TRIAL BY JURY Following the success of last year's Victorian Evening when some excerpts from Pirates of Penzance were sung, we decided to have a go at Trial by Jury in our Monday lunch hour practices and see how far we could get. In the end we managed a semi-staged, semi-memorised performance which we had intended to give on the Music School Lawn, but at the last moment we were rained off, and we played it more or less off the cuff in Hall, never having tried it there before! Refreshments were provided, and the first half of the programme consisted of a concert by the Wind Band.
CONCERT 7-0 p.m., Wednesday, 1 1 th July Overture—Light Cavalry Waves of the Danube—Waltz Ode to Music (Etude) El Relicario (Paso Doble) Guard of Honour (March) Gypsy Baron (March Paraphrase) Ain't we got fun
Suppe Ivanovici Chopin Padilla Holmes Strauss Whiting
Coffee and Biscuits TRIAL BY JURY The Judge The Plaintiff The Defendant Counsel for the Plaintiff Usher
Edmund Field Ray Nixon Jeremy Beadle Keith Pemberton James Harrison
...Accompanist: David Cooper
C.C.F. The main work of the term was directed towards the Annual Inspection on 5th June. We had not been officially inspected since 1971, as each Contingent is free from inspection one year in four. We made a radical change in the form of inspection, and it is likely to be our pattern for some time to come. There was no formal parade by the whole Contingent as in the past; no March-past; no rifles except those carried by the Guard of Honour who welcomed the Inspecting party to the accompaniment of a Guard of Honour tune played by the Wind Band, and for this we are grateful to Mr. Pemberton and Mr. Cooper. The Inspecting Officer was Group Captain J. L. W. Towler, R.A.F., the Officer Commanding Royal Air Force, Linton-on-Ouse, and he was accompanied by Staff Officers of all three Services. After the inspection of the Guard, the party visited static displays by Service Sections, and 16