21 minute read
Old Peterite News
from Oct 1994
by StPetersYork
John Francis Birks (1910-18: Day House)
John died on 4th March 1994. He was always proud of St. Peter's, and on his death he left money to the School in his Will.
A. A. Collins (1919-23: School)
Alfred Allan Collins died on 15th December 1993 at the age of eighty-nine. He was an active OP for many years and was one of the Founder Members of the Old Peterite Masonic Lodge, which he attended regularly until advancing age decreed otherwise. He was a retired solicitor and Coroner and he latterly lived in Lincolnshire.
Sir Theo Crawford (1921-24: St. Olave's)
Born in December 1911, Theodore Crawford was educated at St. Olave's but we have no record of him entering St. Peter's School. He later went on to Glasgow Academy and Glasgow University, where he qualifed in Medicine. His special field was Pathology, and in particular coronary artery disease. In 1955 he was appointed secretary of the British Cancer Campaign. In the early 1960's some British pathologists decided to form their own college, of which Sir Theo became registrar and was able to persuade Sir Michael Sobell to support the Crown lease on Carlton House Terrace. The Royal College of Pathologists and the Cancer Research Campaign have been accommodated there ever since. He was knighted in 1973 for services to Pathology.
Robert Dobson (1940-47: The Manor)
Robert returned fairly recently to this country, having worked abroad for many years. At School he had been a good sportsman, playing for both the cricket and rugby teams. He died at Pickering in August 1993 after a short illness. He was a very popular figure among those OPs who knew him, being a quiet person with a great sense of humour. He was at the East Riding Dinner in May 1993 and met many of his old friends there. We shall miss him.
E. R. Gossop (1930-37)
Eric's death was reported in March 1993. No other details were given.
R. F. S. Mervyn (1924-27: The Manor)
It was not until September last year that we heard of the death of R. F. S. Mervyn. We were not given any other details about his life, except that he had died on 7th April, 1990, and that his wife had also died in 1993.
Charles EdwardSeholefield Q.C. (1915-20: Clifton, The Grove)
Charles died on 25th September 1993, aged ninetyone. After leaving St. Peter's he was articled to a firm of solicitors in Wakefield, and was admitted as a solicitor in 1925. He then read for the bar and nine years later was called to the Middle Temple. After the war, he practiced in London, taking silk in 1959. He represented St. John's College, Oxford in the enquiry into the building of a road across Christ Church Meadows, and he appeared for Berkshire County Council in the so-called Goring Gap power line dispute. As a result, the power lines had to be laid underground. He became head of his chambers before retiring in 1965. In 1966 he became a bencher of the Middle Temple. He was always kindly and courteous, and led an active life. In private life he was a leading member of the Sherlock Holmes society and, about twenty-five years ago, gained some fame for a reenactment of the struggle between Sherlock Holmes and the evil genius Professor Moriarty, in situ in Switzerland. He was a dedicated Freemason and rose to some prominence in that field.
Peter John Wright (1942-45: School)
Peter came to St. Peter's in 1942 after being at Bryanston School. (The Secretary of the OP Club remembers him as being a well-built lad who did not fit well into a C.C.F. uniform, but who had a great sense of humour.) After leaving School, Peter worked for Ford and then for Massey-Ferguson, in which firm he became Managing Director, and Chairman of the European section. He was married and had two sons and a daughter. He enjoyed golf, sailing and shooting. Between 1983 and 1991 he retired to Snowhill as a sheep farmer. He died on 7th October 1993, having been in bad health for some time following a previous stroke. We are grateful to C. C. Houghton (1925-30: The Rise) for supplying us with the information.
Robert Hawkins.
Robert Hawkins, a member of the ground staff at St. Peter's, died on 29th October 1992. He was recorded in the 'Peterite' last year as being in The Rise. It was actually his son, Raymond Hawkins who was in The Rise from 1945-51. Raymond returned from a visit to Australia in December 1993 and now lives in Richmond, Yorkshire.
