St Peter's 2-8 | Newsletter 28

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CoMPasS Registered Charity No: 1141329

learning lots of duck/duckling related facts, such as what they eat, how they can see under water and why they fly in a V shape (apparently this makes flying easier for those who didn’t know!) They also made a ducking paddling pool and playpark which included a tightrope for those ducklings who were feeling a little more adventurous. The children have also made some super models of ducklings out of junk which some of you may have seen in the classrooms this morning as your dropped the children off at school.

School Council Reception Yoga (Group 1) Year 1 Story Club (Group 1) advertisements to encourage people to visit, colourful ink chromatography pictures, learned about Rangoli patterns, which are bright colourful designs that are associated with Diwali and have listened to the Hindu story of Rama and Sita. The children have also been learning about the twenty-fourhour clock, understanding the difference of timekeeping running from day to night. What a busy week they have had! There is so much to look forward to over the final weeks of the term. We have swimming galas, sports day and Clif-Fest, the summer fair of St Peter’s 2-8 on Sunday 26th June (please save the date.) Further information is later in the newsletter. We also have music concerts coming up; Year 2 on Monday, Year 1 on Tuesday, Year 3 on Wednesday, transition afternoon, St Peter’s 2-8 Charity Ball, our Grand Exhibition, Nursery PE Showcase, Nursery Graduation and finally after a two year hiatus (due to Covid) our End of Year Review and Celebration is back and will be on the last afternoon of term. Please do keep an eye on the dates in the diary for all these important dates. Today Mrs Clarke and I are attending the IAPS Conscious Inclusion Conference at the British Library in London. The conference brings together top speakers in their field to tackle one of the most important areas within society and education today. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion is crucial to improve our school communities, creating a culture of openness, respect and understanding within our schools, making a significant contribution to wider society. I look forward to sharing more about this in next week’s newsletter.

Year 2 Engineers (Group 1) Year 2 Multisports Year 2 Cricket* Year 3 Film Year 3 Football* Reception Film Club Year 1 Football* Year 2 Multisports Year 2 STEM (Group 1) Year 3 Language

Year 3 Swimming Year 3 Tennis* Reception Story Time (Group 1) Year 1 Creative (Group 2) Year 1 Cricket* Years 2 & 3 Choir CANCELLED


Year 1 Coding CANCELLED Year 1 Multisports Year 2 Tennis* Year 2 Art (Group 1) Year 3 Netball

Our Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 will start collecting items for Clif-Fest from Monday of next week. Please refer to the information about this later in the newsletter to see which items they are collecting weekly and where the boxes will be located for you to make donations. It is wonderful to be in a position to host our summer fair once more and welcome the school and local community along. As always, your support is crucial to making this a success and I would like to thank you in advance for any contribution you feel able to make. I hope you have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing our Reception swimmers in the morning.

With best wishes,

Year 3 STEM


Throughout the week children in 1A have been mixing mocktails, carefully measuring out the ingredients by following the instructions on the Mocktail menus. They have had so much fun and turned this into a wonderful relaxing spa day for anyone who visited. I loved mine, it was delicious, thank you 1A! I also noticed Mrs Clarke, Mr Walters, Deputy Head 218, and Mrs Fattorini took the opportunity to pop in for a mocktail which they all said was delicious and had been mixed perfectly. Well done 1A. Year 2 were invited to Chutni, a restaurant owned by one of the Year 2 parents on Thursday afternoon. They thoroughly enjoyed the visit, learning about the restaurant and meeting the staff of Chutni who gave each of them a delicious ice cream. Thank you to all at Chutni for such warm hospitality and sharing this treat with all of Year 2. In Year 3, continuing with their theme, ‘Around the World in 80 Days’, the children have now reached Mumbai in India where they have been discovering all about the culture and traditions of this beautiful country. They have made



mathematics. Kym Scott, an early childhood consultant, conference speaker and trainer provided the delegates with a workshop that explored the impact that quality relationships, interactions, environments and play experiences can have on children's learning and life chances across all ages in schools. Claire Gadsby, a leading educational consultant, trainer, and author with a wealth of experience in school improvement and motivation strategies explored concrete, practical strategies, and resources that teachers and teaching assistants can use immediately to enhance learning in their classrooms. While Billy Hickling, award winning Trashbang man, taught us how to make music out of household rubbish. In this workshop Billy explored how music can be made from anything. Huge thanks to the inspiring speakers and to all the delegates who joined us on the day. The school looked very impressive and my thanks to the teachers and teaching assistants at St Peter’s 2-8 for their impressive

