St Peter's 2-8 Newsletter I 10

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Registered Charity No: 1141329

It has been another action packed week at St Peter’s 2-8. The year 3 children as part of the fabulous finish of their theme have made homemade pizzas. The children enjoyed proving and kneading dough and creating their own toppings and styles. Today the school dining hall, tomorrow a pizzeria in the shadow of the Colosseum… Year 2 have embarked on an extremely ambitious design project; The Great Year 2 Sewing Bee is upon us! The children are making their own fabric Christmas decorations! We go from Sewing Bee and Bake-Off to David Attenbourough in Year 1, where their Tribal Classroom theme has taken them to Africa this week, where they are all becoming expert animal conservationists. On the rare occasions Reception have come in from playing outside, either in the forest whittling sticks, making leaf kebabs or building in the outdoor play area, the children have been starring in their own Advent calendar… look out for their performances, coming soon to the school social media channels. Nursery have been joined by a kindness elf, who brought the Acorns some gifts and an elf called Ernie who the Conkers found down at Forest School! Mrs Hayden has been rehearsing all of the Christmas songs for the performances in each year group and they all sound amazing. There is so much joy and happiness when listening to the children sing. All of the teachers and teaching assistants have been creatively managing the production of the plays and with your support creating costumes. The Christmas performances will be wonderful, despite them being performed in the Rayson Room and not on our usual stage in school – I

CHRISTMAS ACTIVITY DAY On Thursday 10th December, all children from Nursery to Year 3 will be taking part in our Christmas Celebration Day.

Ho Ho Ho!

There will be Christmas crafts to make, Cookies to ice and games to play, we will also be having Christmas Lunch. Children are invited to wear their most fabulous Christmas jumpers on our festive fun day. Mrs Bateson Fa la la la la!

know the children are very excited. The Rayson Room will be transformed into a film set (my thanks to Ms Collins for organising the backdrop) and the performances will be live streamed to the parents and also recorded for those who can’t attend the live performances. Please see below a reminder of the days when the children are performing. Log in details will be shared with you the day before your child’s performance.

Newsletter No: 10 Friday, 27th November 2020

other exciting surprises. There is a booking form at the end of the Newsletter. There is a message later in the newsletter about an appeal from York Sports’ club who are building a pavilion in memory of Dan Woods, a former member of staff at school. This facility will support sport for everyone including junior cricket and rugby of all age groups and genders, senior cricket, women’s rugby and sevens, social areas for squash and tennis as well as facilitating sporting Tuesday 1st December 1.30pm Reception opportunities for local schools and the Christmas Performance disabled. It has been lovely watching the children Thursday 3rd December 10am Nursery Christmas celebrating Christmas early this year by Performance creating a special Christmas Wish Bauble. The Monday 7th December 1.30pm Year 1 Christmas children have been decorating their own baubles this week, and each child has written a Performance Christmas wish inside their bauble. The Tuesday 8th December 1.30pm Year 2 Christmas baubles have been added to the Christmas Performance Trees in the school Entrance and Library. All of these baubles will be returned to the Wednesday 9th December 1.30pm Year 3 children on the last day of term so that they Christmas Performance can hang them on their own Christmas tree at home and share their wish with their families. The Year 2 and Year 3 children have been filming this week for their parts in the Whole My thanks to Caroline Fattorini for organising School Carol Service that will be screened on the event. The children in the choir in Year 3 and all of Friday 11th December (more details to the year 2 have been filmed this week singing follow). Many thanks for all the parents who attended for the Musical Connections care homes project. I know their performance will be the Parents’ Forum on Thursday evening. It thoroughly enjoyed by the residents in the was wonderful to see so many of you care home when they are shown to them later attending. The feedback you provided was invaluable and as I mentioned, you can always this month. Thank you to all of the children and Mrs Hayden for organizing such a brilliant provide feedback by emailing me at school. I initiative. The children would usually visit the hope you also enjoyed the opportunity to care homes in person to sing and share an meet other parents from your year group in afternoon with the people living there and we the break out rooms and my thanks to the are delighted to be able to participate in a parents who facilitated these conversations. My huge thanks for all of your support and the different way when this kind of community initiative is all the more important. overwhelmingly positive feedback you I am really excited about the final two weeks provided about your child’s start to the of term at St Peter’s 2-8. I am sure as always it academic year. The Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 met virtually on is going to be a magical time of the year for the children and whole school community. I Monday evening and it was lovely to see look forward to seeing the Reception everyone on Zoom. My thanks for their swimmers in the morning. support this term; they have facilitated the Christmas Card Design, Bags2School and plan Best wishes, to collect for the York Food Bank during the last week before we break up for Christmas. This group is open to all and if anyone wants to join then please let me or the school know. More the merrier! Following the success of the October Holiday school for the children, we will be running a Christmas Holiday Activity week during the first week of the holidays. There will be art and craft, swimming, forest school, baking, team games, computers, school cinema and

learning superheroes

Notice Board value champions

•Austin H (RA)

