St Peter's 2-8 | Newsletter 24

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What a busy term this has been. The children have learned an astonishing amount through their thematic curriculum. This was demonstrated in the class assemblies this this week, where each class presented their learning journeys to their parents and carers. The children spoke confidently to explain aspects of their learning and on occasion read their written work which was brilliant. They had the opportunity to display their artwork and explain difficult concepts such as photosynthesis, the makeup of greenhouse gases and the importance of looking after our planet. Mrs Hayden had prepared songs for each class to sing and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house when Year 1 sang ‘When I Grown Up’ from Matilda, or when photomontages of

the children’s learning at school were played! They can’t get away with telling you they have done nothing at school all day any more! My thanks to all staff for producing and directing the assemblies, They were fabulous!

On Monday this week the Year 1 children received a package from the National Trust, who very kindly provided us with trees to plant. I know that the Year 1 children hope that one day the trees will be enchanted, just like in The Magic Faraway Tree. The Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 met this week to finalise dates for many events next term. There will be nearly new uniform sales, a Bag2School charity event, the Summer charity ball and Clif-fest. Thank you to Laura Todd and the team of parents who help to organise these events. Mrs Smith has started running and organising

our playgroup on Thursday mornings in termtime. Many parents are attending with their children– please spread the word as all are welcome. Throughout the term I have coached the U18 boys at St Peter’s in hockey. It has been lovely to coach children who attended St Peter’s 2-8 when they were younger. They have all grown into wonderful human beings and it has been a delight to watch them grow and flourish throughout their time at school. Last night I was invited to play against them for the Pandas, a group of Old Peterites. It was a lovely occasion and this time the Pandas had a famous victory; their first in 21 years! I am extremely sore today after my first game in over six years! The children here at 2-8 have

Newsletter No: 24 Friday, 25th March 2022

so much to look forward to as they progress through the school. As I reflect on the term, I am astonished to think of all the learning that has taken place and as we break up for Easter, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the inspirational teachers, teaching assistants and staff from across the school as well as our support staff for their incredible work for the children. The children at St Peter’s 2-8 are truly fortunate to have such talented members of staff looking after them. At the end of the Summer term Helen Hopwood will be leaving St Peter's 2-8. Helen has been the Head of Learning support for two years and has done a wonderful job in this role. Obviously we will say farewell in the Summer, however, the Head of Learning support is already advertised on our website. Today we celebrated Mrs Morrison's last day before leaving for her maternity leave. I know the whole school community wishes her the

very best wishes over the coming months. I know she will be popping in from time to time to visit us all. Mrs Podlejski will be covering Mrs Morrison whilst she is away on maternity leave. My thanks also to the governors for their continued support of the school'. Wishing you a restful and enjoyable Easter break. See you on 25th April for the Summer Term! Best wishes,

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