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The last year has put us all in an unknown and daunting situation. It has also reinforced the importance of keeping perspective. On Wednesday I read the story of an RAF war hero who ended up competing in the bobsleigh at the 1948 Winter Olympic Games 'just for the fun of it'. Edgar Meddings, who died on Christmas day aged 97, said that taking part in the Olympic bobsleigh with little experience may seem daunting, but it was small fry compared to eating your bacon and eggs in bomber command before your flight in case you didn't make it back. A lifelong volunteer at his local cricket club, the club said of him on his passing, “he was a great champion for the club, for sport, for life really. Everything he did, he did it to the full.” What a lesson for us all to heed at the moment and something that all of the teachers, teaching assistants and support staff at St Peter’s 2-8 have demonstrated throughout the Pandemic and these extraordinary difficult times. During Half Term the Year 1 children, led by Sofia B, decided to undertake the challenge of the ‘10k Any Way’ fundraiser for York NHS Trust. The children set their own personal challenge to get to 10k joining other people of all ages and abilities taking part. The children
dragged their families out of their homes during half term to run, walk, or cycle to raise funds in support of York hospital. The children raised over £4,000, of which I am extremely proud. Well done to all of the children, their families and to Sofia who encouraged others to join in her challenge. Heart-warming!
Newsletter No: 19 Friday, 26th February 2021
Mrs Clarke and I met the House Captains this week to discuss whole school events during the remainder of the term. Immy came up with a wonderful idea of a physical challenge for all children before we return to school to resume face to face teaching. On Wednesday in assembly, the challenge was set. Each House has to get back to school by running, cycling and walking the distance from a location in the United Kingdom. Every person in the House can
submit the number of kilometers they have completed and on Friday 5th March in assembly we will find out whether each House has travelled far enough to return to school and also which house has travelled the furthest. Next week is World Book Week and we have some exciting plans for the children. Monday’s assembly will introduce the week. Throughout the week the children will be able to watch members of staff reading stories, there will be quizzes, for example ‘Who is hiding behind the book’, extreme reading locations etc. On Thursday on World Book Day the children will dress up as their favourite character from a book. This year the theme is ‘Reuse, Recycle
and Create’ and in the assembly on Thursday we are looking forward to our Zoom fashion show. Also, on World Book Day there will be a ‘St Peter’s 2-18, Whole School Read’. At 11:20 until 11:40am the whole school will leave their screens in order to read. Sam Moss, who most recently has been a Teaching Assistant in Year 2, will be leaving school. Sam has worked at St Peter’s School for over 15 years in many year groups. I am sure you will join with me in thanking Sam for the wonderful support she has provided all the children and staff she has worked with. Sam will be leaving next Friday and we are in the process of recruiting for her position and we will communicate he successor at the earliest opportunity. I know we will all miss Sam and we wish her and her family the very best wishes for the future. The winning pizzas in our Healthy Eating competition were delivered from Morrisons today and they look fantastic! Edmund and Natalie’s families are looking forward to enjoying them tonight and we can’t wait to hear how delicious they are and to see some photos, which we will publish next week. We have certificates for all entrants and prizes for the runners up, which we are delighted to be able to present when the children are back. This morning you will have received full details of our plan to return to face to face teaching on Monday 8th March. We are extremely excited to have all of the children back to school and can’t wait for their return. The booking for Parents’ Evening appointments will open on Sunday at 4pm and close at 9pm on 14th March. Have a lovely weekend,
Next week is Book Week! You will find out about the exciting challenges and activities for the week during Monday’s assembly. There will be a special assembly on Thursday for World Book Day to showcase the fantastic costumes on the theme of ‘Reuse, Recycle and Create’. Year on year, we’re seeing a huge increase in the amount of costumes available to buy from large retailers which is contributing to the big problem of textile waste in the UK, so this year our costume theme is ‘Recycle, Reuse and Create’. Instead of buying a new costume, be imaginative and creative and make one using items you already have at home. If your child attends Nursery on Thursday they can join in and dress up as a book character of their choice if they would like. Please be sure that your child can access the toilet in their outfit.
