Early Years Foundation Stage Handbook

• Welcome
• Meet the Team
• General Information
• All about Early Years
• Welcome to Acorns
• Welcome to Conkers
• Welcome to Reception
• Wrap around Nursery

Welcome to St Peter’s School 2-8, which is part of St Peter’s 2-18. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your children to the Early Years Foundation Stage. We hope this booklet answers some of the questions you may have about your child starting their exciting learning adventure with us.

At St Peter’s School and Nursery, we are proud to be fun, proudto be different, and proud to put the children at the centre of all we do.

2-8 TEAM

AntoniaClarke HeadTeacher

JuliaSalisbury DeputyHead

ElisabettaZoellner TeacherofItalian

AndreaHayden HeadofMusic

Hannah Alexander HeadofEYFS

RobynFlockhart PETeacher

KirstySwales HeadofLearning Support

TrishMcCurrie SeniorAdministrator
ChloeClark OffficeAdministrator

Contact Us:
Address: School Office St Peter's 2-8. Clifton York YO30 6AB.
By phone: 01904 527361
By Email: schooloffice2-8@stpetersyork.org.uk
Further Information
School Website: St Peter's School, York | Day and Boarding School (stpetersyork.org.uk)
St Peter's 2-8 | St Peter's School (stpetersyork.org.uk)
Parent Portal: Secure | St Peter's School (stpetersyork.org.uk)
This is also where you will be asked to sign up for clubs, school trips or other required documents. You may also wish to read our ‘New Parents Handbook’ you can also view our policies and procedures.
Policies and Procedures
Much thought has been given to making sure that your child is as safe as possible. Within the EYFS there is a set of welfare standards that everyone must follow. These include staff ratios, carrying out risk assessments, administering medicines and what to do in the event of a child going missing. All our policies are available on request from the school office or on our website including:
· Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
· Behaviour and Discipline Policy

· Anti-Bullying Policy
· Curriculum Policy
· Trips and Visits Policy
· Health and Safety Policy
· Non-collection of children Policy and Procedure
· Missing Child Policy and Procedure
· Parental Complains Policy and Procedure
The majority of staff are paediatric first aid trained and we also have a school nurse available. Our school paramedic, Ashley Mason, helps deal with any medical issues and can be contacted on 01904 527417.
At St Peter’s School 2-8 we have both a winter and summer uniform along with a school PE kit. Please order uniform in conjunction with the uniform lists issued by school - some items of uniform are not required by all year groups. The list as well as further information can be found here: St Peter's School York (myschoolportal.co.uk).
Please note that for PE and Forest School days, the children will come to school in PE kit so uniform will be required 3 days in Reception.
You can register and order through our supplier School Blazer here: www.schoolblazer.com

Nearly New Shop:
The Nearly New Sale Uniform Sale is held periodically throughout the year in the atrium at St Peter’s 2-8. The dates for these will be communicated through the school newsletter.
Firstly, the whole school ethos is underpinned by our school values. The school's seven values are for each and every member of the St Peter’s School community to practice; pupils, teaching and support staff, parents and governors, across the three schools.


Learning Superheroes:
Our St Peter’s School 2-8 Learning Superpowers have evolved to help teach children about the process of learning. They are used across the school in daily occurrence in order to support children in developing positive habits of learning and thus enabling the children to become confident, motivated learners. We believe that it is important that our children understand how to learn effectively and that they can select specific tools to help them with their learning. This is underpinned by our school values. Our work in this area also supports the work on Growth Mindset which is being carried out at St Peter’s 8-13. We chose to use the Learning Superheroes to help the children to identify their learning superpowers and to motivate and engage the children.
Our Learning Superhero characters are; Ricky Resourceful, Rita Resilient, Reflective Rory and The Collaborative Twins.



At St Peter’s 2-8 we follow the Early Years statutory framework which runs from birth to 5 years known as the EYFS
Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage for group and school providers (publishing.service.gov.uk)
The EYFS is based on the principle that children develop in different ways and development is not a linear or automatic process. It depends on each unique child having opportunities to interact in positive relationships and enabling environments that encourage their engagement and recognise their strengths. All children have agency and curiosity to learn, and they will interact with other people and the world around them in different ways. Understanding these different ways of knowing about the world is central to understanding who children are and how best to support their development.


