HOUSE REPORTS her colours along with Sophie Jackson, Alex Masefield, Nic Westwood and Emma Ward. Netball colours were awarded to Ronnie Wareham, Isla Pollard, Charlotte Cranston and Shelagh Pitt. The Inter-House cross-country brought a strong performance from the juniors, with Claire Taylor as individual winner. The final event was the swimming sports: the House team, organised by Ronnie Wareham for the second year, did not do outstandingly well but did record some good individual performances, notably from Caroline Lawson.
DRONFIELD Christmas At the start of the year, Dronfield welcomed fourteen new lower-sixth and eight third year girls, bringing the number in the House very close to sixty. Mr. Watkinson joined the staff and very quickly settled in to his role as Tutor: we shall be sorry to lose him, while congratulating him on his appointment to the Housemastership of Rise. Members of the House were involved in a wide range of activities. The Christmas Term featured the highly acclaimed production of My Fair Lady: we congratulate Sally Hamilton on her excellent performance, ably supported by Rachel Batty and Ali Holley, and, of course, Kirsten Luckins as assistant producer. Membership of the choir was again healthy, and contributions to music continue to flourish, with Emmy McCowen and Claire Altman deserving special mention. The House was well represented in the successful First XI: our congratulations go to Emmy McCowen, the captain, Ronnie Wareham, vice-captain, Angela Rosindale, Louise Copley and Alex Masefield on being awarded their colours; Sophie Jackson received the additional award of the Jackson-Pacey trophy. Rachel Batty captained the Second XI. Congratulations also to all who represented York and District at cross-country — Emma Ward, Caroline Cooper, Anne Suttill, Nic Westwood and Julia Thompson — the eventual winners of the York Area Senior Competition. As the end of term approached, the round of Oxford Entrance and Cambridge interviews began. Our warmest congratulations go to Rachel Batty on winning a place at Oxford and to Judith Hopton, Ali Holley and Sophia Chadwick on receiving conditional offers from their Cambridge colleges. A return to the more formal occasion of a dinner to celebrate the end of term proved a success; this was followed by an equally successful and widely audible disco. The traditional final night's fare of Christmas cake, mince pies and video brought the term to a close.
Summer The Summer Term saw Dronfield competing in four Inter-House events. The first of these was indoor hockey, where the House played well, beating Temple and putting up a good fight, finally drawing one and losing three of the remaining games. The team was Ronnie Wareham (captain), Sophie Jackson, Nic Westwood, Anne Suttill, Julia Thompson and Isla Pollard. In tennis we had a strong team, which also constituted the School's First XI: Alex Masefield (captain), Rachel Robertson, Nick Westwood, Julia Thompson, Sophie Jackson and Emma Ward, all of whom were awarded colours. Unfortunately we were drawn against the winning team and were eliminated in the first round. The House also made up a large proportion of the Second VI and Under 15 VI, the latter of which did very well, captained by Eleanor Bowling. Despite the weather problems, some girls' athletic events did take place. Connelee Morris looked set to win the Sharrock Cup after winning the long jump and javelin, but the bad weather intervened. There was success also in the Shooting Competition, in which we finished in second place. In music, the House continued to do well. Claire Altman deserves special mention for her solo performances; Lucinda Francis and Jane Mindenhall won music prizes. Our congratulations go to several members of the House on their appointments to various captaincies next year: Sophie Jackson for hockey, Emma Ward for squash, Isla Pollard for netball and Rachel Robertson for tennis. Congratulations to all in Dronfield on winning the Work Cup for the third successive year. At the end of the year, House Colours were awarded to Emmy McCowen, Rachel Batty and Judith Hopton who played such an important part in the House, and to Ronnie Wareham for her organisation of several House events. To all our leavers, our very best wishes for the future. We wish Mrs. Shepherd well as she moves to Temple as a tutor; our loss is their gain. Eleanor McCowen
Easter The Easter Term brought success for members of Dronfield in a number of areas. It was very pleasing that the House was victorious in the Great Egg Race after two second places: congratulations to the team — Emmy McCowen, Becki Ingledew, Angela Rosindale, Connelee Morris and Sarah Richards. In cross-country, Esther Williams achieved considerable success, being selected for North Yorkshire. The rowers too enjoyed a number of wins: congratulations to Judith Hopton and Jo King. Ronnie Wareham captained the squash team and received 16