•Annlee K (2J)

•Arthur A (RC)

•Immie D-D (2H)

•Mimi F (RA)

•Reuben G (2J)

•Nate S (RC)

•Alice R (3M)

•Luca P (RC)

•Alexei S (2H)

•Savannah H (1C) •Eliza D-H (3S)

•Esmé C-C (RC) •Amelie N (3M)

•Jack M (1E)

•Owen F (1J)

•Teddy S (3S)

•George P (1E)

•Maxim A (3C)

•Teddy M (3C)

•Kalina K (1J)

•Sam H (1C)

house points trophy

MUSIC Musical Notes – The children have blown me away in Music this week! We are in our final preparations for the Christmas performances and from Nursery to Year 3, they are sounding amazing! Year 2 and the Year 3 choir got the week off to a fabulous start recording some festive treats for the residents of Ebor Care Home in York. We hope the children will bring the residents some much needed festive cheer this Christmas, I am certain there will be lots of smiles, especially as Year 3 managed to raid every last bit of tinsel from our Christmas box to wear! Year 2 looked fantastic in their Christmas jumpers too, thank you to all our parents who managed to find the children a jumper in lockdown!

PE award

MICKLEGATE Threadworms We have had a case of threadworms reported in school. Please be vigilant and treat your child as necessary.

•Tasmin A (2J) •Ralph Winters (RC)

Music award •Hugo W (1J) •Imogen E (3S)

In their Core PE lessons this half term, Year 2 have been doing gymnastics, focusing on the themes of flight and rolling. This week, the children have been learning how to perform a cartwheel. Many of the children had not performed this skill before and we were very impressed with the determination and effort they put into developing it. The cartwheel was broken down into different stages and stations in order to help progression. First, the children performed bunny hops over a bench, focusing on getting their hips high. Following this, the children then attempted the motion of a cartwheel using the aid of a bench, pushing off the floor one leg after the other, aiming to keep their legs straight. Once they could confidently perform this skill using the bench, the children showed great resilience in practicing and developing their cartwheel individually on a mat. Everyone demonstrated


amazing progression in their ability to perform a cartwheel. By the end of the lesson, several children were able to perform a perfectly straight cartwheel, using a line on the floor of the sports hall for guidance and a few were even able to cartwheel along a bench! Incredible work! In their Games lessons this half term, Year 2 have been learning tag rugby, a sport which many of the children had not played previously. They have been focusing on developing their attacking and defending skills through tag games, as well as making large improvements to their ball handling. This week, the children learned the correct technique to pass the rugby ball and showed great determination to develop the skill. Once they were able to confidently pass a rugby ball with the correct technique, the children were able to combine their passing skills with their knowledge of attack and apply them to match settings. Well done!

PE cont.

It all started on Monday with a very special delivery… it was the Kindness Elf, bringing us some delicious hot chocolate treats to share! All to say well done for doing so well with our sharing!

The Christmas cheer continued when we heard a little knock at the door and discovered that this time our Kindness Elf had brought some Christmas decorations! We’ve been so busy hanging baubles and lighting up the room with lights! So beautiful!


Christmas has definitely arrived in Acorns this week!

Conkers This week has been just magical! On Monday we discovered glitter all over the carpet, a tiny sized door and a tiny key! On Tuesday we found a washing line full of tiny clothes... we were beginning to suspect we may have a little visitor! On Wednesday we set off down to the forest and to our surprise, who was there waiting for us?! A cheeky little elf called Ernie! He had left us a big treat of marshmallows to toast on a camp fire and some biscuits! We used these to make our very own s’mores! Yum! On Thursday Ernie arrived actually IN our Nursery! He left us lots of jobs to do which we have started… Just look how busy we have been already...

in some beautiful emery board gifts for parents and really expressive and colourful puppet characters! Outdoors our superhero headquarters continues to be very popular as do giant construction designs; we particularly love the giant robot made by a group of our budding engineers! In Forest School on Thursday we learnt a brand new skill- wood whittling! After learning how to whittle our sticks we each had a turn at using the peelers (remembering how we had used them to peel apples earlier in the year) and then used our perfectly pointy stick to build giant leaf kebabs enjoying a competition to see which group could fit on the most leaves and of course measuring our kebabs to see which was longest after a week full of measuring challenges in Reception! Of course practising for our Christmas performance has been great fun this week, we are so proud of all the children and know they will put on a great show next Tuesday!


