Junior Colts 'A" J. M. Newdick M. A. J. Ferguson T. F. Hudson J. R. Bowen G. M. Barnett M. J. Ellison W. S. Maroy (str.) M. J. G. Lucas (str.) (also rowed : J. P. H. Harrison, R. J. Holden, C. Duckling, A. J. Brockb Junior !Junior Colts " A"
T. S. D. Kirby W. Andrew R. J. Holden T. Barker N. J. Ramsden L. S. Wilson J. N. C. Turner (str.) P. D. B. Perks (str.) Coxes: R. A. Hind, M. Bentley (also rowed: P. Q. Scott, T. C. Moore) The Regatta programme was: York Spring, Durham Wear, and St. Peter's in May, followed by Tyne, York Summer, and Leeds in June. By "St. Peter's" is meant the first schools invitation regatta run and held at the School at which all North Eastern schools were invited to compete. On July 8th we took part in a similar venture at which Bradford G.S. played host, referred to above as "Bradford." C.P.M.D.
SHOOTING The future of .303 shooting for schools is in some doubt—the entry for the Ashburton was the lowest since the 1930s—and this term we have not been immune from the difficulties with which it is generally beset. Indeed, we may well have met them more than most schools. We have had far less opportunity to practise because of difficulty in getting range bookings. Rifle issue to C.C.F. has been drastically cut and it was only through the great enthusiasm and willingness to take trouble of a number of people both in the C.C.F. and at Yorkshire District that we obtained rifles fit to take to Bisley. Ammunition threatened to be a further difficulty and indeed would have been if we could have had range bookings during which to fire it. The severe dimensions of the new 200 yard target have proved a discouragement—apparently more to us than to
some other schools. The four main events of the term worked out thus: Yorkshire District C.C.F. Skill-at-Arms Meeting: Rifle Team won; Aggregate won; Snap second; Falling Plates and Individual Championship unplaced. Yorkshire Rifle Association Spring Meeting: Cadet Cup second; Services Shield unplaced. P.A.O. Bell won the service rifle section of the Goodrick Cup. County of Lancaster Rifle Association Schools Meeting: C.L.R.A. Cup second; Schools Quartet won; Fletcher Cup third; Reserve P ail" second. 44