St Peter's 2-8 Newsletter I 13

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You can follow us support and understanding. I would also like to convey my sincere gratitude to the teaching staff, who have worked through the holidays to prepare the learning environments for a term of face-to-face teaching and have now switched to online learning once again. The classrooms and learning spaces are looking amazing and are ready to receive the children as soon we are able to do so. I would like to thank the staff for their commitment and positivity as we prepare to preserve and deliver as much as we can of St Peter’s in a new way, until we can come together as a community once more. There isn’t a member of the school community, including parents, children and staff, who wouldn’t prefer to return to face-to-face teaching but I know we will all enter the current phase of distance learning with the same spirit of determination, creativity and resilience shown since the beginning of last year.

Happy New Year. I hope you all had a wonderful festive break and may I take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful 2021. A warm welcome to new families who have started their journey at St Peter’s School at this difficult time. The past year has presented a worldwide challenge of a type not seen in most of our lifetimes, and this has been felt in our community following the Government’s announcement on Monday evening of special measures to fight Covid-19. We also understand how much these extraordinary circumstances are affecting your home and work lives. We are of course saddened to have to close the school, however we know that we all need to play our part to protect the NHS. Personal interaction and shared experience have always been at the heart of the St Peter’s 2-8 learning culture but for at least the first half of this term, Reception to Year 3 cannot have the face-to-face relationships that we value so highly. It has been lovely to be able to welcome Nursery back to school, including several children starting their learning journey at St Peter’s. They have enjoyed a wonderful week and have not been deterred by the cold to head outside and explore the ice and snow.

We are so proud of how the whole school community, and the children especially, embraced distance learning in the previous lockdown. I would like to thank parents, on behalf of all the staff, for your

On Wednesday morning the term started with Antonia and I delivering an assembly to describe how we would be delivering our remote continuity of education and in particular the changes we have made based on our own reflections and also the feedback we received from parents. A recording of this assembly is on your child’s Google Classroom account. Throughout the week I have been so proud of the children who have adapted so well to remote learning and have worked so hard with their learning. Well done and thank you to the parents for all you have done to support the children this week, it has been appreciated. We would like to emphasise that your children’s teachers will be available to you during school hours and we are all looking forward to connecting with you and doing all we can to support you at this worrying and difficult time. Antonia Clarke and I will be available via email and on the school telephone numbers. There will no doubt we will need to tweak and adjust the provision as the first couple of weeks unfold and I would ask you for your patience while we adjust the new model.

Newsletter No: 13 Friday, 8th January 2021 reading books and completing the quizzes which they can use to ‘buy’ things within their virtual worlds.

Mrs Salisbury has put together a practical guide for reading at home that includes ideas to help develop reading skills at home. You will have received an email this evening with your child’s login and password. My thanks to the teaching assistants who are looking after the Critical Key Workers in school. They have supported the children by facilitating their remote online learning. Please note that all children who remain in school at 4.30pm (including Nursery) can be collected from the Dining Hall.

Finally, a huge thank you to the whole school community. Huge thanks for your kind and supportive emails they have been incredibly well received. It has been a different start to the term but I know we will enter the next half term with the same spirit of determination, creativity, resilience and kindness, putting the children at the centre of our minds as we I thoroughly enjoyed our Virtual Celebration Assembly always do. this afternoon. Each teacher provided a summary of what their class have been doing during the week and update from Physical Education by Miss Flockhart and Music by Mrs Hayden. It was so lovely seeing all of the children and I look forward to seeing them all on Monday morning for our start of the week assembly at 8.40am. One of the improvements to our provision has been the introduction of an online reading scheme. Obviously, we would rather our children were accessing books from our reading scheme at school and our extensive library, however, this provides an opportunity for the children to access reading material to support the development of reading. We have subscribed to ‘Bug Club’ to ensure all children have access to a range of suitable books whilst learning from home. Using their unique homepage, children can read the books that have been allocated by their teachers. When your child has finished a book, it will move to ‘My Library’ so the children can re-read them. Have a wonderful weekend and keep safe. Once your child has finished reading a book, a new one will be allocated but please remember that children really do benefit from reading books again rather than rushing to a new one. Throughout the book, there are quiz questions for your child to complete which will help develop their comprehension skills. The children can earn ‘ActiveLearn Coins’ by

PE It has been lovely to be able to see everyone’s faces in PE this week, even if it was via zoom! This term the children are learning either Netball or Football in their Games sessions. They have managed to continue developing their coordination, agility and balance from home, practicing their footwork or rolling skills. It was amazing to see everyone concentrating so hard! For Core PE this term the children are joining in with live fitness workouts with Miss Beaumont and me. I have to say I was extremely impressed with the children’s resilience, as they worked through the different exercises and did not stop. Well done everyone!