MISSING SHOES Are these your shoes? William R’s identical pair has gone walkabouts from Nursery. They are labelled with his name. Please could you check your child’s shoes as they may have been muddled up.
Notice Board MUSICAL NOTES The children have all made a great start to a new half term of music. Reception and Year 2 have been busy creating their own shakers; I'm looking forwarded to the children bringing their new instruments into school very soon so we can share the different sounds they make with each other. Year 1 have been getting their heads round a new alphabet song which challenges them to sing the alphabet backwards! It is really tricky, even with the song words! Year 3 continue to expand their song repertoire. This week we looked at What Do I Know by Ed Sheeran. I really can't wait to see all the children very soon and to hear their lovely singing voices once again! Mrs Hayden
OPS ONLINE - '1976: HERE COME THE GIRLS!' We are delighted to invite you to the next in our series of 'OPs Online' events on Monday 8 March at 7pm, in celebration of International Women's Day. Join Old Peterite Victoria Inness (1990) and Jeremy Walker, Head Master, in conversation with the first five girls to be educated at St Peter's. Jeremy and Victoria will be speaking with them about how their time at the School blazed a trail for girls joining St Peter's. This is a free event, register here, and further details will be sent to you by email including how to join us via Zoom.
The children at St Peter’s 28 have had a magnificent first week back after the half term break in their PE lessons.
The children then arranged their objects into a zig-zag course and aimed to dribble the ball around the objects. Once again, the children challenged themselves by attempting the course using both their strong and weaker foot.
to see. Well done everyone!
In their football sessions this week, Reception have been incorporating all the skills and drills they learnt Years 1-3 have finished in their previous lessons netball and are focussing into an obstacle course. on football for the second The children used their half of the Easter term. In creativity to design a their lessons this week, the Finally, after mastering course which included children have been weaving, the children stations where they would concentrating on their focused on improving their perform one of their dribbling skills. We started speed whilst dribbling in a football skills, such as by practicing weaving in straight line. Using their weaving in and out of and out of a straight line of objects, the children set out cones, accurate passes to a objects, aiming to use the a speed lane, through partner, stopping the ball instep and outside of our which they dribbled their and shots at goal. It was strong foot in order to ball as fast as they could brilliant to see the children control the ball around the using their dominant foot. put all the skills they have cones. Upon completion of The children were acquired into action and this task, the children challenged to take 2 steps there were some impressive challenged themselves to in between each kick of the goals scored at the end of control the ball around the ball. In order to make the their courses! Excellent cones using only their skill more difficult, the work Reception, we are very weaker foot. children were tasked to proud! touch the ball with every The children in Nursery step of their dominant foot. have also been working All the children displayed incredibly well this week! superb ball control skills The Conkers have started and unquenchable looking at dance in their PE determination lessons and have been and investigating different enthusiasm for animal movements. They the skills which even finished with a hotly was excellent contested game of musical
statues. Excellent work Conkers! In Acorns, we explored bean bags and challenged ourselves to balance our beanbags on our heads, feet and hands whilst moving around the space. The children also played a new sorting game and were able to throw the beanbags into hoops of the same colour. Excellent colour knowledge Acorns! Finally, in our fitness sessions, we had a new challenging workout, which included some new exercises such as the inchworms which tested our flexibility and the down ups which focused on increasing our explosive power and endurance. As well as these, we saw the return of some old favourites such as the ski jumps and Pikachus! The children all worked extremely hard and were steadfast in their endurance and resilience during this tricky fitness workout! Marvellous work!
Mix a pancake, Stir a pancake, Pop it in the pan, Fry a pancake,
Toss a pancake, Catch it if you can!
What else is there to do when you’ve missed out on pancake day with your nursery friends..? Have it again of course! After writing a shopping list all together for the ingredients,
we set to work. We sieved, cracked, poured, whisked, cooked, flipped, sprinkled and squeezed! Then ta da..! our pancakes were ready to eat and they were delicious!
