8-13 Curriculum Booklet

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Drama Drama is taught in classes from J1 to J5, with one 40 minute lesson per week. The key aim of the drama curriculum is to enable children to build confidence in presenting themselves to others and to understand and ‘read’ physical situations. Where relevant, we link the drama curriculum to English as this adds another dimension when exploring characters and stories. Live theatre adds another dimension to the subject and we are blessed being within striking distance of so many incredible theatres – York itself but also Leeds, Manchester and Bradford, with both Sheffield and Newcastle also relatively accessible. Appropriate groups are offered opportunities to take part in these visits as they arise, with the aim for all of the pupils in the school to have an opportunity to see some live theatre during each academic year. Naturally, programmes are constantly changing, which gives this subject its exciting, contemporary and evolving feel. Shows are produced in J1,3 and J5. In J1 this is a year group musical towards the end of the year; in J3 this is a musical in the Christmas/ Easter term in collaboration with the music department and in J5 this is an optional production to take part in the Coram Shakespeare Schools production which enables pupils to perform on a professional stage. Upon leaving St Peter's 8-13, pupils all continue to study drama in Year 9, with the possibility of taking the subject on at GCSE in Year 10 and then A level.



Christmas National Poetry Day – whole year group devise and practise a poem to be performed.

Easter Different aspects of stagecraft including gesture & body language. Group work demonstrating different Working with props. techniques. Portraying different Work linked to Anti-bullying Week. characters using voice, Focus on the national theme – gesture etc. devising sketches and using these as a vehicle for discussion. Observation and Empathy. Adapting behaviour on stage Introduction to improvisation. relative to each other. Ranges of emotion. Improvisation: building on J1 work, action and reaction.

Summer Work on J1 play. Production for parents, involving all pupils in the year group. Rehearsals use class drama time. Performed over three days to school and parent audience.

Shirt machine – link with English. Collaborating on whole class piece.

Live news report – link with English. Use of simple props & costumes. Vocal and language contstaints. Radio advert - link with English. Focus on Work linked to Anti-bullying Week - Work on Chapel performance. conveying all information based on the national theme – verbally. Compare with including hot seating characters in Introduction to mime. mime – visual. dilemma situations. Noah’s Ark by Roger McGough, group work.


J3 production. Rehearsals used for audition process and then to

Chat show interviews – paired Silent Movies – viewing old work. Devise scripts in clips and imitating the

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