CoMPasS Registered Charity No: 1141329
DIARY FOR WEEK COMMENCING 29th NOVEMBER 2021 Sport Morning with Sean Gaffney– Reception to Year 3 to come to school in PE kit
Y1 Story Club Second Group Y2 Multisports Y2 Engineers & Construction Y2 Cricket* Y3 Football* Y3 IT
Y1 Multisports Second Group Y1 Sports* Y2 STEM Second Group Y2 Sports* Y3 Language Y3 Swimming Y3 Tennis*
Y1 Get Creative Cancelled Y1 Cricket* Y2&3 Choir Cancelled
free donations for your favourite cause. Just start your online shopping first at easyfundraising, then shop as normal. Retailers will then make a small donation to say “thank you”. There are over 6,109 retailers to choose from and so far, the site has raised over £35 million for thousands of community groups, sports clubs, schools, and small & large charities across the UK! Anything raised through this site will go directly to the school charity. If you would like to help in this way there are further details later in the newsletter. This evening, the Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 have organised a wreath making evening and it promises to be a wonderful occasion.
Today we had a collection of clothes and garments; this will be collected and recycled and proceeds will go to the School Charity. Finally, as you will be aware the children have designed Christmas Cards and if you have ordered some, I have been told that these will be arriving at school either this week or next. During the week, the Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 met and planned events for next term including a quiz evening for parents and a Valentine Disco for the children. My thanks to the group for all they do for the children and parents at school. In the Tuesday reminder email this week, there was incredibly detailed arrangements for the end of term Christmas events. If you have any queries about these, please do not hesitate to contact school. Today a group of children had the opportunity to visit the Minster to help raise the Advent Wreath. The school Council and House Captains made their way to York Minster and assisted placing the exceptionally large candles on the wreath and helped raise it into position. It was such a wonderful opportunity for the children to participate in and my huge thanks to the Minster staff who welcomed the children so warmly. This morning I had the truly fortunate opportunity to shadow a VI Form student in their lessons at St Peter’s. It was a fascinating experience being in lessons of A Level Geography, English and Business Studies. The children at St Peter’s 2-8 have so much to look forward to over their school journey at St Peter’s. Remember it is exeat weekend and therefore there is no Reception swimming on Saturday. Have a wonderful weekend. Best wishes,
Newsletter No: 10 Friday, November 26th 2021
On Friday evening last week, the Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 had their first social event of the year and the first since the Covid-19 pandemic. There were over 60 parents who attended a ‘Piggy Racing’ event in the Dining Hall that was an enormous success. My thanks to all the Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 who organised the event raising money for our school charity, Children’s Heart Surgery Fund and also funds for the added extras for the children in school. Our school charity was nominated by one of our children and has been selected as our school charity for two years. Of any money raised by the Friends of St Peter’s 2-8, a third will go to the school charity. However, the Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 also have an Easy fundraising site. Easyfundraising works by turning your everyday online shopping into
You can follow us
Y1 Sign Language Y1 Tennis* Y2 Art Second Group Y2 Multisports Y3 Sewing and Craft Y3 Hockey
Y1 Film Club Y1 Street Dance Y2 Coding Second Group Y2 Football* Y2 Tennis* Y3 STEM
Y3 Cricket*
WEEK OF 15TH NOVEMBER house points trophy
Notice Board Music award
• Ivy (RC) • Heidi (RC)
PE award • Olivia T (2J) • Reuben (3C)
value champions • Theo (RC)
• Ralph (1C)
• Sepehr (2P)
• Max (RJ)
• Connie (1E)
• Caspar (3C)
• Oliver (RM)
• Oliver (2H)
• Seb L (3M)
• Arthur (1A)
• Sam (2J)
• Mairi (3S)
learning superheroes • Ivy (RC)
• Emilia (1C)
• George (2P)
• Clarabelle (RJ)
• Aaron (1E)
• Alexander (3C)
• Thomas W (RM)
• Albert (2H)
• Barnaby (3M)
• David (1A)
• India (2J)
• Bea (3S)
Notice Board
THIS WEEK house points trophy
Music award • Martha (2H) • Lottie (3S)
PE award • Oliver H (RM) • Esmé C-C (1C)
value champions • Kamila (RC)
•Esmé C-C (1C)
• Jack (2P)
• Hugo (RJ)
• Tiaa (1E)
• Daniele (3C)
• Ava (RM)
• Sophie (2H)
• Norman (3M)
• Elizabeth (1A)
• Olivia (2J)
• Miles (3S)
learning superheroes • Arlo (RC)
• Arthur (1A)
• Annabel (2P)
• Archie (RC)
• Hugh (1A)
• Giorgio (2P)
• Ollie (RC)
• Rupert (1C) • George (2P)
• Rosie (RJ)
• Louis (1E)
• Sophia (3C)
• Toby (RM)
• India (2H)
• Immie (3M)
• Luke (RM)
• Rosie (2J)
• Jackson • Drishya (2P) (3S)
Notice Board On 9th December, our house captains will be visiting Joseph’s Well in Leeds to drop off craft kits made by the school wellbeing champions for children who will be staying in the Leeds Congenital Heart Unit over Christmas. The children in year 3 will record a video demonstrating how to make the craft kits, and the children who receive the donation will be able to scan a QR code to watch the videos. We also have the opportunity to drop toys and gifts for the children on the unit. They are collecting particularly sensory toys for babies, and gifts for teens. They have asked that gifts are not wrapped, so that they can be checked for suitability, and have made the following suggestions: Babies
https:// Peter-Rabbit-FingerPuppet-books/ dp/0723287120/ ref=sr_1_42?