Our curriculum across the EYFS is built on curriculum guidance in the ‘Development Matters’ document.
Development Matters - Non-statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage (publishing.service.gov.uk)
We use this guidance to shape our curriculum. Our curriculum has plenty of scope and flexibility within it so we can respond to the children’s fascinations, the needs of our children and current global, local and seasonal events. Three areas are particularly important for developing the children’s foundations and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships, and thriving. These are called the Prime Areas of Development, which are; Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
We also teach and support children in the four Specific Areas of Development, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied.
The Specific Areas of Development are: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.
Children in the EYFS learn by playing and exploring, being active and through creative and critical thinking which takes place both indoors and outside. These are called the Characteristics of Effective Learning.


Assessments provide us with necessary information about your child’s progress through the EYFS. Ongoing assessment is an integral part of our learning and development process. Our assessments are based on observations of what children are doing in their dayto-day activities.
Judgements are based on this observational evidence gathered from a wide range of learning and teaching contexts. We keep photographs, videos and written observations of your child’s time in the Foundation Stage in an individual online Learning Journal called ‘Evidence Me’. We will provide you with details of how and you can access and contribute to your child’s Learning Journal.


Two Year Progress Check
If your child joins Nursery in Acorns and they have not had a progress check at their previous setting, we will carry out a progress check and provide you with a short-written summary of their development in the prime areas. If concerns are identified, we will develop a targeted plan for support.
Early Years Foundation Stage Profile
The EYFS Profile is a statutory document and is a way of summing up each child’s development and learning achievements at the end of Reception. It is based on ongoing observation and assessments in all seven areas of Learning and Development. Judgements for the profiles are made from observation of consistent and independent behaviour, predominately from the children’s self-initiated activities.
At the end of the Foundation Stage we report on your child’s progress against the Early Learning Goals in terms of 'Emerging' or 'Expected' as well as providing a commentary on each child’s Characteristics of Effective Learning. Early years foundation stage profile: 2024 handbook (publishing.service.gov.uk)
Parents' Consultation Meetings
Both Nursery and Reception parents will be invited to parents' consultation meetings in the first half of the autumn term and again in the Easter term. They will also receive a written school report at the end of the Christmas term and at the end of the academic year.

Throughout the Early Years at St Peter's 2-8 we use an Online Learning Journal called 'Evidence Me' as both an assessment and communication tool. You can access Evidence Me both via the website and the app and it is a free and secure service which historically our families have found very beneficial.
Here are some of the ways in which we use Evidence Me in the Early Years:
To share an overview of our weekly learning so you can use this as a talking point with your child and to support learning at home.
To share photos and notes (observations) of whole class experiences and teaching such as trips to Forest School, Music and PE lessons
To communicate information about trips, special events, special requests etc.
To share photos and observations of your child in their play and the learning that is taking place.
Whilst we love to share photos and observations on Evidence Me we want to prioritise spending time interacting with the children rather than recording their play behind an Ipad! Therefore, you will find individual observations tend to be of special wow moments and you are likely to receive one of these at least once a week or fortnight.

Here is how you can contribute to Evidence Me at home:
Comment on our observations. We really love to read your feedback!
Send in your own notes and photos called Parent Postcards! This is a way of sharing special events and wow moments that your child would like to show to their class. This is quick and easy to do, simply follow the instructions on Evidence Me
Evidence Me Help for Parents – Help Centre
We will always share your photos with the class and let your child talk about them. The children absolutely love to do this, and it is a great way to build their confidence and speaking skills. We will also comment on your photos, so you know we have received and shared them.


Cath Walters Teacher & Acorns Veronica Rawkins Teaching Assistant

Ana Mustatea Teaching Assistant



“Icannot speak highlyenough of the team and the culture in the Nursery and Reception at St Peter’s. My daughter joined at age 2 and has loved every minute. The staff develop close bonds with each child, and personal care and attention is continually given. Alongside the brilliant standard of teaching, the facilities are also world class. The sheer variety and quality of the care and education my daughter receives is inspiring - I could not have picked a better start to her schooling.”
- Acorns Parent
“It is hard to put down succinctly the amount of joy it brings me knowing that my daughter receives the most dedicated amount of nurturing, from the minute she walks into nursery, to the time she leaves.We are so incredibly fortunate to have the care and expertise of ALL the staff who work in the school. From the cleaners, chefs, groundsmen, adminstaff etc., to all the teachers who together ensure the entiretyof theschool environment combines with the educational and humanistic fostering of the growth of the children. As a parent, I could not havedreamt of a better start to education for my daughter and have no
doubt the nursery team have set her on the best foundations for life, both educationally and humanistically, to be the best person she can be. Thank you.
- Acorns Parent