It has been so lovely to have the Reception children back after half term! We have loved hearing about all the exciting things they have been up to on their week off; they’ve had lots of time away from the screen. They’ve been challenging themselves on the playground by sliding down fireman poles and jumping off high rocks, they’ve been cooking pizzas and chocolate pancakes (yum) and they’ve even been to a beach in their house! It sounds like you’ve been having so much fun at home with your families!
number 15. We’ve been looking at different ways of making the number 15 and realised it can be made up by three lots of five. The children had fun playing a speedy high 5 game with their adults and then made the most incredible coloured handprints, counting in 5’s all the way to 100! We’ve also been practicing our estimating this week and have had great fun testing our parents to see if they could guess the correct number of items in our jars. To finish off the week we visited Mr Allen’s garden to play a game of subtraction skittles. The children looked like they had lots of fun knocking their skittles down!
This week in phonics we have started to look at consonant clusters! We’ve been writing some amazing but also very silly sentences using our sounds of the day. Naughty Inky has been poSTing us letters, playing in the saNd, he’s been caMPing and sitting in a laMP and he’s been hiding behind plaNTs! We’ve also turned into police this week to hunt down some naughty tricky words!
In our Explore, Create and Investigate sessions we began with setting the children a photograph challenge. Mrs Morrison, Mrs Coyle and Mr Allen enjoyed going around school trying to take our 5 photos. We loved seeing your photos too, you found the most interesting objects in your house and outside! As it is the beginning of spring, and the start of flowers popping through, the children were also tasked by Mrs Bromley with trying to change the colour of a white flower, they were beautiful!
In maths this week, well- where do we begin! We have been very confused about who these ‘Monkey More’ and ‘Lessie Less’ are. The children keep spotting them in our classroom. They made a number line in RA to jump along and didn’t even clean it up afterwards! They’re very cheeky little animals! We’ve also been busy looking at the
One more week lovely Reception until we can see you again! We can’t wait to have you back and have loved hearing about everything that you are excited about doing when we are back together again!
This week has been all about developing our art skills and we have been absolutely amazed by the high standard of sketching and painting in Year 1! Move over David Hockney and Mrs Hall!
of features. Throughout the week we also learnt how to paint watercolour goslings, silhouette art and finally we studied the famous David Hockney and At the start of the week we studied geometric animal art and learnt how to his examples of digital art. draw a fabulous fox using straight lines We have really enjoyed getting groovy in and lots of triangles, there were some phonics this week and playing lots of incredible finished pieces that had been fun games that involve dancing! We carefully coloured in to create a definitely 'bring' all the moves in Year 1! beautiful finished piece of art. In maths we have been measuring madusing all sorts of measuring equipmentWe also looked at symmetry and used even toilet roll! half a picture to help us draw the
mirror image. The children really made Thank you for another fabulous week us proud with their excellent Year 1, we are SO excited to see you on understanding of ratio and proportion the 8th March!
YEAR 1 cont.
After a much needed rest for all from screens, it was great to welcome back Year 2, who are still full of so much enthusiasm for their online learning! During the holiday, all the children had received a box of Skittles sweets from us, delivered with a note saying DO NOT EAT YET!! Well done all of you for not giving into temptation! Maths has been all about arrays and the inverse and, in order to find out about this topic, we have used our Skittles sweets to help us. We started by investigating how many there were in each box- some more than others!- and how many of each colour there were. The photos show the intense concentration on their faces as they worked with their box of sweets. We then moved on to arrays and discovered that division as sharing is the opposite of multiplication. We made arrays inside and outside with other objects and, as always when we are using
equipment (such as sweets!) it is so much easier to see what is happening with objects. This week we also readand listened to- the story of Peter and the Wolf. The story was written and composed by Prokofiev in Russia, in 1936, as a way of teaching children all about the instruments in an orchestra. We have started to make Puppet Pals films of our own versions of the story, using our own characters. In music we have started to make our own instruments, starting with shakers and we will continue that in art next week. In science we conducted a sound experiment, looking at the way that sound waves cause vibrations. We are building up to a musical moment next Friday, using our instruments! Monday’s news that we will be back in school soon brought cheers from all of us and all of the Year 2 team are so looking forward to welcoming the children back into our classrooms. Well done, Year 2 on another fantastic week!