Note from the Secretary of the OP Club
As usual, we must add that we can only supply information which is passed on to us. Please do let us know about OPs who have died, and something about them, if possible.
Information supplied after July will be printed in the following year's Peterite.
Andrew J. Figge (1976-83: School)
Andrew became married over a year ago and is now Export Manager for Swifts (Engineering) of Scarborough. As part of his work, he has to travel to many parts of the globe.
Vanessa N. Figge (1987-89: Dronfield)
Vanessa graduated at Nottingham Trent University with a B.A.(Hons.) Degree and a 2:1 Grade in Business Studies. During her course she was awarded one of five scholarships to study at the Southern Denmark Business School, which was followed by a few months' placement in Rotterdam. At the end of the course Vanessa became Accountant Executive for Blue Chip Marketing in Manchester.
A. P. M. Gray (1974-84: The Manor)
Andy was commissioned in 1985 with the 1st Royal Tank Regiment and then, sponsored by the Royal Engineers, studied Economics at Leeds University, from where he graduated with an Honours Degree in 1989. In 1990 he passed out of Sandhurst to serve with the R.E. He missed the Gulf War by being posted to Canada to build a warehouse and then went to Cambodia as a military observer. Since 1993 he has been in England. He became married in 1993 to his wife, Nicky, and is now living in London. He is due out of the army in 1994 and would be delighted to know of any possibilities for useful employment.
Beverley Hall, to her contemporaries Beverley Davies (1982-84: The Grove)
It is interesting to know that, in July 1988, Beverley married Old Peterite Andrew Robert Hall (1979-84: The Grove).
Beverley gained a Music Hons. Degree from Sheffield University in 1987, did a post-graduate course at the College of Ripon & York St. John, and then taught at the Ralph Butterfield School in Haxby until, in 1990, she had her first child. Beverley and Andrew now have two children — a son and a daughter.
J. A. H. Hanson (1918-21: School)
Jimmy recently celebrated his ninety-first birthday. He is a past President of the OP Club and has been an active member of the Club for over forty years. He cannot attend so much these days and wishes to be remembered to all his friends.
Richard W. Parkinson (1971-76: School)
Richard has just been appointed consultant orthopaedic surgeon at Arrowe Park and Clatterbridge Hospitals on the Wirral. He spent some time last year in Melbourne, Australia, doing a knee fellowship, which is now his main area of clinical interest.
David John Paveley (1975-82: The Grove)
David is about to start his second year as a member of the world-famous R.A.F. Falcons Parachute Team. Flight-Lieutenant Paveley is currently in training to take part in one of the hundred displays which are staged throughout Britain and Europe, showing the skill which has made the Falcons' name a symbol of discipline and daring. After being at St. Peter's, he attended a School of Physical Education in Leeds.
Robert K. Peel (1979-86: Temple)
Robert has just finished his final year at St. George's Hospital Medical School and is now doubtless awaiting the results of his efforts. Perhaps we may be able to tell you more in the next 'Peterite'.
David Pemberton (1978-82: Queen's)
David has been awarded the degree of D.Phil, at Oxford for research on the radioactive emission from ozone and nitric acid in the middle atmosphere. He took his first degree in Astrophysics at Edinburgh University before working for British Aerospace in Bristol. He is now with SERCO at Frascati in Italy and is working for the European Space Agency on GOME, a satellite project.
Nigel Pemberton (1976-80: Queen's)
Nigel was Organ Scholar at Wells Cathedral and Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, before teaching, first at Howden Hall, Northumberland, and then as Assistant Director of Music at King William's College, Isle of Man. He is now a First Officer with Manx Airlines. He married in 1991 and has two sons.
Ian Robinson (1966-71: Temple)
Having retired from his active participation in Squash, Ian, together with his wife, Helen, has now moved to Spain, viz. the island of Mallorca. He tells us that, owing to the postal conditions, any friends who wish to write to him should do so c/o 8 Elmlands Grove, Stockton Lane, York Y03 OEE.