dchild=1&keywords=babies+sensory+toys&qid=1635773838&sr=842 Teenagers Toiletries sets B07CPX7NHH/ref=sr_1_5? dchild=1&keywords=babies+sensory+toys&qid=1635773838&sr=8-5 dchild=1&keywords=babies+sensory+toys&qid=1635773838&sr=810 B076NVHQ1X/ref=sr_1_12? dchild=1&keywords=babies+sensory+toys&qid=1635773838&sr=812
Girls’ make up sets Boys’ grooming sets Games dchild=1&keywords=teenage+games&qid=1635773275&sr=8-15 B01G3PYWCW/ref=sr_1_47? dchild=1&keywords=teenage+games&qid=1635773808&sr=8-47
On Wednesday we welcomed Mrs Craven (Director of Music 8-13), Mr Morris (Assistant Musical Director York Minster) and Rev’d Johnson (Canon Precentor York Minster) to talk to our Year 3 parents about becoming a chorister. If you were unable to attend the meeting the PowerPoint I used can be found here. If you have any questions about the process involved, please to email me . If you would like your child to become a chorister, please fill in this form. Auditions will take place w/c 17th January 2022.
HEADLICE Please be aware that we have had headlice in Year 3. Please check your child’s head and treat accordingly. Please see the NHS guidance on treatment here.
YEAR 2 STEM CLUB Please could children coming to Year 2 STEM Club this Tuesday bring in a small toy car? Thank you. Mrs Jones
Reception turned up to their Core PE lesson this week with beaming smiles on their faces, as if Christmas had come early! As they started their apparatus work in gymnastics, the children were super eager to try out the assault course! Miss Flockhart put their fundamental skills to test around the course by adding some challenging apparatus. The children had to negotiate the climbing frame, walk up benches and finish with a jump off a table! Reception managed to
complete the assault course with astonishing ease! Miss Flockhart and Miss Hopper are already thinking how to challenge the Reception children further next week!
down. They also looked at different distances away from the skittle to detect which distance was the easiest During our games and hardest. We then lessons the children have played a group game to been working extremely see how long it would hard on their rolling take for their class to skills. Ensuring they bend knock all of the skittles their knees and use a down in the middle. It crocodile snap, to allow was fair to say it didn’t the ball to travel in a take the classes long at straight line. Miss all! Flockhart and Miss Hopper put the children Take a look at some of to a test with a skittle, to our superstars this week! see if they could knock it
What a week we’ve had in Conkers… We’ve created face pictures using more loose parts, got to grips with using the iPads to take photos, had picnics on the carpet, decided what our own mini-me peg dolls will look like, created fairy houses in the forest and SO much more!
All in all it’s been a creative kind of week!
The children came into school on Monday morning to a new layout of our art and snack area in the Oak classroom. We wanted to make our painting station bigger and better for the children, introducing standing tables and places to paint on easels. The new layout has made the painting area very popular with the children this week and we have seen some lovely, creative pieces. Our pop-up role play area has also had a makeover and is now a spy den! The children have loved looking for any mysteries to solve around school and finding any pieces of evidence. They have had items to dress up in to help them work undercover, magic invisible pens, code writing grids, magnifying glasses and fingerprint identifiers to help them in their investigations. It has also been a very popular area this week! We have continued to love our assault courses outside. Our army generals have been at the ready with their hats on, shouting out orders to the other children with their positional language on how to go around the assault courses. There are certainly
some great army generals in Reception!
At Forest School this week the sun was shining and we had a lovely time playing and gathering around the fire, this time wrapping up s’more biscuits and cooking them in a pan over the fire. There were a lot of sticky mouths by the end! RM enjoyed adventuring out of school this week to go and visit the Christmas tree exhibition at the Minster. Once again the children represented St Peter’s 2-8 beautifully! They loved picking the best decorated trees and it has inspired us for dressing up our Christmas tree next year! It is full steam ahead still in Cookery School creating some yummy Christmas goods, ready to be delivered to you in the holidays. We have also started preparing for our Christmas play. Please come and ask us if there is anything you are unsure about regarding the Christmas play in a few weeks. The children are very excited to be performing to you all!
This week Year 1 have been performers, illustrators, authors, artists and scientists to name but a few! As the weeks progress and we get closer towards Christmas, it is very exciting to watch the children practise their performance ready to add to the magic of Christmas!
food colouring to investigate what happens when milk and washing up liquid are mixed. We had great fun mixing the different colours and watching in amazement as they darted in all different directions.
