Newsletter Week 16

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Registered Charity No: 1141329

On behalf of the school community, I would like to extend a huge thank you for your continued support of our planned new development at school. As we have mentioned this development will provide new sports facilities for both the local community of York and the school community. There is still time to show your support for this exciting development by clicking on the link to the planning portal here.

Earlier this week I communicated to the families of children attending the nursery exciting news regarding the extended nursery provision that the school will be offering. We will now be opening our nursery for 50 weeks of the year. This will start from February half term and include the Easter holidays, May half term and the summer holidays. I know this has been welcomed by the parents of children attending nursery. Mrs Walters will be leading the nursery for the extended provision and Mrs Veronica Rawkins has been appointed to ensure continuity of care for the children.

On Tuesday the children from Year one visited Eureka, the national children’s museum in Halifax. They had a wonderful time exploring the interactive sound workshop, where they learned how sounds are made and travel and how they affect the senses. This gave the children a greater understanding of how our ears process sound. Thank you to all the staff who accompanied the children

York Mix Radio Breakfast Show host Laura Castle and her team visited school on Wednesday morning to test the general knowledge of Miss Evans who had bravely volunteered to take part in the Test the Teacher competition the station is currently running.

You can follow us

Following a challenging ‘Stack a Cup Challenge’, in which Miss Evans managed to complete this challenge in an astonishing 2 minutes and 11 seconds, Miss Evans then had to answer as many questions correctly as she could in 60 seconds, much to the excitement of the children and staff in Year 1 who were cheering her on. Miss Evans was a fantastic sport and

both football and netball. The children in Year 3 were brilliant hosts and the Yarm children were super ambassadors for their school. My thanks to all the staff who helped to run this event and to Miss Flockhart for organising such a fabulous afternoon of sport.

Newsletter No: 16

Friday 27th January 2023


January 2023

School Council

Year 1 Lexia

Year 1 Ball Skills

Year 2 & 3 European Culture

Year 2 Cricket*

represented the school and her profession admirably by answering 12 of the 14 questions correctly. This has placed her in fourth position on the Test the Teacher Leaderboard. York Mix Radio and their Mascott, Mixie Monster, provided so much fun for the children in Year 1. Thank you to Laura and the team from York Mix, Mrs Obi, Marketing Manager at St Peter’s for organising this event, Miss Evans for taking part and Year 1 for showing their support and cheering Miss Evans along. Miss Evans and Year 1 could be heard on the Breakfast Show this Thursday morning. If you missed it, please click here (you will find the competition at 01:40:32 into the show).

The Year 3 children hosted Yarm Preparatory School on Tuesday afternoon. Children from both schools were placed into small teams and rotated around skills stations and small sided games in

On Monday in assembly, I spoke about the Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year) and the significance of the animals and how they originated. We then watched a short animation describing this story which you can view here. My thanks to Mr Fu and Mrs Su for providing us with the beautiful decorations and poems that have adored the school this week. They have helped to give the children a better understanding of how the Lunar New Year is celebrated. 新年快乐 to all the school community.

On Wednesday morning we held a St Peter’s 2-8 Friends meeting in the dining hall. Many topics and future events were discussed, further details of which can be found in the newsletter.

This weekend I will be preparing the quiz questions for the annual Curry and Quiz evening next Friday. The tickets sales sold out extremely quickly and the St Peter’s 2-8 Friends managed to release a few extra tickets this week. Further details can be found further in the newsletter should you wish to purchase a ticket.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, please remember as it is exeat weekend there is no Reception swimming on Saturday.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Year 2IT

Year 3 & 3 Football*

Year 3 Cookery

Year 1 Football*

Year 2 STEM (cancelled)

Year 2 Tag Rugby

Year 3 Swimming

Year 3 Tennis*

Year 2 & 3 Dance Club*

1 Construction

Year 1 Football*

Year 1 Cricket

Year 2 & 3 Choir

Year 1 Board Games

Year 1 Tag Rugby

Year 2 Tennis*

Year 2 Art

Year 3 Netball

Year 3 Environment

Year 1 Wellbeing

Year 1 Street Dance*

Year 2 & 3 Football*

Year 3 Board Games

Year 2 & 3 Film

W E D N E S D A Y Year

House Points Trophy

Notice Board

Music Award

PE Award

• Sophie (3C)