Jonathan David Stubbs (1983-88: The Manor)
Jonathan obtained a B.Sc(Hons.) Degree with a 2:1 Grade in Estate Management from Newcastle Polytechnic. He is now working for Chartered Surveyors Weatherall, Green and Smith at their Leeds Office.
Harriet Torlesse (1989-91: Queen's)
Harriet has received a starred first at Cambridge and is hoping to go on to Glasgow University to read for a PhD. in Nutrition.
Ruth Torlesse (1986-88: Temple)
Ruth is expected to qualify as a doctor in the nett few weeks. We may hear more in next year's 'Peterite'.
Lucy J. Yeomans (1989-91: Queen's)
Lucy gained a B.Sc.(Hons.) in Agricultural Economics at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Owing to the timing of the publication of the 'Peterite', it is nearly a question of ave atque vale as far as the Presidents of the Old Peterite Club are concerned. We did just manage to welcome David Kirby last year, and now we are about to see his term of office come to a close. I have very much enjoyed working with David over the past two y (iars. It has been a great help to have a President who is actually available in York, and indeed at the School itself. He has done much to encourage an atmosphere of harmony and friendship within the Club, and all the meetings chaired by him have been characterised by good humour and unanimity, yet have been completed expeditiously. The Club owes a debt of gratitude to him for all the work which he has done on our behalf, and we hope that his association with the Club and with the School will continue to promote a close co-operation between the two, to the mutual advantage of both.
One of the long-standing areas of co-operation has been the collection by the School of the joining fees for the Old Peterite Club. For some reason, it appears that many leavers have not been aware that they are automatically life members of the Old Peterite Club if all the School bills have been paid until the end of the sixth form. I have recently added onto a form which tells us about the address of a newly-found Old Peterite a small extra which says:
"I am/am not a member of the OP Club" or alternatively "I do not know whether or not I am a member of the OP Club".
The majority decide for the latter.
We would, therefore, like to spread the word that almost all OPs are life members of the Old Peterite Club unless they left in the Fifth Form or actually opted out. If anyone is in doubt, I should be happy to investigate their case. To any recent leavers who have not become fully-paid life members I would suggest that they might consider joining now. As inflation continues, the fees do have to go up at regular intervals. There are OPs who, in later years, wish that they were members and they pay far more to join now than they would have done when they left School.
I see many signs of a continually growing interest in the Old Peterite Club. The sales of ties, OP Shields, Cufflinks etc. have grown noticeably in the past year and I am hearing of more and more OPs who are keen to keep in touch.
In connection with the sales, I should say that I have finally been persuaded that the stock account should be in the name of the OP Club. Hitherto the banks have been very awkward about club accounts, but at last I have found one which is sympathetic to our needs. So in future will you please make payable to 'The Old Peterite Club, Stock account' all cheques for stock, such as ties, cufflinks, etc. which you buy from me. The complete list of stock available is printed in this magazine. I am always ready to consider new ideas for stock, but have to be sure that they will sell and that they meet with general approval.
Finally, I would just like to add that I hope to see more and more OPs taking an active interest in the Old Peterite Club. By attending the functions they not only have a good time themselves and widen their circle of friends across all ages, but they also give support and encouragement to the Club and to the School. They show that the work is not done in vain, and they show that the School is something which they value.
One of the strengths of the Old Peterite Club is that it has for over one hundred years withstood extremes of fortune. The School is more susceptible to changes of policy with successive Headmasters and governments and climates of public opinion and economic pressure.
But, as long as we have a strong body of OPs who are glad to see each other and who are grateful for their time at St. Peter's and/or St. Olave's, the Old Peterite Club will always be a flourishing and worthwhile organisation, of help to its members and to the School.
I hope and trust that both the School and the Club will continue to prosper in future years.