We have hit the ground running this half term, starting with celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight and delving into the world of sustainability and supporting Fairtrade farmers. There has been much discussion about how the choices we make everyday affect others and we came up with a list of good choices we could make to help our environment and the world! We looked carefully at where rainforests are in the world and did some accurate labelling, developing our map skills in the process. We have been learning all about deforestation, linking to our themed text, The Jungle Book. The children have been very animated about how they feel about the ongoing deforestation crisis and have learnt about the worldwide effects it is having. After learning about what deforestation is and why it is happening, we went on to look at the pros and cons of felling the trees. We created some strong arguments for both then held a debate, discussing our thoughts and opinions with enthusiasm and passion. It was clear that we all felt strongly against deforestation and decided to write a persuasive letter to David Attenborough to inform him of the
current situation and shock him with terrifying statistics! Maths has been all about money, money, money! Calculating totals and giving change has provided much enjoyment and it has been wonderful to see the children challenging themselves. We talked about how coins are not something that we tend to use at the moment, however being able to use coins and understand money is a vital skill to have! One more week to go children! We cannot wait to get back to school and see you all!
If you would like to fundraise for this year’s designated school charity from the comfort of your own armchair, then please read on!
I do NOT have the Easyfundraising App:Download the Easyfundraising App from your usual App Store (it’s free) Open the App You will be asked to Create an Account or Login. Please click Create an Account In the Cause window, type Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 - York and click Support This Cause Now click Create Account (use email address – pink box) Type in your details and a memorable password Click Create my Account You should now have been transferred to the Easyfundraising Home Page Choose the icon you wish to use (you will be transferred to that website/app) Shop and Check Out as normal Donations will be automatically subtracted and linked to your Account at Easyfundraising
Refer & Earn Once you have set up your account, you will notice a Refer & Earn button at the bottom of the page. If you click this, you can forward the link to a friend/relative to raise money for Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 – York and we will receive an extra “raise £5 and receive £5 on us” Easyfundraising incentive!
I ALREADY have the App, but want to change the Cause Enter the App Click My Account My Account Settings Click Change My Cause Type “Friends of St Peters 2-8 - York” into the Search bar Change to this cause Login again to refresh the settings Shop as before
Club if applicable (Senior / Junior & Age Group age group) ___________________________ SECTION 2 Name on Brick
No of Bricks Brick 1 Brick 2 Brick 3 Brick 4
Name on Brick
Return form to: Nick Kay. Email: Or post: Westfield Farm, Lower Dunsforth, York. YO26 9SA Bricks are a minimum of £50 each: Please make cheques payable to York Cricket Club, or BACS to York Cricket Club, Sort Code 20-99-56, Account number 90985244 SECTION 3 GIFT AID DECLARATION I declare that I wish York Cricket Club to treat all donations that I have made since the start date of our CASC status - together with all other donations that I may make from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise, as Gift Aid donations. I further confirm that I pay sufficient income or capital gains tax to cover the tax reclaimable by the charity in respect of these donations. Title
Postcode Signature Date Amount Gift Aid
Notes re. Gift Aid: 1. You can cancel this Declaration at any time by notifying us. 2. If in the future your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax on your income and capital gains equal to the tax that the York Sports Club reclaims, you can cancel your declaration. 3. If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief in your Self Assessment tax return. 4. If you are unsure whether your donations qualify for Gift Aid tax relief, ask Nick Kay or Nigel Durham ; or refer to help sheet IR65 on the HMRC web site. ( 5. Please notify us if you change your name or address.
York Cricket Club Community Amateur Sports Club Registration Number CASC 02585