7 minute read
Old Peterite News
from May 1974
by StPetersYork
A meeting of the General Committee of the Old Peterite Club was held at the School on December 15th, 1973.
Reports were given of successful dinners at London and in the West Riding. The latter, the first mixed regional dinner, had been a particular success.
It was resolved that the next meeting of the General Committee should be held on Saturday, May 4th, 1974.
It was announced that the East Riding dinner would be held on Friday, May 31st, 1974 at the Highfield Country Club, Driffield.
The following crested neckwear is available from the Hon. Secretary (D. Kirby, The Rise, 41 Clifton, York) : —
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The West Riding Old Peterite Annual Dinner was held at the Barn Inn. Cowthorpe on Monday, October 29th, 1973. For the first time, the dinner was mixed.
Old Peterites present were:
The President (Thompson, C. W.) The Headmaster Beetham, S. H. Brown, T. P. Butterworth, M. A. Carlile, J. W. Dent, J. C. Fletcher, D. I. Gillgrass, J. J. H. Houghton, J. C. Hudson, W. M. Jesper, D. G. S. Judge, H. W. Kent, M. J. Kirby, D. Magson, N. J. Metcalfe, C. Metcalfe, R. W. Mitchell, G. F. B. Moss, T. Newdick, F. N. Oldham, M. K. Parkin, F. N. Parkin, G. D. Raylor, A. W. Raylor, J. M. Rayson, J. C. M. Smith, W. Stabler, D. A. Todd, G. M.
Old Peterites are reminded that the 1974 School Commemoration will be held on July 12th, 13th and 14th, and Old Peterites are urged to support it.
The Headmaster has again kindly agreed that a limited number of unaccompanied O.P.s (in order of application) can be accommodated in the Junior School, charge £1 per night for bed and breakfast.
Old Peterites are reminded that the President of the Club will, as is customary at Commemoration, lay a wreath on the Memorial Shrine in 63
the Ante-Chapel at 10.30 a.m. on Saturday, July 13th, and it is hoped that O.P.s attending Commemoration will accompany him.
The O.P. Club Annual Dinner will be held at the School on Saturday, July 13th (price £1.50). It is hoped that Old Peterites, who wish to come to the dinner, will apply for tickets in good time.
Organisers for the O.P. teams for the Sporting Events, with whom members wishing to take part are asked to communicate, are as follows:—
Boat Races: R. J. Carson, 10 Muncastergate, York.
Cricket: J. A. Shouksmith, Denstone College Preparatory School, Smallwood Manor, Uttoxeter Staffs.
Golf: J. C. M. Rayson, 2 St. Olave's Road, Clifton, York.
Tennis: G. M. Todd, 6 Heworth Hall Drive, Heworth, York.
BARTON, N. R. (Queen's 1954-60) has been awarded a M.Ed. after a happy sabbatical in Wales, and is once more Housemastering at Grenville College, Bideford. His second daughter, Augusta, was born in 1971. BOWIE, A. M. (Temple 1962-7). We congratulate him on his preelection to a Research Fellowship in Classics at Emmanuel College,
Cambridge. COLLIER, R. N. (Rise 1963-4; Dronfield 1964-8) is Personnel Manager at the Connaught Rooms, Great Queen Street, WC1 ,and would like to hear from any 1963-68 Peterites. DAVIDGE, R. L. D. (1939-44) is licensee of The Old Pheasant Inn, New
Street, Worcester, where he would be glad to see anyone connected with the School, Although he cannot offer accommodation at the
Old Pheasant Inn, he can always find some method of fixing people up locally. DEAS, R. M. (Grove 1931-5; School 1935-6). As Head of Religious
Programmes for Tyne Tees Television, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, he recently won a sabbatical in Rome through a television award. During his visit he was honoured by a personal audience with His Holiness.