classrooms and learning environments, Darren Adamson and the Estates team, Craig Robinson and the Catering team, Chris Alder and the cleaning team, Barry Nacey and the ICT team, Sara Burns, Head of Technical Services and all staff who contributed to making the day a success. My final thanks must go to Caroline Fattorini, who not only organised and coordinated the whole event, but also ensured everything ran smoothly on the day. This week has been another busy and enjoyable week at school. The Acorns in Nursery and 1C had Forest School workshops with Mr Tickle. The children have thoroughly loved these sessions and on behalf of the children and staff my huge thanks to Mr Tickle for organising and delivering these fabulous workshops for the children. In Reception, children have been


On Saturday we hosted the Northern Learning Conference at school. It was a wonderful opportunity for teaching staff from across the country to listen to a range of inspiring speakers and to meet and network with colleagues from both the State and Independent sectors. The conference opened with keynote speaker, Judy Murray, OBE who demonstrated that you can teach fundamental physical and sport skills with a range equipment that is affordable and accessible to all. Judy then led two coaching workshops for groups of delegates throughout the day. Dave Godfrey, Number Fun led workshops on teaching maths through stories, developing children’s conceptual understanding of

Newsletter No: 28 Friday, 20th May 2022

You can follow us

Year 1 Film Year 1 Street Dance* CANCELLED Year 2 Football* Year 2 History (Group 1) Year 3 Creative

Year 3 Cricket*

house points trophy

Music award • Freya (2P) • Olivia A (3S)

• Hayze (RC)

• Alfie (1E)

• Theo (RC)

• Owen (2H)

• Erin (RJ)

• Manny (2J)

• William (RM)

• Olivia (2J)

• William (1A)

• Max (2J)

• Irwin (1A)

• Sepehr (2P)

• Austin (1C) • Louis (1E) • Bertie (1E)

value champions

PE award • Dylan (2P) • Martha (2H) • Andrey (3M) • Olivia A (3S)

learning superheroes


Notice Board

• Daniele (3C) • Thomas (3M) • Everyone! (3S)

PE award

• Magnus (RC)

• Arthur (1A)

• Bella (2J)

• Tulsi (3M)

• Thomas (RJ)

• Lucas (1C)

• Dilarum (2P)

• Thomas (3M)

• Xander (RM)

• Jemima (1E)

• Nina (3C)

• Freddie (3S)

• Luca (1A)

• Oliver T-P (2H)

• Jonathan (3M)

Notice Board MUSICAL NOTES This week our Reception children welcomed a special visitor into their music lesson; Ms Leeman-Brown came to show the children her collection of recorders. The children listened carefully to the different sounds each instrument made and spotted as the recorder got bigger, the sound got lower! When the children move into Year 1 they will have the opportunity to learn the recorder with Ms Leeman-Brown, more details next week!

Our Year 1, 2 and 3 children are very much looking forward to welcoming parents to our music concerts next week.

Year 2 – Monday 23rd May 1.30pm Year 1 – Tuesday 24th May 2pm Year 3 - Wednesday 25th May 1.30pm

All concerts are in the Rayson Room. The door will be open 15 minutes before the start of each concert. All Year 1 children will perform on Tuesday. The Year 2/3 choir and soloists will be performing in the Year 2 and 3 concerts.

MICHAEL BLYTH PHOTOGRAPHY Michael Blyth’s photography sessions will take place at 2-8 on Monday and Wednesday. If you have booked a slot for your child(ren) and they have PE on Monday or Wednesday, please ensure they also bring their uniform to school.

Thank you.


Izzy and Kate from Year 2 have both been performing on stage this term. Well done to both of you!

Reception have returned to school with great enthusiasm for learning new skills and working collaboratively. In Core PE this term, the children have been focussing on Athletics. Looking at various ways to jump for height and distance. Most recently, the children looked at particular animals how far they could jump in one go. Did you know a kangaroo can jump 12m! The children had to find the distance on the tape measure and then use their standing long jump technique to compare how many jumps it takes them. Reception also looked at mathematic skills within their PE lesson by rolling a dice, identifying the number to perform as many jumps. Some where also challenged by adding the numbers together with a partner!

