St Peter's 2-8 Newsletter I 16

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Whilst writing the introduction to the newsletter this week I am overwhelmed by the quality of the work the children are producing at home with their teachers online and their ‘new teachers’ at home. This newsletter is testament to that and please read through all the summaries provided by the teachers and the photographs showing the children’s amazing creativity. Next week is Children’s Mental Health week with the theme ‘Express Yourself’. One way of caring for our mental health is to notice and share how we are feeling. Expressing ourselves in creative ways can help us do this. During lockdown it has been amazing observing children at school finding creative ways to help them to express themselves, such as drawing, painting, making models, writing stories, dancing, filming their favourite jokes and baking to name a few. At St Peter’s 2-8 we have always

believed deeply in the power of creativity. Now, more than ever, we’re inspired by people in every corner of the world finding new ways to share their creativity, ingenuity, humanity and hope. Watch this beautiful short film produced by Apple called ‘Creativity goes on’ displaying creativity during lockdown.

Creativity Goes On. Being creative helps us see things differently, better deal with uncertainty, and become stronger problem solvers. Through film, song, dance, or whatever you set your mind to, this film reminds us to let the inner artist out and express ourselves any way we can. Express Yourself! We must always remember when we express ourselves that we don’t have to be a great artist or a wonderful dancer. It’s not about

being the very best at something or putting on a performance. Let’s encourage each other to find lots of different ways to get creative and express ourselves like in this story ‘Beautiful Oops’ – please see here: Beautiful Oops Film. you may even want to try this activity at home. To celebrate Children’s Mental Health Week, we will have ‘Inside Out’ Day on Wednesday where the children and adults can wear their clothes inside out. This is to remind us that you don’t know how someone is feeling on the inside based on what they look like on the outside. Amidst all the challenges that we are facing, we know how important it is to keep our children active. It was heartening to see the focus on this area in

Newsletter No: 16 Friday, 29th January 2021

the launch of Sport England's new 10 year strategy which took place this week. Sport England is the arms-length government body tasked with keeping the nation active, with a focus on grassroots sport and physical activity. The vision for the new strategy is to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity, and one of the five areas of specific focus will be on ensuring positive experiences for all children and young people as the foundations for a long and healthy life. There is so much research that demonstrates the benefits, both physical and mental, for our children and young people in keeping active and playing sport. I am so grateful for all the hard work our staff are putting into this area, alongside you as parents, helping the children to continue to benefit from physical activity which is not only hugely beneficial but, most importantly, fun. If anyone would like to read more about Sport England's new strategy, please see the link: -were-here/uniting-themovement. This week I observed Miss Flockhart and Miss Beaumont delivering live fitness workouts and netball sessions and I know that Sport and physical activity continues to be thoroughly enjoyed by our children. I hope you have a lovely weekend and if possible spend some time in the great outdoors or even take part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch!

CHILDREN’S MENTAL HEALTH WEEK Next week is Children’s Mental Health Week and the theme is Express Yourself. We will introduce this in assembly on Monday and then on Wednesday we will be holding ‘Inside Out Day’ for all pupils from 218. On Wednesday you can wear an item of clothing inside out to show that we can’t always tell from the outside what people are feeling on the inside and it’s important to check on how others are feeling. Here are some resources to help you talk to your children about mental health: schools-and-colleges/resources/ advice-for-parents-and-carers-talkingmental-health-with-young-people-atprimary-school/

Notice Board MUSICAL NOTES I have had such a lot of fun in our Music lessons this week. I have especially enjoyed hearing the children share their jokes with me at the start of their lessons! You have all kept me smiling this week! We have continued adding to our song repertoire in all year groups. Reception have been learning the Animal Boogie, reading the story and moving along to the actions of each new animal as we made our way through the book. Year 1 have been looking at Go Gadget Go, a new song inspired by their Robot theme whilst Year 2 have been asking Alexa to play them some Beatles songs to help them with their medley! Year 3 have been putting together 3 songs inspired by Swing so we can try singing in three parts once we are back in school! Mrs Leaman-Brown has asked if we could remind the Year 1 recorder players that their lessons are every other week unless they are being taught in school, so if they didn't have their lesson this week, they need to be ready for it next week. Well done everybody! Mrs Hayden

HEADLICE We have had a case of nits in the Reception Critical keyworker bubble; please check your child’s head and treat if necessary. Thank you.