The following dinners have been announced 1994/5:
1994 Friday, 27th May
The East Riding Dinner 7.30 for 8.00 p.m. The Bell Hotel. Driffield 0377- 46661. Organiser: David Atkinson (Home) 0377-229279. (Office) 0482-864-101.
Friday, 14th October
The Tyneside Dinner County Hotel, Newcastle (opposite central station). Organisers: Richard Pickersgill (Home) 091-281-8261. (Office) 091-261-1841. Michael Jobling (Home) 0661-824-924. (Office) 091-261-5298.
Friday, 4th November
The London Dinner 7.00 for 7.30 p.m. The Savile Club, 69 Brook Street, London W1Y 2ER. Organiser: David A. Turnbull (Office) 0252-27666.
Friday, 11th November
The West Riding Dinner The Bradford Club. Organiser: Bill Hudson (Home) 0943-874-504. (Office) 0274-732-271.
1995 Friday, 26th May
The East Riding Dinner 7.30 for 8.00 p.m. The Bell Hotel, Driffield. Tel: 0377-46661. Organiser: David Atkinson (Home) 0377-229279. (Office) 0482-864-101.
Dinners are organised and supported by the Old Peterite Club. They are open to all Old Peterites, staff,
Governors and members of the Old Peterite Club.
There has been some talk of organising a buffet supper which is open to all the above and their spouses and private guests. So far nobody has offered to organise such an event, but one never knows.
Obviously, we do not want to have so many events in any one area that none of them is well-attended. Numbers at the dinners have been holding up well in spite of 'the recession', and we hope that those attending will spread the word and encourage their friends to come along too.
We also publish in the 'Peterite' each year the list of those attending dinners, if the list is supplied to the Secretary of the Old Peterite Club. This lets others know whether any of their contemporaries or acquaintances have been to any dinner, and gives an opportunity for a new group to get organised to join in. Letters of invitation are sometimes sent out to possible attenders by the Dinner Secretary for a particular dinner, but these are not meant to be exclusive. Any of those mentioned above are welcome, provided they contact the organiser well in advance and give their name, house and dates at School.
A new departure has been to offer a discount of onethird off the quoted price to OPs up to four years after leaving School. This is intended to help those who are students, or just starting in employment. Those eligible for the discount should inform the organiser at the time of booking.
North East Dinner 1993
The Headmaster Barton, N. R. Biddle, H. Boyd, I. L. Brown, J. F. Brown, K. Clarke, C. J. L. Dr. Graham, W. Harding, J. R. B. Harding, J. T. Huntley, W. G. Hyett, P. Jobling, G. M. Jobling, R. L. Kirby, D. Lowe, J. W. Park, J. Pickersgill, R. Robson, A. C Rumfitt, D. T. Thompson, E. G.
West Riding Dinner 1993
Barrett, R. Hamilton, D. H. Hillyard, E. J. Hudson, W. H. Kent, M. J. Kirby, D. Kirby, F. A. L. LePla, R. S. Metcalfe, C. Metcalfe, J. Metcalfe, R. Mulryne, T. Parkin, G. D. Pullen, R. Thompson, E. G. Miss Wooding, D. The Head Master Abbey, J. Alexander, U. A. Anderson, J. P. Bainbridge, M. W. Ball-Dodd, C. Black, V. M. Bramall, R. H. Brierley, J. N. D. Brierley, P. J. E. Brown, D. L. Brown, N. E. R. Budge, I. Bunney, M. G. S. Burn, S. M. Carmichael, W. N. Clarkson, I. G. Curtis, A. G. Darley, P. M. Denison, E. A. K. Denison, J. A. Garnett, N. M. J. Gee, M. C. S. Miller, A. J. B. Moore, J. E. Moreton, P. N. H. Muirhead, N. D. Newdick, F. N. Parkin, G. D. Pemberton, K. R. Penty, J. R. Rich, J. A. Rumfitt, D. T. Schofield, R. N. J. Shardlow, P. A. Shuttleworth, G. M. Simmons, D N. Slegg, F. C. Smith, G. D Stevens, R. A. Sunley, M. C. J. Thompson, C. W. Thompson, E. G. Watson, B. J. Wharton, T. J. R.
