3 minute read
from Newsletter 18
by StPetersYork
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I am writing this Newsletter introduction on the coach on the way back to school from the Young Voices 2023 Concert in Sheffield Arena. Our Year 2 and 3 children joined 5201 children from schools across the North to form part of the largest children’s choir.

The children sang a wide range of music from folk songs to pop medleys, and arrangements created by the Young Voice Musical director Craig Mcleish including Milligantics’, (arrangements of music to many Spike Milligan’s poems). When the children sang ‘Sing from your heart’ it was heart warming hearing that amount of children collaborating and sounding so beautiful. Andy Instone and Urban Strides who have performed in many arenas around the world, amazed us with their breath taking street dance routines and supporting many of the songs in the concert. Beatbox Collective performed an incredible set, four people creating an unbelievable sound without any instruments or backing tracks. Anna Pheobe a violinist, dazzled us all with a tremendous contemporary performance which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Towards the end of the concert the children had the opportunity to sing with Heather Small, where they sang Proud which will be released as a charity single later this year. The children sang their hearts out and danced all night long and all were tremendous ambassadors of our school.
My huge thanks to the parents who came to support the children, the staff who accompanied and supervised the children and Mrs Hayden who has put a tremendous amount of work in teaching the children the songs and all of the dance moves. What a brilliant and uplifting day!
This week we have celebrated Children’s Mental Health Week across 2-18. On Tuesday children across school were encouraged to write something that makes them feel happy onto a coloured strip of paper which was then made into a paperchain of connecting feelings that was hung in the atrium at school. Then on Wednesday Wellbeing Champions visited classrooms to encourage children to dance to their favourite songs. It was great fun and everyone was smiling as they joined in. The week ended with the Wellbeing Champions giving out cards to each pupil each had a
Newsletter No: 18
Friday 10th February 2023
School Council positive message written on it so the children could take some positivity home with them for half term. My thanks to Mrs Clarke for organising a fabulous week of wellbeing activities for the children.
This week reception have visited The National Railway Museum in York. They had a wonderful time learning all about rail transport and enjoyed visiting the many different trains and carriages. My thanks to the reception team for making these visits so much fun for the children and to the Facilities Assistants for transporting everyone throughout the week on the school minibuses.
I can’t believe it is already half term which means we are now halfway through the academic year! It doesn’t seem that long ago that the children were arriving at school for the first day of the academic year in September. What an extremely busy and enjoyable half term it has been, and my huge thanks for all the incredible work of our teachers, teaching assistants and support staff. Everyone has played a significant part in creating a wonderful place for the children to learn.
Next week I am joining the 8 -13 children on their ski trip to Italy, which I am sure will be great fun and full of adventures. I hope you have a relaxing half term break, and I shall look forward to seeing you all return to school on Monday 20th February for the second half of the Easter term. I look forward to hearing about the children’s adventures over the half term break.
With my best wishes
Year 1 Lexia
Year 1 Ball Skills
Year 2 & 3 European Culture
Year 2 Cricket*
Year 2IT
Year 3 & 3 Football*
Year 3 Cookery
Year 1 Football*
Year 2 STEM (cancelled)
Year 2 Tag Rugby
Year 3 Swimming
Year 3 Tennis*
Year 2 & 3 Dance Club*
1 Construction
Year 1 Football*
Year 1 Cricket
Year 2 & 3 Choir
Year 1 Board Games
Year 1 Tag Rugby
Year 2 Tennis*
Year 2 Art
Year 3 Netball
Year 3 Environment
Year 1 Wellbeing
Year 1 Street Dance*
Year 2 & 3 Football*
Year 3 Board Games
Year 2 & 3 Film