It’s beginning to look a lot like... Christmas! Reception has been full of Christmas merriment this week. We have loved designing and making our own personal baubles to decorate the giant school Christmas tree and thinking of a special Christmas wish to put inside each one! Each bauble will come home at the end of term to grace your own Christmas trees. We have also had lots of giggles filming some of our Advent videos this week, the children have been absolutely amazing and certainly have comic timing! We really hope you enjoy watching these from the 1st December right through to Christmas day! Our creativity hasn’t stopped there with a flurry of snowflake-making leading into more paper craft with lots of children designing beautiful and utterly unique paper dolls inspired by the book by Julia Donaldson of the same name. The children really enjoyed decorating lollipop sticks last week so this week we have experimented with different media, designs and skills resulting



Another busy week in Year 1 as the run up to Christmas begins. This week our ‘Tribal Classroom’ has taken us on a journey to Africa. We have been learning about the different cultures and traditions of the vast continent of Africa through art, in particular through work of the artist Edward Tinga Tinga, craft and stories. The children have had the opportunity to make masks and jewellery from different media and we have also read stories of African tales as well as

non fiction books. Many of the children have continued their learning about animals too through their fact files finding out about endangered animals and their diminishing habitats. They are becoming very knowledgeable and will soon be giving David Attenborough a run for his money! Next week our travels will take us to a much cooler continent and we might even stop off on the way up there to drop in on Father Christmas… Can you guess where we might be heading?

YEAR 1 cont.

2H have been so busy with not one, not two, but THREE projects this week! We are still writing our Nutcracker story books and illustrating them carefully. We also started a collaborative project, using the Puppet Pals app on the ipads to tell the Nutcracker story, using our own puppets and our own voices. This project is very exciting and we hope to show everyone when the stories are finished! In art, Mrs Hall and Mrs Franey drew in a deep breath and started a sewing project! We have been learning to use

needle threaders (new to Mrs Hall, recommended by Mrs Franey) and have been pinning and cutting firebirds out of felt. We think that this project might take a while, but we are very excited about making a finished decoration, to hang on our Christmas trees! On top of all this, we have been doing mental maths quizzes (great fun) and practising our Christmas play, with the help of the wonderful Mrs Hayden. Busy, busy, busy 2H. As always!


As we continue to build up to our Christmas play, rehearsals continue in full swing with much help from Mrs Hayden, with her music maestro skills. Mrs Birch has been working on some choreography which has made us even more excited to share our performance with you - the countdown is on! The Christmas jumpers on Tuesday got us even more in the Christmas spirit, and it was wonderful to see the children singing their hearts out for the people at the Care Home. We are coming to the final chapter of our Nutcracker stories and we are so proud of all of the children's amazing story writing! They have been thinking hard about using correct grammar, beautiful presentation and the use of similes and adjectives to make their writing exciting! We are so familiar with the story now, that we have moved from being authors to


directors! The children have been using the Puppet Pals app to create their own scene from the Nutcracker, using their own puppets and dialogue, which we will put together to retell the whole story. We hope to be able to share this with you once it is complete and the directors are satisfied with their work! The children had to use their collaborative skills to share out roles, take turns and include the ideas of each cast member. In art, we have begun making our own firebird decorations to go on the Christmas tree using one of the most difficult art and design methods - sewing! It has required a lot of patience and independence, but the children have shown bundles of resilience. Well done 2J, keep working your little socks off - two more weeks to go!

This week in Year Three we have been celebrating our wonderful Resilient Roman themed topic! We begun the week by finding out about Roman Gods and who the Romans worshipped. We then created our own Roman Gods information posters, thinking carefully about our presentation. We went on to look at what life was like in Rome; exploring the kinds of food they ate, what they wore and what jobs they had to do. Following this, we made our own delicious pizzas… from scratch! We learnt the importance of kneading and proving dough before applying our toppings. Once baked we then enjoyed eating them whilst taking part in a Roman themed quiz, which was great fun! We have been working on subtraction in Maths; looking at and applying the different methods to our work. We are

continuing to develop our mental maths techniques and had fun playing games to help with our speed. Alongside all of this, Christmas has well and truly begun in Year Three! Our Christmas play rehearsals are coming along nicely and we are really getting into character now. Choir excitedly wore their Christmas jumpers to school on Tuesday to record a song for the care home that we would normally visit AND we also came up with our own Christmas wishes to put inside the baubles we had been given to decorate before hanging them on the Christmas tree in the library. Phew! Another busy week!


