2 minute read
from May 1974
by StPetersYork
First Eleven chosen from: P. A. Scott, D. G. Green, C. F. Baggs, C. E. S. Monro, N. Gray, J. J. Clarke, D. M. H. Phillips, A. E. Hills, I. M. R. Thomas, S. D. LloydJones, P. D. Finegan, J. S. Barton.
Second Eleven chosen from: P. D. Finegan*, D. Snowdon*, D. J. Young, N. A. S. Wormald*, J. C. Rounthwaite*, J. S. Barton*, R. A. Elwen*, J. S. M. Thomas, R. W. Parkinson, J. H. Twizell, N. P. Moxon*, R. G. J. Sherratt*. *—Colours
Leeds G S , Won 5-0.
Bootham School, Won 5-0.
Scarborough College, Won 5-2.
York H.C. 4th XI, Drew 0-0.
Worksop College, Lost 2-6.
A.H.G.S., Won 6-0.
Colts Eleven chosen from: R. W. Egleton, S. W. Wallace, P. C. Clare, S. C. Fenwick, S. Bruce-Jones, M. P. Haw, A. W. Tait, G. F. Pritchard, A. J. S. Temple, S. R. Dench, N. P. Monro, T. S. D. Kirby, G. Knowles, I. R. Pullan.
The Winter Term was as usual devoted to 22 shooting, with three teams in the B.S.S.R.A. Winter League. On three days a week there were "Options" which gave opportunity for a number of new shooters to have some practice, but at the moment it must be admitted that there is a lack of new talent coming forward and it is not at all certain that we shall be able to run three teams next year.
The "A" team won two of its five matches, "B" one, and "C" three. As usual, team shoots were apt to be spoiled by individual disasters. The most cheerful thing that can be said of the term's League shdots is that the grand total of all three teams showed an upward trend during the term.
In the Spring Term the "C" team turned in some excellent scores at first, on one occasion actually scoring more than either "A" or "B". A couple of weak scores, however, lost matches and this, combined with some unlucky pairing—our best scores being against the weakest opposition—resulted in two wins, two losses and one draw. The "A" team won three and lost two, while results for the "B" team have not been received at the time of writing. Only seven of the fifteen team members improved their averages during the term. The teams, with averages for the two terms, are given below. Those marked * are re-awarded or awarded their minor colours, and the new cup presented by last year's Captain, Ian Balls, for the highest League average, was won by N. P. Moxon.
"A" *D. F. Richardson (apt.) 96.3 *N. P. Moxon 96.7 *J. E. Prowde 96.2 *M. J. W. Dimelow 95.8 *S. M. Cooper 94.5
"B" *S. Dench 95.9 *M. W. A. Poynor 94.6 *H. M. Godwin 94.4 C. G. A. Morcorn 94.0 A. M. Prowde 92.7 C. J. Hirst 93.8 M. P. Black 93.7 S. K. Pattie 93.3 G. D. Gumbrell 93.1 V. J. Feeney 91.8