Newsletter Week 22

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Registered Charity No: 1141329


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Earlier this week I visited Ardingly College in Sussex with Mr Walker and Mr Falconer. It is always good to visit other schools, meet with colleagues and share good practice. Similar to St Peter’s, Ardingly College provides co-educational education from 2-18 years and has in the region of 1,100 pupils on roll. Founded in 1858 as St Saviour’s College, former pupils have included Conservative MPs, satirist Ian Hislop and actor Terry -Thomas.

Following my visit to Sussex I headed to the West Midlands, where I spent Wednesday and Thursday recruiting nonexecutive board members to IAPS, in my capacity as one of the Directors for IAPS, in the town of Leamington Spa.

I have really missed being in school, particularly during our STEAM week. Huge thanks to Miss Murray, Mrs Johnson and Mrs Hall for creating so many inspiring activities over the course of this week.

a bridge that was 1 metre in length and could stand on its own. Then on Thursday they were given a blank portrait on which they sketched and coloured all the things that are special and connected to them. The final task today is to create their own piece of abstract Kandinsky inspired art using shapes. It has been fabulous to see how many children have joined in the activities and thank you for your support with these.

This morning

Mrs Gordon, mum of Poppy, Charlie and Jack gave a fabulous presentation to the children in Year 1 about her work as an engineer at Google where she designs phones. The children were fascinated to hear all about this work and I am sure many of them are now contemplating a career as an engineer following this talk. Thank you so much Mrs Gordon for giving your time so freely, we will certainly be inviting you back again next year.

The science week started with a brilliant assembly by Miss Murray, Mrs Miller and Mrs Blomfield, who led experiments learning about elements and the periodic table. My thanks to all the staff for this wonderful assembly.

of a steam engine; Leonardo da Vinci who was an artist, sculptor, architect, designer, theorist, engineer, scientist, and inventor, and Katherine Johnson who was an American scientist who made important contributions to the NASA programme.

On Wednesday 29th March we will be holding a Music Concert in the Memorial Hall at 1.00pm. This is a very special concert as it is a collaboration of music with children from St Peter’s 2-8 and children from Burton Green Primary School. Please do join us if you are able.

Today we celebrate Red Nose Day in support of Comic Relief. Children at 2-8 -13 have been encouraged to come to school in home clothes and give a donation to Comic Relief. At 13-18 the children have chosen to wear fancy dress and there are some very elaborate and amusing outfits on display including sharks, horse and jockeys, crayolas, dinosaurs, arrows, and I even spotted a couple of bananas making their way across the site. Thank you for all your donations which will help to make a difference to people across the UK and around the world. The money raised this year will help support people struggling with the cost-of-living crisis and tackle issues such as homelessness, mental health and food poverty.


Friday 17th March 2023


School Council

Year 1 Lexia

Year 1 Ball Skills

Year 2 & 3 European Culture

Year 2 Cricket*

Year 2IT

Year 3 & 3 Football*

Year 3 Cookery

Year 1 Football*

Year 2 STEM (cancelled)

Year 2 Tag Rugby

Year 3 Swimming

Year 3 Tennis*

Year 2 & 3 Dance Club*

1 Construction

Year 1 Football*

Year 1 Cricket

Year 2 &

The home tasks have been brilliant and if you haven’t yet had the opportunity to try these with your child/ren please do have a go when you get the opportunity. They have included baking bread on Monday which the children were then encouraged to give to a family member, neighbour or friend. Tuesday’s focus was connection with technology and practical coding by downloading a free scratch Jr App. On Wednesday, the children were challenged to build

Each day children have learned about an influential individual including, Marie Curie, who discovered radioactivity and X-ray machines; Ada Lovelace who was considered to be the first computer programmer; Benjamin Bradley the first person to develop a working model

This weekend we celebrate Mothering Sunday. I hope the children take the opportunity to recognise all those who care for them on this special day. Sometimes a gesture such as a smile, hug or a simple thank you is all a person needs to feel valued and appreciated.

Have a wonderful weekend

Best wishes

Year 1 Board Games

Year 1 Tag Rugby

Year 2 Tennis*

Year 2 Art

Year 3 Netball

Year 3 Environment (cancelled)

Year 1 Wellbeing

Year 1 Street Dance*

Year 2 & 3 Football*

Year 3 Board Games

Year 2 & 3 Film

W E D N E S D A Y Year
3 Choir

Notice Board

Music Award


• Tatiana (RC)



• Hector (1A)

• Eva (1A)


• Charlie (RP)

• Siri ((RJ)


• Oscar (RC)

• Zoe (RP)

Everyone in (RJ)


• Zackaria (RC)

• Angus (RP)

• Leyla (RJ)

• Ben (1A)

• Bertie and Yusuf (1E)

• Everyone in (1C)

• Everyone in (2H)

• Oscar (2J)

• Alfie (2P)

• Martha (3M)

• Sam (3S)

• Seth (3C)


• Arthur (RJ)

• Luna (RC)

• Charlie (RP)

• Ted (1A)

• Andrea (1E)

• Tori (1C)

• Irwin (2H)

• Luca and Austin (2J)

• Hugh (2P)

• Kate (3M)

• Grace (3S)

• Olivia (3C)

Notice Board


The swimming gala for Years 2 and 3 will be held next week on Thursday, 23rd March.

