CoMPasS Registered Charity No: 1141329
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With great sadness we join the nation today in mourning the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. With tremendous strength, commitment, compassion, warmth and unbounding duty to her country, Her Majesty’s 70 year reign saw her offering hope in times of trouble, wisdom in times of fear and strength in times of conflict. This morning we held an assembly attended by Mr Walker, Head of St Peter’s 2-18, Rev Daniel Jones, our school Chaplin and Mr William Woolley, Chair of Governors. An opportunity to mark our respect while also celebrating the life of our great sovereign during which we watched a montage of photographs and film with the children and staff; a brief snapshot that encapsulated her life and 70 year reign on the throne. The whole school community stands together in
Newsletter No: 1 Friday, 9th September 2022
thanking our remarkable Queen for her selfless service not only for Great Britain but also the whole of the Commonwealth. Our thoughts and prayers are with the royal family at this time of national mourning, and in particular our new King, Charles III, who not only mourns the loss of a much-cherished mother but also takes us forward with a new reign of sovereignty. Should you wish to view the assembly slideshow please click here. Mr Walker’s assembly from chapel is also available to view here. If your child is worried or anxious following the news of the Queen’s death, please be assured that we will support them through this time.
Newsletter No: 1
Friday, 9th September 2022 Page 2 DIARY FOR WEEK COMMENCING 12th September 2022
School Council Year 1 Creative (First Half of Term) Year 1 Netball Year 2 & 3 European Cultures CANCELLED
Year 2 & 3 Football* Year 2 Cricket* Year 2 IT (First Half of Term) Year 3 Cookery (First Half Term)
*Monday 12th September, 7-8.30pm - Year 3 *Tuesday 13th September, 7.8.30pm - Year 2 *Wednesday 14th September, 7.8.30pm – Year 1
Year 3 Tennis*
Year 1 Cricket* CANCELLED Year 1 Football* CANCELLED Year 1 Board Games (First Half of Term) Year 1 Tag Rugby Year 2 Tennis* Year 2 Art (First Half of Term) Year 3 Hockey (First Half of Term) Year 3 Environment Year 3 STEM
With my very best wishes,
Year 1 Animal (First Half of Term) CANCELLED
Years 2 & 3 Choir
*Thursday 15th September, 7.8.30pm - Nursery and Reception The newsletter, ‘Compass’, is produced each Friday afternoon and once the period of mourning has ended we will share information from each year group briefly describing the experiences the children have enjoyed throughout the week accompanied by a pictorial record of the children and their work. It is lovely to be able to share this with parents and guardians so you can not only see what the children have been learning in school, but it is also our hope that this will support you in stimulating conversation about their learning journey at home as well. Please do try to find a few minutes to read the newsletter each week.
Year 2 STEM (First Half of Term) Year 3 Swimming
Next week we are hosting Parent Information Evenings, which are an opportunity for parents and guardians to join us to hear about our plans for the year group/s for the academic year ahead. Please do try to join us if you can. The dates are listed below;
Year 2 Tag Rugby
Year 2 & 3 Dance
I would now like to take the opportunity to extend a very warm welcome to all our new and existing families as we start the academic year 2022- 2023. The children have settled in extremely well this week and there has been lots of excitement as they familiarise themselves with their new classrooms and daily routines. I have been so impressed with how well they have adjusted to these new experiences and routines throughout the week.
Year 1 Football*
Year 1 Story Year 1 Street Dance* CANCELLED Year 2 Film Club Year 2 Football Year 3 Board Games Year 3 iPad Year 3 Football*