Jan 1971

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The set has been designed and executed by Richard Hamilton-Williams and Gordon Mcfiroy. Stage Manager—Timothy Stead, assisted by Nigel Foley, Philip Dobbins, Nigel Pritchard, Donald Davis, Martin Tree and Richard Tasker. Lighting and Sound Effects—David Fotheringham, assisted by Neil Moxon and Charles Hodge. Make-up under the direction of Mrs. Hall, assisted by Peter Bell, Michael Bidgood, John Craven, Robert Terry, Christopher Smith and John Whittle. Programme—Nicholas Wormald and Jahn Pette. Produced by Peter Gardiner. He particularly wishes to thank John Gaastra, Michael Dawson, Simon I'Anson and Paddy Power; also Eileen Skaife and Tom Spencer; and to thank the Headmistress, Staff and girls of Queen Anne Grammar Schaal for their contribution to the production.

HOUSE NOTES DRONFIELD We started the Term by welcoming Mr. Du Croz to the post of Assistant Housemaster and in a very short time he has done much to brighten up the House. In Athletics several members of the House excelled themselves. Michael Bidgood achieved maximum points for the second year running and also won three events, the 440, 880 and the High Jump. He also managed to come second in the Mile despite injury. John Cresswell won the 100 and 220 yards and came second in the Long Jump, which was won by George Park. The aforementioned with the valuable help of Graeme Perks won the Relay Race. In the Senior section Philip Gooder, the Captain, endeavoured to beat the School Captain, Robin Walker, in the long distance races. He came joint second with Brian Macartney in the Long Jump. The House won the Standards but failed to retain the Shield. The House further excelled on the Rugger pitch with both teams being drawn against School House. The Junior Team gained a 27-12 victory after being 6 all at half time. The endeavours of John Cresswell, Michael Bidgood and Graeme Perks are to be especially commended. The Senior House Team under the extremely able captaincy of Robert Taylor won a 13-6 victory in their match with School House. Unfortunately both of our Teams were defeated in the next round. The House was well represented in the second and third fifteens as well as the under sixteens. Robert Taylor gained his second fifteen colours and John Cresswell and Stephen Kirby gained under sixteen colours. In the field of Fencing Charles Caratini also gained his colours. During the course of this Term George Park, Simon Clark and Philip Gooder constructed a new Table Tennis table for the games room and we are extremely grateful to them for their work. We also welcomed Nicholas Wishart, Charles Caratini from France, and eleven new Juniors. At the end of last Term we also said goodbye to David Broom whose unique brand of humour will be remembered by all who knew him. This Term we lose our Head of House, Graeme Cowen. We thank him for all he has done for the House and wish him well in the future. Next Term his place will be taken by Neville Turton. G.E.C. 13

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