• Eddie (3S)


• Charlotte W (2P)

• Mimi (2H)


• Annora (RC)

• Eddie (RP)

• Isabelle (RJ)

• Whole of 1A

• Emmy (1E)

• Whole of 1C

• Grace (2P)

• James (2H)

• Lydia (2J)

• Olivia (3S)

• Hugo W (3M)

• India (3C)


• Zackaria (RC)

• Lily (RP)

• Henry (RJ)

• Hector (1A)

• Kalan (1C)

• Harry (1E)

• Aaron (2J)

• Iker (2H)

• Rupert (2P)

• Joyce (3C)

• Eddie (3S)

• Dhruv (3M)

Notice Board CAPTAINS

I’m Freya. I live with my mum, dad, brother Max and dog called Poppy (a black Labrador). I love going to the beach in Southwold and Northumberland with Poppy because she runs around like mad. I adore singing, animals and writing stories. I even have a book called ‘Write your own Story Book’. I love Brownies and I’m looking forward to going on Brownie Camp the day after my birthday!

I am happy and excited to be house captain for Micklegate. I want to help Micklegate to be always kind and caring.

My name is Emmanuel but you can call me Manny. Now I’m in 3M and I started St Peter’s in 1C.

I was born in England and I live in York with my family. In my family is my dad, my sister, my uncle, my mom and me. I don’t have any pets but I wish for a horse. I love playing football with my family or my friend. At school my favourite thing is maths because I am good at it. As house captain I would like Walmgate to win a trophy.

I will try my best. From Manny

Hello, I’m Hugo and I am excited to be Monk’s House Captain this term. My older brother Torben is in J3 and my younger sister Georgie is in RC. I enjoy playing football, cricket, rugby and hockey with my friends. I also like Lego and Arts. As House Captain, I would like everyone to be happy and feel good about themselves. I think we can achieve this by being kind, thoughtful and supportive. We might even get to lift some trophies!

Notice Board

Buddy Bag Foundation

On Tuesday morning children in Year 1 Wellbeing club and the Year 2 and 3 children each packed a buddy bag. The Buddy Bag Foundation, a charity founded by Austin and Hector's grandma supplies bags to children who have had to leave home in an emergency often with only the clothes they are wearing. Each bag contains 12 items that are matched to the age of the children such as pyjamas and books. All of the bags have a handmade soft toy in them to bring a little bit of comfort to children who have suffered traumatic events. In the UK 48,000 children each year find themselves needing to move to emergency accommodation so the work of the charity makes a huge difference to children in their most difficult moments.

When the children had packed a bag they added a card with their name on so that the child who receives it will know that it was packed with love. The children have been so interested to learn about the work of the charity and be able to play their small part in having a positive impact on the life of another child.

Many thanks to Mrs Williams (the founder of the charity), Mrs Harris, Mrs Rodgers, Mrs Glenn, Mrs Brown & Mrs Wyndham-Quinn for helping with the Buddy Bag pack.

Please follow the link: About | The Buddy Bag Foundation

Notice Board

Buddy Bag Foundation

Notice Board

This week we had the exciting experience of being part of TEST the TEACHER, run by York Mix Radio. Our Year 1 teacher, Miss Evans, willingly volunteered to be tested! It was an exciting time for the children sitting in, as well as supporting staff who helpfully shouted out answers! The results were announced yesterday, and we were in 4th place! A brilliant and fun effort all round.

Notice Board


This week’s sporting highlight is focused on Year 3's Sport Workshop with Yarm School. This Tuesday, the children took part in netball and football workshops hosted by amix of Yarm and St. Peter's staff. It was a great opportunity to work collaboratively and share ideas when developing our aims in sportforYear3.Wewere all so pleased to see our children make new friends and host the Yarm students during their time on the 1st XV Rugby pitch and Clifton Courts.

As always, these large eventstakeahugeteam effort to ensure they run successfully. An enormous thank you goes out to the Year 3 staff, the Graduate Sports Assistants, and to Miss Flockhart. And, of course, a massive well done and thank you to our Year 3 children for their hard work and excellentmanners.




