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Hopkinson, Rosie Neave and Emma Cox for all the hard work that they put in; altogether this year we raised £150 for Amnesty, and I hope that next year's committee led by Catherine Hopkinson can keep the good work going. I would also like to thank Mr. Drysdale for all his hard work and guidance. Stephen Mulryne
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Amnesty International had a very successful year, managing to get many members of the school writing letters to foreign governments and Christmas cards to prisoners. Fund-raising this year took the form of the now traditional cake bakes, a collection in chapel, and concerts by some of the school's musicians after which collections were taken and raffle tickets were sold. This year also saw the establishing of close links with the York Amnesty Group. During the annual Amnesty Week we held two very successful letter-writing sessions and a Christmas card writing session. We were overwhelmed by the response from the school and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who came to write letters. Several members of the Amnesty Group attended at debate with other Amnesty groups on whether Amnesty International should support armed intervention; the result of this was that supporting armed intervention would tarnish Amnesty's reputation and could interfere witii its effectiveness in drawing attention to the human rights dimension to crisis. I would like to thank his year's very successful committee of Felicity Bevan, Wendy Chung, Catherine
TOP HOUSE QUIZ The creation of a ninth House caused us to alter the usual format of the competition this year. The opening round was run on the lines of a "pub quiz", with each House seated at a table well away from one another. It was a successful occasion and the four highest scoring teams went through to the semi-finals. Alas, The Manor and Grove, quiz "experts" of past years, did not survive. The eventual finalists, Linton and Temple, came face to face in the Hall at the end of March. Both teams fought hard and Temple emerged as winners by fifty-two points to forty-four. Congratulations to their team — Oliver Button, Richard Collier, James Tilston and Christopher Maitland. My special thanks to everyone who helped make this year's quiz so enjoyable. John Shaw 30