Drop off is between 8:25-8:40 each morning. Children are brought to the Nursery gate and will be welcomed by a member of staff. It is helpful if your children arrive before 9:00am as the school day begins with registration and sometimes involves specialist lessons the children are required to attend.

Collection is at 3:20pm. The children will be brought out to the parent/carer. Please make use of the intercom to let the staff know that you have arrived for collection. Please let the office know if someone rather than the regular person will be collecting or if pick up arrangements have changed from usual.

Before school care is available in the Rayson Room from 7:45am-8:15am. The children will be brought into Nursery by the staff on duty to start school at 8:25am. Should you arrive after 8:15, please wait at the nursery gate until the staff open the doors at 8:25am.
After school care is available from 3:20-6:00pm.
The first slot is, 3:20-4:10pm in the Nursery building; thereafter the children will be taken to the Rayson Room where they are able to stay until 6:00pm. They will be charged from 4:15pm onwards.
A snack will be given inthe RaysonRoomafter4.15pm.


- Wellies with lining for Winter
- Winter Hat
- Summer Hat
- Waterproof mittens
- Wellies for Summer

- Spare sets of uniform, including socks!
- Nappies, if required
- Coat - Drawstring bag for spare clothes
- Nursery wet bag
- Please ensure that all items of clothing, shoes, bags and boots are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
- During the summer months please apply ‘once a day’ sunscreen to your child’s face, neck and arms.

'Let nature be your teacher.'
William Wordsworth


Each child will have a peg allocated to them, where they will hang their coat and bag each morning. Wellies will remain at school underneath the pegs throughout the term.
We have a morning and afternoon snack which the catering staff provide. The children are given a choice of milk or water.
Morning snack is a savoury snack (e.g. pin wheel/cheese bagel) and the afternoon snack is another homebaked snack (e.g. flapjack). A selection of fruit is available throughout the day.
Children with allergies are catered for accordingly.

If your child does have any allergies, please ensure the office knows this information and it has been passed on to the medical team. (This information will have been asked on the starter form).
Children will attend Music, PE, Italian, Forest School and visit the school library each week.

Lifein Acorns

Each child will have the opportunity to register themselves by hanging up their own Acorn peg doll. The children will have free play while their friends arrive at school. At about 9.00am the children will gather for circle time and welcome all their friends to Acorns. We use a visual timetable to let the children know what is happening each day.
Each day is different depending on whether there is Forest School, PE, Music, Italian or library. The children can choose whether they want to go outdoors or stay inside. Snack time is around 10 am followed by continuous play until we get ready for lunch which is at 11.25am in the dining hall. After lunch the children play outside in the playground until 12.45pm. When the children come back inside, we have a time of quiet. The children can choose to read a book, sit quietly, or rest. Some restful music/nursery rhymes are played, and this gives the children an opportunity to relax.

After quiet time, the afternoon session starts with continuous play outside or inside. The day ends with a snack given around 2.45pm followed by songs and stories before the children are collected or go to after school care.
Special Events

Christmas Nativity
Valentine’s Day
Pancake Day
Chinese New Year
World Book Day
Mother’s Day
Father’s Day
Transition Day

Evidence Me Phone School/ Email


Play with your child and play some more! Read with and to your children.
Answer their endless “Why?” questions as enthusiastically as you can.
Praise your children for the smallest things.
Let them know that you are proud of them and that they are loved.
Encourage the use of eating with a knife and fork.
Encourage getting themselves dressed, including shoes.
Encourage independence in toileting and personal hygiene.
Welcometo Conkers