Year 3 gala will be held between 09:30-11:00am and the Year 2 Gala will be held between 13:30–15:00. Refreshments will be available in the dining room in the morning.


We are currently experiencing a problem with head lice and have several cases across school. Please can you check your child’s/children’s hair regularly and treat as nec essary.


We have recently had a few enquiries about lost property; a coat from Nursery has been misplaced and may have been picked up by mistake. Please can we ask you to check your child’s/children’s clothing items just in case anything has come home by accident.

York City Baths Club have availability for beginners swimming classes on Thursdays in St Peter's swimming pool at 6pm for children aged 4+ Sunday classes at 9am are also available. Lessons are charged at £33 per month.

If you are interested in joining these please contact:

Notice Board Notice Board

Reception, this week, have put their skills to the test in some competitive shooting and evasion games. The children learnt the importance of practice when attempting to shoot accurately at goal, developing their technique.

Stuck in the mud football was then a great progression, adding a competitive element to which the children responded superbly!

Our other focus was on tennis. We use balloons in our tennis lessons as it allows more time for the children to adjust their footwork and technique in order to make a successful shot. The children worked hard on deciding when it was appropriate to play which shot on which hand in small rallies. There are often a lot of decisions to make in a very short space of time in tennis, we are very happy with the progress the classes have made in this area!




On Wednesday 29th March we will be holding a concert in the Memorial Hall at 2pm for all of our Year 2 and 3 children.

We are looking forward to inviting children from Burton Green School to join us in singing some of our favourite Young Voice’s songs from last half term.

All parents are welcome to attend the concert which will last approximately 1 hour. Please can you send your child's Young Voices T-Shirt into school over the next few days as we would like all children to wear their t-shirt for the concert.

There will be no choir practice following the concert on the 29th March but afterschool care will be available if required.

It has been a 'cracking' week in Nursery. The chicks arrived on Monday and the Acorns have been waiting patiently for the eggs to hatch. There has been so much excitement in the air. We have learnt the 'chic' song and have been reading lots of stories about little chicks. So far, six little chicks have cracked through their shells and entered the big wide world. The children have been amazing at learning new vocabulary such as, incubator, hatch, hen, chick, and crack! We cannot wait until all ten of the chicks have hatched.

This Sunday we celebrate our lovely mums on Mother's Day. The Acorns have been busy painting daffodils for their mummies and making their mummies out of playdough. We have had some awesome creations! We have talked about how special our mums are and how grateful we are for all they do for us.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mums for Sunday.




Junk modelling, creating patterns from loose parts, jumping high, discovering a 700 year old building at Museum Gardens, and using actions to retell the story of Goldilocks and the 3 bears, has sure made this week a busy one in Conkers.

Amongst all of this we paused and thought about one of the most special people in our lives Mummy! We chatted about why we love them so much and just how special they are. We all know food is the way to lots of our hearts and it seems Mummy’s have that sussed….

‘I love my mummy because she cooks my tea and let’s me have ice cream after dinner!’

We wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day!



Well, it has been full STEAM ahead in Reception this week!

The children have all created utterly unique shoebox dioramas based on their own interests and fascinations. They reflected on lots of the creative skills they have learnt in their focus skills sessions this term including folding, fixing and joining techniques and colour mixing and collage to create their finished designs. Their artistic endeavours didn't end there as they have all produced beautiful, original ink and watercolour pictures for someone very special (shhhh, all to be revealed on Sunday). There have been lots of science investigations happening throughout the week from catapulting marshmallows in RP, rocket launches in RJ and bunny helicopter testing in RC!

In our phonic lessons the children have been building their sentence writing skills and consolidating their phase 3 phonics and tricky words through an array of games and became brilliant storytellers in our Forest school sessions too.

In maths we have been exploring length, weight and capacity through investigations which linked to our STEAM week, we hope you have enjoyed seeing these on evidence me!

We are so proud our all our Reception STEAM superstars!


What a busy STEAM packed week Year One have had!