BUG CLUB Many thanks for your continued support with reading at home. It’s great to hear that children are engaging with Bug Club and enjoying the great variety of books. However, please could we politely remind you that children should access a maximum of five books per week via the online platform, as unfortunately it does not provide us with an infinite number of books for each year group.


Another week of outstanding effort from all the children in PE! In Acorns this week, we worked with quoits. The children demonstrated great rolling and catching techniques, as well as balancing some of them on their heads and turning them into steering wheels, to drive a pretend car! We introduced the Conkers to two new gymnastic shapes this week; the dish and the arch. The children were incredibly good at keeping their bodies still in the balance position. To burn off some energy we introduced them to a new tag game involving superheroes. If the children were tagged by a super hero, they had to perform one of the gymnastic shapes we had previously learnt! In their Netball lessons, Years 1-3 have been focusing on the shooting skill this week. First, they ran-through the shooting motion with their arms and hands without using a ball, making sure they were able to execute the key technical points of the skill. Once they were able to perform the correct motion, they practiced the motion again with the ball, ensuring that they held the ball in the fingers of one hand, with the other hand lightly resting on the side of the ball to act as a guide. Once they were able to hit all the technical points on their shooting check list, we put their shooting to the

test, challenging the children to shoot their balls to hit a circular target on the wall. The children amazed us with the accuracy of their shots! The Reception children have been progressing their football skills even further this week. After recapping their kicking skills from last lesson, ensuring that they used their instep rather than their toes to perform an accurate kick to a partner, the children focused on dribbling for the main part of their lesson. The children aimed to keep control of the ball whilst walking and dribbling, making sure were using their instep and keeping their head up to ensure that they were able to see obstacles and other players around them. Once they had mastered this skill and were able to keep excellent control of the ball with their head up, we challenged the children to increase their speed to a jog and also vary their direction whilst dribbling. The children demonstrated excellent focus and determination whilst practicing this tricky skill. Well done Reception! Finally, we have introduced a new and extremely challenging fitness workout. New exercises this week included burpees and push ups. The children’s endurance and enthusiasm were once again outstanding, and several of the children were able to out-burpee Miss Flockhart and Miss Beaumont! The children’s flexibility in their stretches has progressed a great deal over the past couple of weeks, which is brilliant to see!


It’s been anther busy week in the Acorns… just look at all the fun we had, inside and out in the winter sunshine!


This week in Conkers has been jam packed! We have discovered how fun it is to smash ice, been imaginative in the superhero city, taken turns whilst playing group games, created in the messy area and got wet in the water area!

This week in phonics our cheeky Inky has been up to mischief again! He decided to go off 'surfing' when he should have been in school helping us learn about the 'ur' sound, silly Inky! Although he did send a few photos of himself having fun. Even when he was back in school he has been up to all sorts, from spending his golden coins, to dressing up in his new earrings and even walking around with his new cow friend. He is a busy mouse! The children are always doing such fabulous writing and reading in our online lessons. Well done! In maths we have also been very busy! We have been taking

our toys on a teddy bear’s picnic to investigate different ways of sharing the number 12 - the picnics all looked very yummy! We have been busy smashing and squishing on our tens frames to practice our subtraction and also transforming ourselves into very helpful bus conductors. We helped the bus driver know how many passengers he had got left on the bus after every stop. At the end of the week we practiced our number formations with Mrs Coyle, all aboard the London bus! Beep, beep! In our Explore, Create and Investigate lessons we have been creating some colourful stained glass windows with Miss Bromley. As it is the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch this weekend we were also challenged the task of making a bird feeder. We hope you see lots of birds this weekend in your garden! Have a lovely weekend Reception. We miss you all lots. We can't wait to see you on Monday morning. I wonder what we will be up to...