Joining St Peter’s nursery can only bedescribedas joininga new family.The love,care,respectand helpisnothingshortofremarkable, what you’d onlyexpect from actual family.
- Conkers Parent
We absolutely adore the nursery school’s weeklythemes and how immersive they are for our little ones. From picking the apples in the school garden, to discussing their shapes &colours, to making fresh apple juice in a press to even making an apple crumble - all in one week! I mean who wouldn’t lovecoming to school if all our experiences had been this fun and enriching!?
I am always so impressed by allthe adventures the nursery programme offers our little ones - from walking trips into York, to waving to the King as he passes through the city, to shopping for new unique foods inthe Chinese supermarket, to Italian lessons, to baking and eating their creations right in the classroom.
I’llnever forget thismemorable experience as anew parent - the exposure our little ones get to such tangible yet complex subjects made age appropriate simple and fun. Mrs Kelsh and the teaching staff at St Peters nursery keep the days and weeks flying by, filled with so much curiosity, love and care. It’s everything we hoped we could find ineducation for our daughter and just weren’t sure wasattainable.
- Conkers Parent

Could not recommend the Nursery more highly. My daughters have flourished during their time there. Such a nurturing, calm, fun, adventure-filled and safe environment. Particularly love how adaptive the teachers are to the children’s current interests and experiences, regularly incorporating these into the weeks' activities and outings. As well as the regular updates with photos and dialogue about their day.
- Conkers Parent
It is hard to put down succinctly the amount of joy it brings me knowing that my daughter receives the most dedicated amount of nurturing; from the minute she walks into nursery, to the time she leaves. We are so incredibly fortunate to have the care and expertise of ALL the staff who work in the school. From the cleaners, chefs, groundsmen, admin staff etc, to all the teachers who together ensure that the entirety of the school environment combines with the educational and humanistic fostering of the growth of the children. As a parent, I could not have dreamt of a better start to education for my daughter and have no doubt the nursery team have set her on the best foundations for life to be the best person she can be. Thank you.
- Conkers Parent

We have been extremely happy with our experience at St Peter's Nursery. Our children adjusted very quickly and love going to school. It is a warm, caring and kind environment. As parents we have been delighted with the activities undertaken, the Nursery could not have done more to make learning fun and engaging. What a wonderful introduction to school life! We could not have asked for more.
Thank you!
- Conkers Parent
Joining St Peter’s nursery can only be described as joining a new family. The love, care, respect and help is nothing short of remarkable, what you’d only expect from actual family.
- Conkers Parent

Lisa Dewhurst Teacher
Mandy Ferguson Teaching Assistant
Michelle Rice Teaching Assistant
Helen Argo Teaching Assistant


Drop off at the Nursery Gate for 8.25am
Pick up at the Nursery Gate for 3.20pm
Teacher – Miss Dewhurst. Keypersonfor all Conkers is Miss Dewhurst

Snack is free flow, self-serve with milk and water. Morning snack is a savoury snack (e.g. pin wheel/cheese bagel) and the afternoon snack is another home baked snack (e.g. flapjack). A selection of fruit is available throughout the day.
Please inform staff of any of any dietary requirements to be catered for. (This information will have been asked on the starter form).
What toBring

Full set of spare clothing, including full underwear, clearly labelled and in a drawstring bag.
Labelled wellies - to remain in school.
Labelled wooly hat, cap, gloves - weather dependent.

Please ensure that all items are clearly labelled.
PE andForestSchoolareonceaweek.

Before School Care is available from 7.45am to 8.15am in the Rayson Room. If you arrive after 8.15am please go straight to the Nursery gate and wait till 8.25am.

After School Care is available in the setting from 3.20pm-4.10pm. You must ensure that children are picked up either before 3.30pm OR between 4.00pm-4.10pm, due to safeguarding.

Late After School Care - if you need after school care provision after 4.15pm, this is provided in the Rayson Room until 6.00pm. A snack will be provided.
Lifein Conkers


