2 minute read
Walking Club
from Oct 1971
by StPetersYork
The final meeting of the term was held at Queen Margaret's when Dr. Haslam, a Consultant Psychiatrist at Clifton Hospital, lectured to the society on "Psychiatry—fact and fiction". In an extremely witty lecture, Dr. Haslam described various psychiatric diseases, their treatment and the difficulty of doing research into psychiatric disorders as the brain can only be properly surveyed whilst alive and this does have practical difficulties.
Finally I would like to thank Gary Clarkson and the two secretaries of Queen Margaret's for their help in arranging the meetings. J.W.G.
The first meeting of the term was a film show; three films were shown on "Lubrication", "Agriculture", and "Hovercraft". It was well attended and was enjoyed by all.
The following meeting was a Talk by Mr. Sims of the Yorkshire Museum on "Reptiles", illustrated with specimens and slides. It was very interesting and well attended.
For the third meeting Mr. Hancock of Rowntree Mackintosh talked on Cocoa Production and Chocolate Making. This was extremely enlightening and was very much enjoyed by all.
The final meeting was a film one at which four scientific cartoons were shown. This was, as usual, well attended.
In conclusion then, a total of four meetings formed a most enjoyable period in the term. The Society would like to express its thanks to the House Representatives for all they have done to make the meetings successful.
During the Easter Term, there were three meetings and one visit. At the first meeting, Mr. Dailey, Director of the Leeds University Experimental Husbandry Farm, gave a talk on "Farm Management". The club was then invited to visit the farm in the summer. The second meeting was a talk on "Peas" by Mr. Willies from "Ross Frozen Foods". He spoke about the processing of Peas. At the final meeting, Mr. Colin Frank (O.P.) talked about his farms at Lebberston, near Filey. His talk was illustrated by slides of his herd of cows. The visit was to Murton, round the new Cattle Market. We were shown round by Messrs. K. Lockwood and N. Stephenson. A pleasant snack was provided by Mr. R. Stephenson.
In the Summer Term, there were three outings and one meeting. The first visit was to the East Riding College of Agriculture at Bishop Burton, when we were shown round by the vice-principal. The second visit was to the Leeds University Experimental Husbandry Farm, where we were shown round by Mr. Dailey. The visit proved very interesting 57