1 minute read
Philosophy and Theology
Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
Why study Philosophy, Ethics and Religion?
One reason is because it deals with some of the most important questions in life: does God exist? Why is there suffering in the world? How do we know what is right and wrong? And on what basis do we make decisions about our society? A second reason is that it develops the skills of critical thinking, close reading, and analytical writing. These are essential in any number of fields of enquiry and work beyond school.
During the course you will learn to think philosophically about issues, understand how key ideas have developed through the work of philosophers in the past and recognise the influence on ideas and society today and in the future. You will have the opportunity to reflect on your own points of view in relation to these ideas. The course is designed around a core of study, focussing on the most influential writers of the Western Tradition: Plato, Aristotle, Augustine and Aquinas. In the remainder of the course there is the option of studying ethics, theology or philosophy, depending on the interest of the class. Topics which might be studied include: Applied ethics, the arguments for and against the existence of God, theories of perception, and the division between mind and body, to name but a few.
Lessons will typically comprise of discussion, debate and careful evaluation of Classical, Enlightenment and modern philosophies. Beyond the classroom, you will have the opportunity to meet some of the most eminent philosophers in the country today, both at our own annual Philosophy conference and through our Public Lecture programme.
Paper 1 2hrs Paper 2 2hrs Paper 3 2hrs
Examination Board: OCR
Philosophy of Religion Religion and Ethics Development in Religious Thought 33.3% 33.3% 33.3%