PE During Games lessons, the children have been closely looking at teamwork skills. They have completed various relays over obstacle challenges. We also looked at a game called island hopping. The children were given 2 mats and had to work collaboratively together to get themselves to the other side of the sports hall, without touching the sea (sports hall floor). It was fantastic to see the children’s imagination and creativity help make their journeys possible. Last week the children looked at a familiar game called the floor is lava. The children had great fun using the spot markers to create a path to the other side of the playground, ensuring all their teammates got across safely.

Take a look at the wonderful skills the children have learned this term.


The highlight of our week was having one of our Acorns parents join us at Forest School. We packed the trolley with our picnic lunch and made our way down to the forest. The children were totally captivated by all that Mr Tickle showed them. We learnt how to make a shelter using hand crafted pegs and a mallet, we made a delicious fruit bread called Bannock and even a classic Victoria sponge, all on an open fire.

Thanks too to the kitchen staff for our picnic bags! There has been more excitement in the Acorns classroom as we are preparing to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee. We have been making fruit infused water at the water tray, using mint leaves and flowers. In the sand tray we have had some of the Queens Quarts and some Red Arrows! The children have been busy deciding what we will need to enjoy a garden party! We have had all sorts of ideas like honey. sandwiches, bouncy castles, flashing lights, pizza and of course, The Queen! The invitations have gone out and so the anticipation is rising for the big day.

The children were able to use a picture guide to identify some trees by comparing the leaves that they had found. The weather was stunning Have a lovely weekend and we look and so we sat out in the sunshine to forward to the celebrations next enjoy our lunch. Thank you so much week. Mr Tickle for such an exciting day!.


What a week it's been in Conkers! We've had fun, giggles and ice lollies… what more could we ask for?!


RECEPTION This week has flown by with a flurry of play inspired by our wonderful little ducklings! The children have loved designing and creating duckling playparks as collaborative twins with slides, see saws, beds and bridges being popular features of their designs (chocolate fountains, hot tubs and venus fly traps - to protect ducklings from flies - were amongst many other imaginative ideas!) Seeing the ducklings have fun in their playparks and splashing in the paddling pool like little 'speedboats' was an absolute joy!

We have taken to the river ourselves

in our maths learning this week, inspired by the book Mr Gumpy's Outing, creating our own number stories acted out with great enthusiasm by the children. Forest School was as wonderful as ever with bark rubbing, bug hunting and wildlife photography proving very popular. The children's play has been a delight to see evolve throughout the week with giant water runs, mega dens, doctors surgeries and sandcastle cities popping up all over the place! We are now looking forward to a host of Royal delights next week...


This week you can just call us the Shark Experts! We have learnt SO many facts about sharks this week that David Attenborough must be shaking in his boots! We have thoroughly enjoyed working collaboratively to research as many facts about sharks as possible so we can use them next week with our powers of persuasion... stay tuned for more of this next week. 1A have been living their most fabulous lives making the most delicious ocean-themed mocktails and shark cupcakes. They even

made some for Mr Hardy and Mrs Clarke to enjoy in the sunshine.


As well as being shark experts, we are now officially time experts as well! We had great fun making posters and videos that sequenced the day in the life of a shark, before moving on to become masters of telling the time accurately to the hour and half past the hour. I wonder if you can set us a time challenge at home for us?

YEAR 2 It’s been another very busy week for Year 2 and we hit the ground running on Monday with times tables challenges! We have loved practising our 2s, 5s and 10s and learning all about the inverse and number fact families. Maths with no new numbers, says Mrs Hall! We have been singing Percy Parker times tables songsmaybe you have been at home too?! The children have been finishing their research projects on whales and starting to present them to the rest of the class, which is not as easy as it sounds. We have been learning about how important communication is and to make eye contact and speak clearly- like a teacher!

