2 minute read
Cambridge Cup
from Oct 1994
by StPetersYork
Winners, Track Events
Junior 100 metres R. Metcalfe* Inter 100 metres P. Bennett Senior 100 metres K. Armitage Junior 200 metres N. Lane Inter 200 metres L. Read* Senior 200 metres J. Toms* Junior 400 metres G. Croft* Inter 400 metres R. Ogden* Senior 400 metres C. Humphreys* Junior 800 metres K. Hoggard* Inter 800 metres R. Ogden* Senior 800 metres L. Evans* Junior 1500 metres K. Hoggard Inter 1500 metres L. Read* Senior 1500 metres C. Taylor Junior 4 x 100 Relay Clifton Inter 4 x 100 Relay Clifton* Senior 4 x 100 Relay The Rise (G) (Q) (Q)
(R) (R)
(C) (T) (C) (D) (T) (C)
(T) (R) (R)
Winners, Field Events Junior Long Jump R. Inter Long Jump R. Senior Long Jump E. Junior High Jump K. Inter High Jump S. Senior High Jump L. Junior Javelin P. Inter Javelin D. Senior Javelin S. Junior Shot Z. Inter Shot F. Senior Shot _ J.
R. Junior Discus R. Inter Discus P. Senior Discus L. * = New Records
Metcalfe (G) Ogden* (C) Combe (R) De Boer* (Q) Heald* (T) Havercroft (R) Bhat (T) Powley (D) Marshall <Q) Wight (C) Alexander (T) Tetlow (G) Owen-Barnett (T) Fisher (D) Bundy* (D) Robertson (Q) 13.6sec 13.9sec 14.2sec 31.0sec 31.0sec 30.2sec lm 12.9sec lm 1.5sec lm 12.0sec 2m41.2sec 2m 22.2sec 2m 55.4sec 5m 47.9sec 6m 2.1 sec 6m 52.6sec 59.82sec 59.0sec lm 0.4sec 4m 38cms 4m 61 cms 4m 07cms lm 45cms lm 38cms lm 18cms 20m 95cms 22m 49cms 16m 95cms 7m 65cms 8m 38cms 7m lOcms 16m 97cms 21m 05cms 15m 44cms
There was one athletics match, a triangular against Giggles wick and Ashville for Under 14 and 15 teams. In this the standard of our field events was extremely high, although we lost out for raw speed in the sprints. Both teams were disqualified in the relays (for running out of the boxes) which meant the Under 15's lost narrowly by one point overall and the Under 14's came third, although this was a very equal match.
Rachael Ogden successfully continues her way in the athletics world. She was selected for the County Athletics along with Karly Hoggard. They came first and third respectively in their separate 800 metre races. Rachael rounded off the season with an excellent performance at Telford in the English Schools' Athletics Championships, where she gained first place in the 800 metres with a personal best time. Well done, Rachael!
This is the second year of the Cambridge Cup where all the points won in Inter-House sport are added together to find an overall winner. From the start Temple took the lead with Dronfield never very far behind. The Rise always remained a good third and then there was a big gap for the minor placings. Though Dronfield never quite managed to catch Temple the competition was fierce right to the end of the Summer Term — and the House Tennis Competition — as Temple had never quite managed to gain an unassailable lead, but the final placings were as follows:
Hockey Badminton Senior Cross-Country Junior Cross-Country Senior Netball Junior Netball Swimming Squash Rounders Tennis Athletics TOTALS The The Clifton Dronfield Grove Queen's Rise Temple
3 6 17 6 10 3 1 5
2 10 3 10 10 2 52 2 3 1
3 3 3 3
16 8 5 5 2 3 6 3 6
0 10 40 6 2 3 3 5 10 6 10 6 6 4 4 65