YEAR 3 cont.

Friends of St Peter's 2-8


For obvious reasons, FoSP 2-8 are unable to fundraise in our usual ways this year. Our calendar would usually be filled with various Pop-Up Cafés, Parent Socials and Quizzes, all held to support the school in raising money for their chosen charity, as well as to raise funds to provide complementary activities for the children to enjoy. As a committee, we have decided that our priority must be to support the school charity with any fundraising we are able to achieve, and as such are postponing raising any money for additional resources for the children at this time. Our hope is to pick this back up towards the end of the school year, guidelines and vaccines permitting!

Easyfundraising is a brilliant way to raise free donations for the school charity, whilst participating in our usual online shopping at retailers such as Amazon, M&S or Tesco - all from the comfort of your armchair!

As you can imagine, it has been tricky to come up with new, innovative and non-contact ways to continue to support the school charity, but we think we might just have done it! Please read on to find out how!

https:// causes/friendsofstpeters2-8/? utm_campaign=raisemore&utm_content=s-w1

All you have to do is sign up to support us using the Easyfundraising App (instructions all set out below) and then, when you do your normal online shopping, you will also be raising money for charity! There are over 4,100 retailers to choose from including John Lewis, Amazon, M&S, Boden, Tesco, Disney Store,, Boots and many, many more. Signing up is quick and easy. Please use the link below and follow the instructions on the next page of the Newsletter!

If you would like to fundraise for this year’s designated school charity from the comfort of your own armchair, then please read on!

I do NOT have the Easyfundraising App:Download the Easyfundraising App from your usual App Store (it’s free) Open the App You will be asked to Create an Account or Login. Please click Create an Account In the Cause window, type Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 - York and click Support This Cause Now click Create Account (use email address – pink box) Type in your details and a memorable password Click Create my Account You should now have been transferred to the Easyfundraising Home Page Choose the icon you wish to use (you will be transferred to that website/app) Shop and Check Out as normal Donations will be automatically subtracted and linked to your Account at Easyfundraising Refer & Earn Once you have set up your account, you will notice a Refer & Earn button at the bottom of the page. If you click this, you can forward the link to a friend/relative to raise money for Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 – York and we will receive an extra “raise £5 and receive £5 on us” Easyfundraising incentive! I ALREADY have the App, but want to change the Cause Enter the App Click My Account My Account Settings Click Change My Cause Type “Friends of St Peters 2-8 - York” into the Search bar Change to this cause Login again to refresh the settings Shop as before EVERYONE ALWAYS REMEMBER TO DO YOUR ONLINE SHOPPING VIA THE EASYFUNDRAISING APP Enjoy Shopping!



Club if applicable (Senior / Junior & Age Group age group) ___________________________ SECTION 2 Name on Brick

No of Bricks Brick 1 Brick 2 Brick 3 Brick 4

Name on Brick

Return form to: Nick Kay. Email: Or post: Westfield Farm, Lower Dunsforth, York. YO26 9SA Bricks are a minimum of £50 each: Please make cheques payable to York Cricket Club, or BACS to York Cricket Club, Sort Code 20-99-56, Account number 90985244 SECTION 3 GIFT AID DECLARATION I declare that I wish York Cricket Club to treat all donations that I have made since the start date of our CASC status - together with all other donations that I may make from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise, as Gift Aid donations. I further confirm that I pay sufficient income or capital gains tax to cover the tax reclaimable by the charity in respect of these donations. Title




Postcode Signature Date Amount Gift Aid


Notes re. Gift Aid: 1. You can cancel this Declaration at any time by notifying us. 2. If in the future your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax on your income and capital gains equal to the tax that the York Sports Club reclaims, you can cancel your declaration. 3. If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief in your Self Assessment tax return. 4. If you are unsure whether your donations qualify for Gift Aid tax relief, ask Nick Kay or Nigel Durham ; or refer to help sheet IR65 on the HMRC web site. ( 5. Please notify us if you change your name or address.

York Cricket Club Community Amateur Sports Club Registration Number CASC 02585

Christmas H O L I D AY C L U B Five full days of sports, games, music, baking, arts & crafts with some added extra Christmas sparkle and surprises!

Monday 14 to Friday 18 December 2020 For all children, aged 2-11, from St Peter’s School

For more information and to book click here

Book early to avoid disappointment.

Bookings close Thursday 10 December.

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