In art we have made beautiful, colourful pictures of an octopus, with tentacles and suckers, using oil pastels. We are going to use these pictures to do some creative writing next week, all about a diver, finding a mysterious creature in the deep. We learnt so many facts about octopuses, including the fact that they grow another tentacle if they lose one and that this is called regenerating- just like Dr Who! On Thursday we were all so excited to head off to Dilarum’s family café, where we had been invited to have ice creams. What a lovely treat! We were able to choose our own flavours and loved the experience, with all of our friends. Thank you so much to Dilarum’s parents for their time and generosity and to Ms Platts for organising it all. Happy weekend all!


YEAR 3 This week we have been exploring India! Bombay, or Mumbai as it is now known, is the fourth stop on our adventure around the world, and perhaps the most spectacular yet! We learnt that Fogg wasn’t keen to spend too long in Bombay, but we were unsure as to why this was. We did lots of research and discovered that actually it is an incredible city bursting with culture and activity. We wrote a persuasive piece of work detailing all of the wonderful things that you can do and see there; ultimately trying to encourage people to visit. Whilst researching, we came across the

different festivals that are celebrated in India and learnt about the story behind the festival of light, Diwali. We re-enacted the story of Rama and Sita and re-wrote it in our own words. We then used the iMovie app and started to create our own films which we hope to finish next week! In art we looked at Mehndis, mandalas and used Phillipe Ducasse as inspiration for our colourful Indian slum creations. Next week we have the excitement of the Swimming Gala, music concert AND the Queen’s Jubilee celebration to look forward to. Phew! Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.


Bag2School Thank you to everyone who donated bags this week. We raised £80 For the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund.

Y2/Y3 Swim Gala Refreshments - Thursday 26th May The Friends of 2-8 will be hosting a FREE Al-Fresco Pop-Up Café prior to both Galas on 26th May. Tea, Coffee, pastries, cakes and biscuits will all be available from the gazebos at the top of Pikes Path (the path down to the swimming pool). We will be open from 8.15am-9.30am (the start of the Year 2 Gala) and then again from 12.30-1.30pm prior to the Year 3 Gala. There will be some tables and chairs set up in the sun (!) so please do drop by for a cup of tea and a chat before the aquatic battles commence! Clif-Fest - Sunday 26th June 12-3pm, school grounds

Clif-Fest is the 2-8 school fête/summer fayre. It is a day where the Friends of St Peter’s 28 organise lots of fun activities, games, stalls, food, ice cream etc for all 2-8 pupils, family members and friends of the St Peter’s Foundation to come to the campus and have an amazing fun family day out. Activities and games include:Bird of Prey display Inflatable obstacle course Book stall Bottle tombola Bouncy castle Festival Glam Station Zorbs Nerf War Ice cream BBQ And much, much more! Clif-Fest Bottle Tombola – Monday 23rd to Friday 27th May Please bring any non-perishable bottles you are able to donate to the tombola (Pineapple juice to Prosecco, Lemonade to Limoncello, Shampoo to Salad Dressing - we will take it all!) and leave in the Atrium in the boxes provided from 23rd May. Alcohol is accepted but please drop in to the office so it is not left out when the children are present.