Year 1 had an exciting start to the week when we visited the rock band at 8-13.

Mr Heywood talked the children through the different instruments and we all enjoyed listening to them play and sing 3 songs. The Year 1 children were a credit to our school, they all listened carefully whilst the band were playing and were able to answer lots of questions about the instruments.

Well done Year 1!

This week has seen the Acorns become star bakers as they made some delicious cupcakes. The children were experts at spooning in the flour and sugar! There were many skills in action, not to mention the fine motor skills needed to separate the cupcake cases! We had a beautiful day to walk to Forest School this week. The daffodil shoots were spotted which made us very excited at the prospect that spring will be coming soon! We listened to some beautiful birdsong under the trees and enjoyed a snack before singing 'Five Little Speckled Frogs', sitting on our logs! The children have enjoyed Italian, music, and PE. New friendships are being made and it has been a good week.

Click click, listening ears on…..what can you hear in Nursery this week?

Is it the noisy musical shakers we have made and showcased in Mrs Hayden’s music session? Or could it be the calming sound of the birds enjoying their tasty treats that we made and hung in the trees?





Receptionhavehadawonderful weekcontinuingourChineseNew Yearcelebrationswhichbeganlast Friday!TheReceptionsettinglooks sobeautifuldecoratedforChinese NewYearthankstothewonderful decorationsgiftedtousfrom someofourwonderfulReception parents.Thechildrenhaveadded theirownfabulousdecorationstoo creatingdragons,lanternsand beautifulbannersofChinese writing,writingthenamesofsome oftheanimalsintheChineseZodiac. Weallenjoyedanexcitingtripto theRedChilliChineseSupermarket intownwherethechildrensawso manyvibrantanddelicious lookingfruit,vegetablesandfood productsandboughttreatsto bringbackwithustoschool!In phonicsthisweekthechildrenhave beenlearningthediagraphsai,ee, ighandoathroughinteractive gameswhichallowthemtopractise

readingandwritinginfunand excitingways.

Theyhavealsobeguntowritein theirveryownspecial‘interests books’wheretheycanwriteabout anytopicthatfascinatesthem fromsharkstospacetoguinea pigs!Inmathsthisweekwehave thoroughlyenjoyedlearningabout ordinalnumberswiththestoryof theChineseNewYear‘GreatRace’



Wow! What a fun-filled and action-packed week we have had! We had the BEST time at Eureka on Wednesday.We were submersed in sound and visual delights which supported our learning in understanding how sounds are made.We were all so well behaved on the trip and represented our school wonderfully! The staff at Eureka commented on the lovely manners, attitudes to learning and listening skills demonstrated by such young learners!

This week we have immersed ourselves in the glitz and glam of the seventies.We have been learning about the lives of Elton John, Diana Ross, ABBA and of course the legend that is David Bowie to name but a few. In English we have put our questioning skills to use and wrote questions to interview a rockstar.We thought of some wonderful, open ended questions to delve deeper into their

It has been a polar bear fact filled week this week! Year 2 have thoroughly enjoyed reflecting upon all of the amazing knowledge we gained from our trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. The children have been creating their own polar bear fact files full of mind blowing facts around polar bears’ diets, habitats, appearance and adaptations. It has been wonderful to see all of the information the children have retained. We have been exploring how polar bears and other animals survive in the cold climates and carried out an experiment to help with our understanding. We learnt that animals which spend most of their time in the water have blubber and other animals such as polar bears have a thick layer of fat. We placed one hand in a bag which was covered in a layer of lard to represent a polar bear’s fat, left one hand uncovered and then placed both hands in a bowl of icy water! It was amazing to see how the lard acted as a barrier to the cold water whilst also keeping the heat from our hand inside the bag. You can try this experiment at home!

We have read the next instalment of our key text ‘Polar Bear Explorers’ Club’ and we have been delighted to learn that Stella will be going on her first expedition. We were introduced to the unique compasses in this book where the typical four points of North, South, East and West have been replaced with explorers’ needs and creatures they may encounter along the way such as food, shelter, water and angry gnomes! These special compasses can have up to twenty points! We used this concept in art to design our own compasses. We used our imaginations to draw different images for each compass point using our knowledge of what explorers may require and what you would like to come across on your expedition.