London Dinner
The Headmaster Abbey, J. Bailey, G. P. Bailey, S. A. Belchamber, H. C. Bleach, P. J. Brown, A. C. Brown, N. E. R. Brown, R. D. E. Burdon, D. C. M. Collier, R. N. Conagham, D. N. Cossins, A. Cossins, J. C. Craven, J. E. Crowther, A. H. Denison, J. A. Field, R. A. Graham, G. E. L. Grantham, N. J. Hamilton, D. H. Harding, J. T. Harding, R. D. Harding, R. F. Harnby, F. B. S. Harvey, S. C. Hep worth, M. G. Hillyard, E. J. Hitchenor, A. D. Hobson, R. Hubbard, R. H. Huntley, W. G. Johnston, D. P. Jowett, A. C. Kirby, D. Leedham, I. P. J. LeTocq, L. C. Lister, R. W. Litten, R. S. P. Mee, J. A. R. Miers, J. F.
Firby, M. A. Gomersall, A. Graham, G. E. L. Harding, J. T. Harding, R. F. Hart, G. A. Hayes, J. F. R. James, D. J. Jobling, G. M. Kaner, D. R. Kettlewell, W. O. Kirby, D. Ksiss, L. C. Leefe, P. McCrimmon, F. E Miller, A. J. B. Pattison, C. J. Raymond, D. M. Rayner, D. E. Reynolds, A G. Rhodes, J. C. Rigby, A. C. Rigby, V. H. Rusholme, D. S. Smith, C. J. A. Smith, N. J. Stone, J. Sykes, P. R. Tate, D. H. Thompson, E. G. Ward, J. M. Wareham, P F. Warren, J. R. B. Webber, R. S. F. Wilson, K. W. Wroe, M. R.
East Riding Dinner
The Headmaster Atkinson, C M . Atkinson, D. P. Atkinson, J. S. Atkinson, P. S. Beaumont, L. T. Browne, F. D. Burdass, C. Burdass, I. Burdass, J. E. B. Burdass, J. U. B. Burdass, M. Burdass, T. Coleman, T. Coles, D. P. Cromack, C. Dee, C. C. Dee, M. Dent, J. Dodsworth, W. D. Fenton, P. A. Frank, C. Frank, J. Hamilton, D. H. Howie, F. Kirby, D. Megginson, A. Megginson, S. Mulryne, T. Newdick, F. N. Newitt, J. A. Nicholls, T. Peacock, R. W. Penty, A. D Rayston, J. C. M. Shuttleworth, G. M. Slingsby, J. W. Thompson, C. W. Thompson, E. G. Thornton, A. Tomlinson, N. R. Whitaker, P. H.
The following are available from OP Secretary, E. G. Thompson at 4 Moor Lane, Haxby, York Y 03 3PH. OP Club Ties OP Broad Stripe Ties OP Thin Stripe Ties OP Club brooches/Tie Pins OP Shields OP Cuff Links OP Cuff Links (Dress, Blue-Black) £ 6.00 £ 6.00 £ 6.00 £ 4.50 £25.00 £16.00 £16.00 (Please specify 'BLUE-BLACK' if ordering these, otherwise the light blue will be sent automatically) OP Centenary Spoons OP Blazer Buttons OP Centenary Brochures Chronology by R. D. Harding £ 2.00 £ 0.50 £ 0.50 £ 3.00
A limited selection of items is on sale at most OP Dinners, and all items can be ordered by post from the Secretary. Please send your cheque made payable to 'The
Old Peterite Club, Stock account'. Please add 60p for
postage and packing, otherwise we may be running at a loss!
All notifications of intention to take part are given on a form which is sent out by the OP Club Secretary, and gives full details of all events.