Music Forest School Specialist Subjects

Welcometo Reception


The Early Years experience at St. Peter’s 2-8 is absolutely fantastic. They love coming to school every single day and they’re so excited about what they’ll be doing and the different activities they get to enjoy. Not only is the overall approach to learning fantastic, but it’s the teachers at St Peter’s 2-8 that take it to another level. Their enthusiasm and passion is beyond measure, and the way that they incorporate the interests of the children into what they then teach is absolutely incredible. It creates a love of learning in the children that will be with them well beyond their time in the early years setting. It’s an absolute joy to send our children here and we couldn’t recommend it enough.
- Reception Parent
The Reception year for both our son and daughter has been absolutely wonderful. The incredible staff have created an environment that is so magnetic, fulfilling and nurturing to children that they run in every day, excited to be there. Learning is done by stealth, led by the children and everything is vibrant, fun and filled with curiosity. Both our children have adored it. What is noticeable is that how our children view every learning opportunity as a possible positive experience in whatever setting - what a gift to give them! This is due to their reception experience. We couldn’t have asked for a better foundation to their education.
- Reception Parent

The extracurricular activities and events organized by the school have added so much value to my child's overall development. Thank you for making learning such a fun and fulfilling experience. We are truly grateful to be a part of this wonderful school community.
- Reception Parent
The dedication and enthusiasm of the teachers and staff are truly exceptional, and my child speaks so fondly of the school and her time there. My child's remarkable progress is credited to the school's commitment to providing a nurturing andstimulating environment for learning.
- Reception Parent
I cannot say enough about how much I appreciate the school's emphasis on multiculturalism. The school has created an environment where students from different backgrounds can thrive and learn from one another, which is a testament to the school's commitment to promoting diversity and understanding.
- Reception Parent


St Peter's is an outstanding school that nurtures and supports my child's development, taking into account the individual development of the whole child. Our child joined the school in nursery more than two years ago and he is thriving in all aspects of his life. We could not be happier with St Peter's and the supportive staff who will go above and beyond to meet each individual child's needs.
- Reception Parent
Having looked at 14 primary schools for our daughter, St Peter’s is in a different league. Thesetting and resources are outstanding, the staff are best in class, warm, engaging and very accessible, and the approach to learning is unparalleled locally. The breadth of the curriculum is genuinely inspiring, and our daughter has enjoyed a phenomenal start to her education, we honestly could not have asked for more.
- Reception Parent

Teacher RA

Hannah Alexander Head of EYFS
Ilona Podlejski Becky Morrison Teacher RMP Teacher RMP
Sarah Kelsh Teacher RKM
Laura Moores Teacher RKM
Harriet Walker Teaching Assistant
RachelWalker TeachingAssistant
KimberlyHuby TeachingAssistant


Before School Care is available from 7.45am to 8.15am in the Rayson Room. If you arrive after 8.15am please go straight to the Reception steps and wait till 8.25am.

After School Care is available in either the RC or RA classrooms from 3.20pm-4.15pm or in good weather, outside. During this time children can be collected from the classroom/outside in good weather.

Late After School Care is available from 4.15pm until 6pm in the Rayson Room. A snack is provided.
Useful Information

Children need: Wellies (kept in school), spare uniform including underwear (in book bag), water bottle, sun hat and winter hat in the appropriate season and a book bag with reading book/yellow reading record book (once we start reading).
Please ensure all items are named.

On their PE day and Forest School day, children come to school dressed in their PE kit for the full day - these days will be shared in your child’s class timetable.
Your child will have a named peg outside their classroom where they can hang their school coat and school book bag. Youmay decide you do not require a PE bag for school in the Reception year.

Life in Reception

Morning drop off is from 8.25am8.40am at Reception outdoor area steps near the Main Reception. A member of the Reception team will meet and greet your children and guide them into school.

Ourmorning and afternoon
Children arrive, hang up their bag and coat on their peg (with help from staff) and then go to their classroom from 8.25-8.40am where activities are set up for the children to enjoy. Our learning starts at 8.40am sessions are typically ‘top and tailed’ with whole class teaching sessions, for example, Phonics, Maths and story time. We also use a plan-do review approach to encourage children to plan and reflect on their play in small groups. .

Life in Reception

Children have a morning snack and afternoon snack with their class and class teacher. Lunch is 11:40am in the Dining Room where we sit in our classes at set tables. The children are served by the catering staff and Reception staff are always available to offer support and encouragement.
After lunch, the children have a playtime in the playground with a range of resources available including quiet areas for lego, books, construction, drawing and outdoor games’ as well as equipment and bikes.
The end of the day is at 3.20pm. Children are taken to Clifton Courts playground by their teacher, where parents wait to collect. This is a good time to catch the teacher should you have a question or want to share information. For a more private meeting, simply email the school office and this will be promptly arranged by the class teacher.