In maths, we have began looking at multiplication. The children have loved this week’s stimulus of… skittles! We have used these to group and make arrays using our two times tables.

Another busy week Year 2 but we are so proud of you for all of your fantastic learning. Where will Stella take us next week?

This week we have continued to explore the beautiful region of Patagonia in South America. We enjoyed learning about the fascinating king penguins that inhabit the islands of the Southern Ocean, and we used the famous illustrations of John Frederick Miller to inspire our own fabulous paintings of king penguins in brusho.


As we followed Tom's journey through Argentina and Chile, we discovered the amazing Andes! We worked collaboratively to research this tremendous mountain range, and we were astounded by all the fascinating facts we found! Did you know that potatoes and tomatoes originated in the Andes? With all the wonderful knowledge bubbling in our heads, we were inspired to create an information booklet on the Andes to share with our family and friend. We used sub-headings to organise our work, and we combined simple and compound sentence structures to engage our readers.

We have been super busy mastering the skills of multiplication and division in maths this week, and we have enjoyed exploring our new app Times Table Rockstars! The children are excited to bring their log in details home and get practising their number skills.

We had a great time participating in the brilliant sports workshop with Yarm School on Tuesday. The children enjoyed all the sports activities on offer, including hockey and netball, and it was great to see such collaboration and team spirit from the children across both schools. A big thank you to Miss Flockhart for organising this fantastic event.

Next week our leaning journey will take us to Bolivia, and we are excited to learn about volcanoes! We need lots of small drinks bottles and newspaper for an exciting art and science activity. If you have any at home that you are able to spare, please bring them in!


Curry & Quiz Night – Friday 3rd February 7.30pm

*TICKETS ON SALE NOW* please click HERE to book. Tickets are £10pp.

When: Friday 3rd February at 7.30pm

Where: St Peter’s 2-8 Dining Room

What: Welcome drink, curry and quiz

There will be a CASH bar throughout the evening stocked with beers, G&T, wine, Prosecco and soft drinks options.

Don’t worry if you are not in a team yet, teams can be put together on the night! However, if you have been putting that (winning) team together over Christmas…please state your team organiser on the booking form. This helps us plan tables and numbers, thank you!

Dates for your diary:

The Friends have lots of exciting things planned for the year but a few dates for your diary below

3rd February – Annual Curry & Quiz Night (parents)

23rd February – Spring Disco (Reception – Y3)

3rd March – Nearly New Uniform sale

24th March –“Wine Not!?” - an evening of wine tasting with the Grape Guru (parents)

20th May – The May Ball (parents)

25th June –‘Clif-Fest’ STP 2-8 Summer Fair (all the family!)


Don’t forget to download the Easyfundraising app to donate to the school charities whilst shopping online at no cost to you! You spend, brands donate. From groceries and clothing to travel and insurance, there are thousands of brands signed up.

If you are looking for something to brighten your winter diary, we might have just the thin for you. Gather a couple of friends or block out some 'me time' and come along to The OP Collection where we will be on hand to make sure everyone feels welcome. In the first event of its kind for St Peter's School, Sarah J Thomas is collaborating with the Alumni Team and Old Peterite Entrepreneurs to offer a fun afternoon of lifestyle, wellbeing and fashion. With so many brilliant businesses to celebrate within the OP Community, this event is the perfect way to showcase just a handful. You can expect stalls from the likes of Clockface Beauty, Hearts Fashion and DogBox Boutique. Fashion show and styling tips with Sarah Thomas in collaboration with Fenwicks, refreshments from MoodyMare Patisserie, a premium raffle, and information sessions from wellbeing and lifestyle professionals. Follow the link below to book your tickets. With spaces limited for this exclusive event and Sarah's events already successful across the city, we recommend booking early to avoid disappointment. Tickets include a goody bag and refreshments from MoodyMare Patisserie, with proceeds supporting bursaries at St Peter’s School.

Best wishes,

p.s. if you fancy having some fun modelling in the fashion show, please indicate this on your booking form.

Book tickets here: The OP Collection | Calendar | St Peter's School (

THE OP COLLECTION - 25th February 2023

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