2 minute read
from Oct 1971
by StPetersYork
Overall Results: Played 21, Won 15, Lost 6. School Match Results: Played 11, Won 10, Lost 1.
Good results indeed, and the 1st V are to be congratulated on achieving them. The one School match defeat came in the final of the Bath Club Tournament, when our three-man team lost 2-1 to Stowe. The Captain and first string, Ian Robinson, had an outstanding season, which included selection for the Yorkshire 'A' and 2nd teams and an unbeaten Southern Tour as first string for the Yorkshire Junior Team. In the same team, Peter Hall, our second string, was also unbeaten. The School No. 3 James Gillgrass, was an invaluable member of the team; free from exam worries, he relieved the captain of many of the responsibilities of organisation; he found time to do a lot of coaching and also played extremely well.
Having given credit where it is due, one must unfortunately admit that this was not the successful season it should have been; in some ways it was frustrating, even depressing. Success is relative, and this team fell a long way short of its potential. Beaten finalists in the Bath Club Tournament, when we should have won it, not a single entrant in the Drysdale, the Junior Events or the Yorkshire Under 16 Championships, and only one serious competitor in the Yorkshire Under 19 competition. Of the top seven players in the School, only two, Robinson and Gil!grass,
practised regularly; not surprisingly they were the only two players to
improve at all. After several years as one of the leading squash schools in the country, this is a pitiful situation. Clearly, unless there is a com-
plete change of attitude, we will not be able to maintain our present number and standard of fixtures. In view of the great kindness and help of some of the Senior clubs in the county, it would indeed be a pity if
cuts in the fixture list had to be made.
There is no reason why the present decline should continue, as there are several very promising younger players in the School. Three of them. I. D. Heddle, D. M. H. Phillips and J. C. Rounthwaite, took part in the Surrey Junior Championships and acquitted themselves well. They, and other young players, have a splendid opportunity to gain places in the
senior teams this year, and one hopes that there will be plenty of competition for these places.
Results (for the Easter Term):-
1st V v Scarborough S.R.C. (Home) Won 3-2
1st VII. v York S.R.C. (Away) ... 1st V v Worksop College (Home) ... Colts V v Worksop College (Away) ... Won 4-3 Won 5-0 Lost 2-3
Colts VII v York S.R.C. (Home) . 1st V v Queen's S.R.C., Halifax (Home) ... Lost 2-5 Lost 1-4
1st V v Bradford G.S. (Away) ... Won 5-0
1st V v Harrogate S.R.C. (Home) Won 5-0
1st V v Barnard Castle
1st V v Rossall at Rossall '•* Won 3-2 Won 5-0 (In the remaining part of the Triangular match, Barnard Castle beat