Life in Reception

In Reception, children have specialist lessons of Music and PE (twice a week) and PSED and Italian once a week. Swimming lessons are on a Saturday morning, by choice.
When children have specialist lessons, they spend the remainder of that session (morning or afternoon) with their own class where they have a ‘focus skills’ session where we teach a specific skill which they can then use independently in provision e.g. woodwork skills, colour mixing techniques, joining and fixing skills.
We have a weekly Reception celebration assembly on a Friday morning in the Rayson Room, where we present our Learning Superhero and Value Champion certificates to the children.
We visit Forest School and/or go on an outdoor ‘pop-up classroom’ adventure every week with our class. We have waterproofs in school for Forest School. Our pop-up sessions allow us to explore and learn from our wonderful local area, eg. visiting the Museum Gardens, Homestead Park, York Minster, and local shops and markets.
Children in Reception read 1:1 with the class teacher or teaching assistant every week.
Our Setting

We have three classrooms, a cosy reading nook, snug, holly house, outdoor canopy and large outdoor area in Reception. Children use all these spaces and the rich variety of provision that we have across the setting.
We are passionate about creating a setting which is calming, nurturing, and full of openended and exciting resources which spark curiosity and interest.
In Reception we believe in the importance of play and the children having the time and opportunity to initiate their own play projects. We have ‘continuous provision areas’ which enable children to return and build on their play projects and develop their skills, creativity and independence. We add enhancements (special resources) to these areas which link to the children’s interests and seasonal themes.

Trips&Special Events

In Reception we go on at least one trip each term and/or have a special visitor into school. In previous years we have had a travelling theatre company, magician and mobile farm come to visit, as well as day trips to the National Railway Museum, HarlowCarr Gardens and Filey beach.
We also have special event days throughout the year to celebrate cultural festivals such as Holi, Chinese New Year, Divali, Christmas and Easter
We often go into our local area for a ‘popup classroom’ linking our visit to seasonal changes, the children’s interests and developing skills and knowledge in real-life contexts.

Readinessfor School

There are lots of ways in which you can prepare your child for school life:

Helping your child become independent at toileting, including hygiene routines.
Helping them learn how to dress and undress independently: including shoes, coats and hats.
Reading books to your child - nothing is more important and special!
Counting and recognising different amounts in everyday contexts.
Lots of talking, exploring and playing together.
Encouraging your child to tidy up their toys after playing.

Much of the information for the Holiday Nursery Provision will be the same as the information you will read about for Conkers and Acorns. There are a few slight differences outlined below:
-The cost of the Nursery Holiday Provision is on top of the regular school fees. Currently, the cost is £55 per day. This is subject to change.
- There is an online booking system that uses an app called EVOLVE. Once your child has been admitted to St Peter’s, an email will be sent out before a half term or a holiday, inviting you to book the days you require.
- The school’s finance department will deal with the payment. You are able to use government child tax vouchers.
- The bookings will be open for a set amount of time, and once they have closed, you will not be able to book your child into the provision. The bookings usually close a week before the holiday session is due to start, this is to ensure the staffing ratios are correct and the catering team have enough time to resource the provision.
- Holiday Provision will be made available from when a child starts as an Acorn/Conker in September of that academic year.


- There is no Before School Care (BSC) or After School Care (ASC) during the holidays as this is included in the Nursery Provision.
- The children can arrive any time after 8:00am and can be collected at any time that is convenient to yourselves. We do ask, that at each drop off, you let the staff know an approximate time for collection. The Holiday Provision is available until 6:00pm.
- There is no breakfast provided but snacks and lunches are included in the price.
- The children will come in St Peter’s PE kit which is either a blue/white polo shirt blue shorts or tracksuit trousers/leggings. Coat (winter), Winter hat, Summer Cap.
- The key person for the Squirrel Club is Mrs Walters.
- Each child will be added onto Evidence Me which is a platform used for observations and communication.
- Photos and observations will be added onto Evidence me during the Holiday Provision.
- There is no Holiday Provision on Bank Holidays.
- There is no Holiday Provision the last week in August.
- There is no Holiday Provision during the whole school shut down the week of Christmas/ New Year.