. A. Scott and N. Gray captained their respective Teams. I. Gray and J. W. Gillgrass played Squash for the 1st V, and N. J. Gillgrass played Chess for the 1st VI.
In the House Singing Competition, our rendering of "The House of the Rising Sun" earned us fourth place. In the instrumental competition our musicians performed very creditably to finish second. Congratulations to all concerned.
We look forward to next Term when the House hopes to perform a House play. J.W.G.