The year one children have had a truly wonderful week. We began the week by carefully planning and designing our diorama boxes based upon our theme of music and the artists and bands that we have been learning about. After deciding upon one of the many different bands and artists that they could select, the children had to use this knowledge of them and design a stage for them to sing in. It was super to see the passion and excitement form the children as they showed great enthusiasm to make these around their favourite artist or band. The plans were highly detailed and very creative! Mirrors, disco balls, speakers, and lights were some of the accessories that were included in the designs!

After a busy planning period, the children set to work to start making their diorama (carefully following their detailed plans and ideas). The level of concentration and attention to detail was superb! There was lots of carefully drawing, measuring and cutting for each diorama and not to mention lots of sticking and attaching!

And finally, to complete the designing process, it was very important that the children evaluated their final diorama against their initial plans. We discussed what parts we really liked and what parts we found difficult or would change time. This level of reflection was excellent and vital for the children to understand what went well in this process!

Well done Year One!

Firstly,ahugecongratulationsto2Jand2H fortheirfantasticassemblies!Weareso proudofyouforgettinguponthestagein frontofallofthegrownupswithsuch confidencetoshareouramazinglearning fromthisterm.Wehaveabsolutelyloved beingpartofthisthemewithyouand learningwithyoualongtheway.Itwasgreat toseeyouenjoyingyourselvesandthank youtothebravegrownupswhoparticipated inourperformance!Goodluckto2Pfornext week,wecan’twaittoseeit!

WehadabrilliantstarttoSTEAMweekwith anexcitingvisitfrom8-13’sscientists!The childrenlovedwatchingtheexperiments, learningindetailaboutsomeofthe elementsandexploringtheperiodictable. ThankyoutoMissMurray,MrsMillerand MrsBlomfieldfororganisingthisfantastic assembly.

Year2havehadabrilliantweek,focusing onmakingtheirArctic/Antarcticsmall worlds.

Thankyougrownupsfordonatingthe shoeboxesforustocompletethisactivity. Thechildrencarefullyplannedtheirdesigns first,consideringwhatequipmenttheywould needandhowtheyweregoingtoexecute theirdesiredfeatures.Theythengotto work!Itwaswonderfultoseethechildren applyingtheircreativeskillstodecorate, designskillstoconstructandproblem solvingskillswhenfacingchallenges.We havelovedseeingtheindividualityandyour imaginationsshinethroughwiththisproject. Wehopeyouenjoyedviewingthechildren’s creationsthismorning.Thechildrenthen evaluatedtheircreationsusingtheir ReflectiveRoryskillstoconsiderwhatwent wellandhowtheyfacedareastheyfound difficult.

We used our art session this week to create a little surprise for our mummies – sorry you must wait until Sunday! We hope you like them!

This week our learning journey has taken across the boarded and into the USA.

We enjoyed exploring the Grand Canyon and the amazing views of the Colorado river. We enjoyed writing creatively imagining that we were Tom to describe the beautiful scene before our eyes. We continued on to LA and visited the Hollywood sign, creating pictures of us visiting the attraction using the app pic collage. Before finishing in San Francisco.

On Thursday we were invited to STP 8-13 to listen to the author Louie Stowell. It was really great listening to her talk us through some of the characters of her books and give us a brief summary of her writing career to date.

As part of our work for STEAM week we designed and created our very own diorama boxes based on one the places Tom, our main character in our class text had visited. We used a range of materials to create our boxes and thoroughly enjoyed the engineering element of this task.

Year 3


Wine Not!?’ - An evening of wine tasting with the Grape Guru from York Wine Club

FINAL CALL FOR *TICKETS * please click HERE to book. Tickets are £26pp, sales close tonight!

When: Friday 24th March, doors 7.15pm for 7.30pm start

Where: St Peter’s 2-8 Dining Room

What: 6 tasting wines and paired grazing board nibbles

There will be a CASH bar after the tastings stocked with beers, G&T, wine, Prosecco and soft drinks options.

A raffle will also a charity raffle on the night with prizes including

Tasting evening for 2 at Pairings Wine Bar

Voucher for Heima Hardware, Gillygate Voucher for 2manyWines, Bishopthorpe Road

Voucher for NorthSouth, Bootham

Voucher for Clockface Beauty

1hr hour long Time Together spa ritual for two at The Spa, No.1 Guesthouse, York

121 PT session with Joanna Brown Fitness

6 week Group Fitness Membership at FitClubYork

Wine tasting with Yorkshire Wine School at 2manyWines

Selection of wines donated by the Grape Guru

Selction of wines donated by Enotria & Coe

Swimming gala café – Thursday 23rd March from 8.40am

Join us for a quick coffee before the Y3 swimming gala.

8.40-9.20am in the 2-8 dining room.

Cash donations in support of Zarach.

NB: Playgroup will still be running in the dining room.


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