Pope Paul VI. FLINT, P. J. (Rise 1961-64) is now a partner in Rawson & Co., Chartered
Accountants in Sheffield. He is to be married on 7th September, 1974 GIBSON, R. J. (Manor 1945-50), a Ph.D. from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, is the scientist in charge of the Matamek Research
Station doing research mainly on salmonial ecology. He was advised at school that his biological interests were a hobby and should not be fostered into a profession. HART, D. B. (Temple 1964-69). Has left Rolls-Royce and joined Ranks
Hovis McDougall (Foods) Ltd., having taken a First Class Honours degree in Production Engineering and Management at Loughborough
Universtiy. We congratulate him on this and on the award of the
James France Prize. JAQUES, R. E. (Temple 1957-62) is now Regional Pension Director of Noble Lowndes & Partners Ltd. in Manchester. He married in 1968 and has a son, Andrew and a daughter, Anna. 64
KAZEROONI, S. K. (1929-35). Chairman of Scientific Control System
Iran Ltd., he has held high positions in the Iranian Government, and was recently standing for election as International Director of Lions
International. (News sent by Mrs. C. Toyne). RUDD, J. W. (Manor 1951-54) has left Goldsworthy Mining Ltd. and joined Metro Industries Ltd. WEBSTER, R. W. (Manor 1964-8) has qualified in Medicine at Newcastle University (M.B., B.S.).
COLLINS. On 28th September 1973 to Julia (sister of Dr. J. J. Knapton, 0.P., 1952-57) and Peter Collins (Head of School, 1961) of 19 Hough Green, Chester, a brother (Richard John) for Sarah. (School House 1956-61).
HAIGH-LUMBY—APPLEYARD. The engagement is announced between Peter, only son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Haigh-Lumby of Fairy
Cottage, Nessfield, Ilkley, Yorkshire, and Rosemarie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Appleyard, of Grove House, Grove Park, Ilkley. (Grove 1965-70).
HUITON—RODGERSON. On 29th September, 1973, at West Avenue
Methodist Church, Gosforth, Newcastle, D. M. Hutton to Elizabeth
Kay Rodgerson. (Rise/Dronfield 1962-7). WIGHTMAN—GILLBERRY. On 22nd December, 1973, at St. John's
Church, Roundhay, Leeds, D. J. Wightman to Miss Jennifer K. Gillberry (Queen's 1955-61).
BORDER. On 1 1 th November, 1973, in Hong Kong, suddenly from a coronary, Alan Porteous Border, aged 47 years. He was a Director of C.E. Contracts with Gammon (H.K.) Ltd. His name will be entered in a Book of Remembrance in Sunderland. (1940-44). GILBERT. On 2nd October, 1973, Edmund William Gilbert, Fellow of
Hertford College, Oxford, Emeritus Professor of Geography. A
Memorial Service was held in his College on 3rd November, 1973.
We have in the library a copy of the Festschrift presented to Professor
Gilbert in 1968, and also of his book "Brighton". MARSLAND. On 19th October, 1973, at Horncastle, William Woodworth Bourne Marsland, son of a former rector of Wyberton, Lincolnshire, where he was buried. He made his career in Barclays Bank
Ltd., and had many interests, especially the arts and the local history of Lincolnshire. PING. On 26th October, 1973, at York, Andrew Wentworth Ping, formerly Master-in-Charge of St. Olave's. A Memorial Service was held in Chapel on Saturday, 24th November. Appreciations are given earlier in this number.
Professor M. Boucher, of the Department of History in the University of South Africa, wrote to ask for information about Basil Worsfold, an Old Peterite well known for his literary criticism and as a historian of South Africa. He edited the Johannesburg Star in the Milner period, and he earlier lectured in Classics at the Diocesan College, Rondebosch, Cape.
Basil Worsfold entered St. Peter's in December, 1873, aged 15, and left in July, 1875; his father was the Rev. I. N. Worsfold of Haddlesey House, near Selby.
The Peterite is the magazine of St. Peter's School, York.
Members of the Old Peterite Club who write to the Editor are asked to show their St. Peter's dates (not St. Olave's), and the House they were in. No notice can be taken of anonymous correspondence, but a writer who wishes to use a pen name should make this clear to the Editor.
The Editor reserves the right to select news from any source, but in general personal notices will only be published if they are from members of the Old Peterite Club.
The Peterite is published twice a year, in May and October.
If any member of the Old Peterite Club should not receive a Peterite number, will he please write to The Bursar, St. Peter's School, York.
Applications for advertising space should be made to The Bursar, St. Peter's School, York.
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