1 minute read
from Newsletter 18
by StPetersYork
This week we concluded our volcano learning and experimented in Science with different materials to facilitate the best eruptions for our creations! In our story this week, Tom met a man named Sergio who is part of the Uros tribe. We learnt that the Uros people live in houses built from reeds on the shores of Lake Titicaca and were forced there by the Incas who took over their land. This led to us exploring who the Incas were, where they lived and how they influenced life in South America.
Alongside our thematic learning, we very excitedly attended the Young Voices concert that we have be rehearsing so spectacularly for. Needless to say, it didn’t disappoint! Thank you to Mrs Hayden for all of the singing rehearsals and organisation that went into this special event.
In maths we moved onto measuring lengths and focussed specifically on estimating and measuring accurately. We looked at converting units of measure and the children enjoyed the challenge of working out perimeters of shape! We will continue to develop our knowledge of measure when we return to school.