We have also been subtracting using a Our stories, based on our core text, number line and we had great fun Fortunately the Milk, are really starting to chalking giant number lines and then take shape and we have loved designing jumping back on them to find an answer. our own front covers to make them into books. We have learnt so many different skills such as bubble writing and sketching characters to ensure that they are the best book covers ever! We cannot wait for you to see them! Following our milk theme, this week we have been using
The excitement has been building this week in Year 2, as we gallop towards our Georgian Masked Ball on Friday! We spent the week learning about Georgian life and found out some amazing facts. Did you know that the pineapple was so rare and so valuable that it was often hired out to appear as a centrepiece at several dinner parties in one night? Did you know that ‘mouches’ patches on the face, otherwise known as beauty spots, were often used to hide smallpox scars? Did you know that the Earl of Sandwich invented the… sandwich?! Did you know that the new Georgian houses were built out of stone or brick, because in the Fire of London houses burnt down because they were made of wood? We designed Georgian houses, after
looking in symmetry in maths, carefully painting them and adding detail. We used QR codes and books to find out information, setting the work out carefully on posters. We made eye masks to wear at the ball and we are getting ready to make Cabinet pudding, a favourite of the Duke of Wellington’s, in order to eat it at the ball. Amongst all of this, we found time to practise our handwriting, in invitations to the ball and to work on partitioning in maths. This means chopping numbers up into their individual parts, in order to help with addition. We have even found time to practise the Christmas play… we can’t wait to show it to you! Time for a rest this weekend… our wonder where our timeline will take us next..?
It has been an exciting week in Year 3. We delved deeper into the land of Narnia as we followed Edmund’s journey to find the White Witch’s house. Using pictures, texts and video clips for inspiration, the children wrote incredible descriptions of the majestic house, and they blew us away with their talented writing skills. The children listened attentively to the story as Edmund found a collection of stone statues in the courtyard, and we imagined what it would be like to be turned to stone by the White Witch! We wanted to create our own stone statues so used the work of Swiss sculptor Alberto Giacometti to inspire our own work; the children worked hard to manipulate craft wire into the human form and had great fun finding interesting poses for their final pieces! We have also been busy building model beavers
and finishing our Aslan lion collages. As well as being thoroughly absorbed in our text, we have been working hard on rehearsing our Christmas play, Cinderella & Rockerfella. Many thanks for all your support in providing costumes and helping the children learn their lines at home- it is going to be FANTASTIC!
In maths, the children have been busy mastering their times tables and getting to grips with how to multiply larger numbers together, including three and four digits! We will be applying our learning along with our reasoning skills to solve word problems next week.
Fundraising At least a third of all funds raised by the Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 is donated to the school charity which this term is the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund in Leeds.
Piggy Race Night - Friday 19th November Our first Parent/Carer social is Next Friday evening and tickets are selling faster than Pigs in Blankets on Christmas Eve! We will continue to sell outside Nursery on Monday and Tuesday next week, or via your year group WhatsApp contact after that. However we do have to confirm numbers to Catering on Wednesday so please don’t leave it too late! For those who are intrigued about how a Piggy Race Night works, a brief explanation:It is a nod to a Horse Racing night but instead of having old horse races showing on a big screen for you to bet on, we will have a large table in the centre of the room on which there will be six or eight battery operated fluffy pigs! We will then run a betting table and you can bet on your favourite pig to win the race. However batteries in pigs will be changed after every race so you can never tell who is going to win!. The main focus of the event is to catch up with all of our friends as it has been so long, and also to meet new people and to welcome them to the school social community. And, of course, to have lots of fun and merriment! Unfortunately whilst this looks like a fun event for children, they are NOT allowed to attend. 7.30pm start Approx 10.30pm Finish Free Welcome Drink Chilli Con Carne (or veggie equivalent) dinner Pig Racing Honesty Bar Bag2School—Friday 26th November We will be doing another Bag2school event on Friday 26th November. You will find a bag to put your items in in bookbags this evening. Items to donate range from old clothes, soft toys, bed linen and handbags! Further details in next week’s newsletter and via WhatsApp year groups so please look out for the posters!
FRIENDS OF St PETER’S 2-8 would like to thank the following companies for sponsoring our Piggy Race Night.
Christmas H O L I D AY C L U B Four full days of sports, games, swimming, baking, arts & crafts with some added extra Christmas sparkle and surprises!
Monday 20 to Thursday 23 December 2021 For School years Nursery to J5
To make a booking please click here
Bookings close Wednesday 15 December
Sport and Cricket Camps @ St Peter’s School 5th - 7th January 21st - 25th February 19th - 22nd April 30th May - 3rd June 22nd - 26th August • DODGEBALL • FOOTBALL • •DIAMOND CRICKET • BENCHBALL • • OLYMPICS ASSAULT COURSE • • FLOOR GYMNASTICS • AND SO MUCH MORE ...
For bookings and further schedule information please use
All Out Cricket Coaching @AOCC3camps Ofsted inspection passed April 2018 (URN: RP906899) Childcare vouchers accepted
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