Further copies can be obtained from him, but please enclose S.A.E. THE OLD PETERITE LODGE No. 6412
This Lodge of Freemasons was founded in 1947 by a past Headmaster of St. Peter's, namely John Dronfield, and the present Brigadier Claude Cyril Fairweather CBE, TD, DL.
There are about fifty-two Old Peterites, staff and Governor members, and they represent a wide crosssection of ages, although members must be over twentyone years of age.
The Old Peterite Lodge meets in York six times a year, on Wednesday evening. Further information can be obtained via the Secretary of the Old Peterite Club, or direct from the Secretary of the Lodge, B. J. Watson, 1 Scawton Avenue, Huntington, York Y03 9JA.
We expect this to be on The second weekend in September, as usual i.e.:— Friday, 8th — Sunday, 10th September 1995
The general pattern for the Old Peterite Weekend has been as follows:—
Friday-Sunday Sporting activities on each day.
*11.00 p.m. Coffee. *12.00 p.m. Service in School Chapel. * After Chapel, Buffet lunch in the Memorial Hall (Tickets required). * 4.00 p.m. Tea. 5.45 p.m. A.G.M. of Old Peterite Club. 7.00 p.m. for 7.30 p.m. Bar in Memorial Hall. 7.30 p.m. Old Peterite Dinner (Tickets required).
(*Old Peterites are welcome to bring family and friends to events marked an *)
LOST (at the School during the Leavers' Ball 1994) One Dinner Jacket One Cummerbund One bow tie One Ventolin inhaler (the last three in the pocket of the Dinner Jacket)
Is there someone out there going round in an ill-fitting Dinner Jacket and cummerbund (the original owner is over six foot and well-built) and sniffing Ventolin?
If you see anyone answering this description, or if you know anything of the jacket's whereabouts, please contact an anxious Richard Hammill, 12 Carr Lane, Acomb, York Y02 5HU.
This event has grown in popularity over the years. So much so, that the organisers are having to insist on bookings for any activity being made well in advance, and certainly by the previous Saturday. This is to avoid people being disappointed by turning up on the day and finding their activity is fully-booked. It is a very enjoyable weekend, and well worth planning to attend.
M. J. Glen (1972-77: School)
To Jonathan and Natalie Glen, a daughter Rebecca Shelagh, born on 22nd April, 1994.
J. P. Atkinson (1979-84: Temple)
To Jeremy and Sara Atkinson, a son Daniel James, born on 25th February, 1994.
Officers 1993/4 The President D. Kirby, 14 Clifton Place, York, Y03 6BJ.
The Hon. Secretary E. G. Thompson, 'West Winds', 4 Moor Lane, Haxby, York, Y03 3PH.
The Hon. Treasurer: G. D. Smith, 7 Harlow Pines, Harrogate, HG3 1PZ.
Vice-Presidents: The Headmaster, K. G. Chilman, Brigadier C. C. Fairweather.
Past Presidents: J. A. Hanson, C. W. Thompson, P. S. Atkinson, F. N. Newdick, R. F. Harding, D. T. Rumfitt, J. T. Harding, J. A. Denison, E. M. H. Ranson, D. L. Brown.
The General Committee: Ex-officio:— The President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Head Master. Past Presidents, Vice-Presidents. Dinner Secretaries. Editor of the OP Newsletter.
Elected 1991-1994: P. M. Darley, C. E. Gilman, M. J. Kent, N. Muirhead, R. W. Oliver. Elected 1992-1995: V. M. Black, S. M. Burn, G. E. L. Graham, G. Grant, G. M. Shuttleworth. Elected 1993-1996: M. W. Bainbridge, J. E. Burdass, V. L. J. Inness, I. P. J. Leedham, D. Tunstall.
Finance and General Purposes Committee: Ex-Officio:— The President, Secretary and Treasurer, The Immediate Past President. Elected: R. W. Oliver, S. M. Burn.
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