YEAR 3 THANK YOU Mrs Dodds, Mrs Hart and Mrs Deri-Clark would like to say a big thank you for all the generous Christmas gifts. We were overwhelmed with your kindness. Hope you all had a lovely Christmas. Lots of love xx

Notice Board Musical Notes The children have made a fabulous start to our online whole class music lessons this week! I'm looking forward to seeing Year 2 next Monday! If your child has 1:1 music lessons, their teacher should have already been in touch with you to organise a time ready to begin next week. If you have not heard from them, please can you email so I can help sort? Many thanks for your patience and support with this whilst we get the lessons organised. I'm sure there will be a few initial teething problems, but as with the first lockdown, we will get there together in the end! Many thanks, Mrs Hayden

Clothing for children in school Please could we remind our Critical Worker parents with children in school to send them dressed for cold weather. We are keeping doors and windows open for ventilation when inside as spending as much time as possible outside, so warm layers the children can easily remove and put on themselves are essential. Thank you.

It has been so lovely welcoming our little learners back to Nursery this week. We have heard all about all the fun and games they have had over Christmas and how Santa made it to all your houses! We have settled straight back in and started our exploring already… discovering that Winter has most definitely arrived!


In just three short days we have managed to squeeze in a lot! We have shared all our holiday news and favourite Christmas presents; we've been using our magic spells to blow up 2D shapes into 3D

shapes; we've been on a 3D shape hunt; designing our own January calendar art; showing off our super reading and writing skills in our Phonics and handwriting lessons; investigating how to free an object from its icy casing and of course, enjoying our wonderful specialist lessons and snuggling down for story time. Most importantly of all, we have enjoyed being able to see our friends again. We can't wait to see what next week brings!


Welcome back Reception! We are so proud of the way the children have adapted to online learning and how hard they have been working at home. We think all the parents and grandparents are doing an amazing job too and we are so grateful for all your support!


It has been so wonderful to see all your lovely faces eager and ready to learn this week! Although this has not been the ideal way to start Easter Term, you have not let it dampen your spirits at all and you have really got stuck into your learning. We are all so proud of you!

In Year One we have had an unexpected present land in each of the classrooms, our very own robots! We have started to read our key text, The Wild Robot, and we have started exploring this text through a range of different activities. It has been lovely to see your creativity and a variety of different work this week. Please keep uploading your fabulous work onto Google Classroom.

YEAR 1 cont.

All of the Year 2 team, Mrs Hall, Miss Jeffrey, Mrs Franey and Mrs Moss are so proud of the way that Year 2 have adapted to this way of learning, with such short notice! We all know that you were excited about coming into school, seeing all your friends, finding out about the new theme and having great fun. Despite this, you have wowed us with the way you have adapted and we would like to say a special thank you to the grown-ups at home for all their patience (and good humour!), as well as Mrs Franey for leading the Key Worker children.

started to explore the idea of ‘Little People’, Pixies, Gnomes and Tomtes, as creatures who live amongst us, often within natural surroundings and whose job it is to look after the world around us. As our first day of term was Wednesday, we started (of course!) with making our own Tomte, out of anything we could find. The results were fantastic and Miss Jeffrey and Mrs Hall loved meeting them on Zoom after art. We have gone on to start reading our key text ‘The Little Grey Men’ and also books about the Tomtes and seasons. We have lots of Our new theme is called… ’Gnomes on the Roam’, exciting work for you all, but would like to say- enjoy which has started by us all getting a message from a your weekend, have fun and WELL DONE! funny little gnome in our classroom! We have


YEAR 3 Welcome to the jungle! Year three have returned to their online learning this week to discover our new theme and text, The Jungle Book! We have all had a wonderful 3 days getting stuck in to miniprojects and researching lots about the jungle and the animals that reside there. It has been a very different start to the one we anticipated, but we are incredibly proud of the resilient and determined attitude the children have applied to moving back online. Have a lovely, relaxing weekend children and parents! See you on Monday for another week of fun!



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