Once again Reception you have been such resilient, resourceful learners and continue to amaze us. We are so proud of you all! We love seeing the videos and photos of you at home. There has been a lot of super learning happening this week and clearly a lot of fun! We've enjoyed seeing you each day for singing, dancing and even so you can show us your cute little animals!

This week has been endless fun! We started the week with researching and building our own nests to keep eggs safe and warm. We tested our nests for safety, durability in adverse weather and comfort. The children really impressed us with their imagination and weaving skills- well done Year 1! Continuing with our egg theme, we stepped up the eggcitement and learnt how to paint


using the yolk from an egg. Thursday was eggstremely eggciting as we put on our scientific thinking caps and investigated the effect of different liquids on an eggshell. Finally, on Friday we investigated the suitability of different materials for protecting eggs. We can't wait to see the results of this experiment, keep your eyes peeled Mr Hardy!

YEAR 1 cont.

As we reach the end of a third full week of online learning, we wanted to reiterate just how impressed we are with the work Year 2 have been producing this term. We have been looking at data collecting in maths this week and, with the Big Garden Birdwatch approaching this weekend, the children have been busy collecting information and making tally charts after completing their own surveys on UK garden birds. Some of the children went one step further, creating their own tally charts to find their family's favourite animals, favourite ice cream flavours, favourite foods and so on. Of course, this involved virtually gathering information and we hear that the family group chats have been in full swing with all of this data collecting! Year 2 very impressively displayed their data in the forms of pictograms and bar charts, which is not an easy task, but they were all presented beautifully and clearly.


The children have become experts in a range of hibernating animals over the last couple of weeks, and for Art Wednesday this week, the children created their own habitats for a chosen hibernating animal. It was brilliant to see their creativity, imaginations and resourcefulness come to life, as you can see in some of this week's photographs. It is a shame

we can't fit everybody's on, as each one was utterly fantastic! You exceeded our expectations Year 2! In English, we have begun looking at persuasive writing linked to our key text 'The Little Grey Men' by BB. In the story, two of the little gnome brothers set off on an adventure to find their long-lost brother, Cloudberry. However, the third brother, Dodder, does not wish to join them on their hazardous journey and wishes to remain in in the safety of their woodland home. The children were given the task of writing a postcard to Dodder to try and convince him to join them on their adventure. They did a very convincing job and all applied features of persuasive writing. In science, we continued along the theme of the elements after looking at weather and water in the previous weeks, this time looking at air pressure. The task involved lighting a tealight in a shallow dish of water and then covering the flame with a glass. Something remarkable began to happen to the tealight... try it for yourselves and see what happens! Another brilliant week Year 2, you have overcome some hurdles and kept your spirits high in difficult times. Keep it up and keep spreading the joy that you give to Mrs Hall and Miss Jeffrey every day!

YEAR 2 cont.

It has been another busy week in Year Three! We have been engrossed in our text, The Jungle Book, and have used this to spark our imaginations for creative writing. We read the part where Mowgli has to leave the Jungle to return to the humans; “The dawn was beginning to break when Mowgli went down the hillside alone, to meet those mysterious things called men…”. The children then planned and wrote their own version of the events that followed this chapter, focussing on extending work by using similes, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. We have been learning all about the water cycle in Science and spent time exploring and investigating each element. We carried out a salt and water experiment at the beginning of the week and eventually made our own water cycles! In Maths we have been looking at data


and the different ways to present this, for example, using charts. We have also been developing our skills to read and interpret data that is presented to us. The children are continuing to show determination and resilience towards every aspect of their learning and although some days are trickier than others, we are digging deep and getting through with smiles on our faces! Well done Year Three!



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