Clif-Fest – Sunday 26th June 2022 12pm-3pm, St Peter’s 2-8 grounds As it has been almost 3 years since we last held Clif-Fest, we thought we should probably explain, to those who don’t know, what Clif-Fest is and how much fun it is! What is Clif-Fest? Clif-Fest is the 2-8 school fete/summer fayre. It is a day where the Friends of St Peters 2-8 organise lots of fun activities, games, stalls, food, ice cream etc for all 28 pupils, friends and family members of the St Peters Foundation to come to the campus and have an amazing fun family day out. What can we do at Clif-Fest? This year we have so many fun things on offer including:Bird of Prey handling and display by York Bird of Prey Centre, Huby A talk and handling of reptiles by Knaresborough Exotic Rescue Centre Speedkix Challenge, Nerf War and Zorbs 70ft Inflatable Obstacle Course Bouncy Castle and Inflatable Slide BBQ – selling beef burgers, hot dogs, vegetarian alternatives, corn-on-the-cob Café – selling tea, coffee, cakes, biscuits Bar – selling soft drinks, squash, wine beer, G&T, Pimms Bottle Tombola – the traditional tombola game to win a bottle Book Stall – second hand books at excellent prices Lucky Dip – the old fashioned Bran Tub foraging game Splat-the-Rat – can you swipe the rat as it exits its drainpipe? Hook-a-duck – can you hook a duck with a star to win a prize? Festival Glam Station – face glitter, temporary tatoos, face painting Jolly Jars – buy a jar full of exciting mystery goodies We also invite local small business owners to take a stall at Clif-Fest to sell their produce or to advertise their business. This provides another dimension to the day with many interesting and great value items for sale. How much will it cost? Entry to Clif-Fest is FREE and we have tried to keep all prices as low as possible to ensure a fun (but not piggy-bank-busting) day out for the whole family. How do I pay for the games/activities? We have noticed with other events that, since Covid-19, people are using less cash in their daily lives. Therefore we have taken the decision to go CASHLESS for Clif -Fest! We will be using a Token system throughout the site (with the exception of the external stallholders mentioned above) which will operate like this:1. What is a Token? – A Token is a grey, plastic, reusable disk, a bit like pretend money. 2. How much is each token worth – each token is worth £1. 3. Does that mean each game/activity will be priced in £1 increments? – No. In several cases you will get a number of goes/items for your token price. Just look out for the signs. 4. How do I get my tokens? – You can purchase them ahead of Clif-Fest using our pre-order Click n Collect system AND/OR purchase them on the day at our Token kiosks. 5. When are Tokens on sale? – Tokens will be available to purchase from 20th June via an online form in increments of £5, or on the day. 6. Where is the Token Click n Collect? – There will be a Click n Collect desk located on the playground from 12pm on the day where you can collect your preordered tokens. 7. Can I buy Tokens on the day if I forget/am unable to pre-order? – Yes. There will be 2 Token kiosks on site. One where you can buy Tokens using cash, and the other where you can purchase using a debit or credit card. 8. If I don’t spend all of my Tokens when I leave, what do I do with them? – Tokens are non-refundable, however there will be a box located onsite where you can surrender your unused Tokens as you leave. These Tokens will then be converted into real money and will be donated to the school charity, so please ensure you empty them all out of your pockets! How can I help? A few weeks before Clif-Fest we will be asking for volunteers to help run our stalls and games. Slots will be 1 hour long and will start with set-up, through the duration of the event (12-3pm) and some tidy-up time too. We will need as many people as possible in order to run all of our fun games, food outlets and entertainments, so please do sign up if you possibly can. How else can I help? In order for us to run a few of the stalls, we would like to request a little help with donations, please? The four things we are requesting are listed below, with the dates we would like them bringing in. This is absolutely NOT a three-line-whip, but a request if you would like to contribute. And, of course, we are not expecting parents to donate all of these, but whichever you are willing and able to do. We are always extremely grateful for any donations parents are able to make, so thank you very much for your continued generosity.

Bottle Tombola – Monday 23rd to Friday 27th May Please bring any non-perishable bottles you are able to donate (Pineapple juice to Prosecco, Lemonade to Limoncello, Shampoo to Salad Dressing - we will take it all!) and leave in the Atrium in the boxes provided from 23rd May. Alcohol is accepted but please bring to Reception so it is not left out when the children are present. Book Stall – Monday 6th June to Friday 10th June We would be very happy and grateful to receive any unwanted books; fiction, non-fiction, children’s, reference, adults – every genre (within reason!) welcome! Please bring them in to school from w/c 6th June and put them into the boxes provided in the Atrium. Filled Jam Jars – Monday 20th to Friday 24th June One of our fun stalls is Jolly Jars. We are inviting each child/parent/carer to fill a glass jam jar with “stuff” which we will then display and sell at Clif-Fest (we will leave a few empty jars in the Atrium to take, in case not everyone has a saved jar). You can decorate the jam jars to make them look extra special if you like, or just leave them plain so you can see all the goodies inside. Ideas of what you can fill them with are below, but please NO NUTS OR CHOCOLATE:Party bag toys

Mini crayons/pencils




Cookie mix (must be nut-free)


Muffin Mix (must be nut-free)


Mini sewing kit

Jigsaw puzzle

Friendship bracelets

Hair accessories


Cakes – Sunday 26th June If you are willing and able to donate a bake to sell at our café this year we would be very grateful. Please bring your NUT FREE donations to the cafe, which will be inside the Dining Room, when you arrive at ClifFest on the day. Big cakes, muffins, biscuits, traybakes, homemade or purchased - all very welcome! And that (in a large nutshell) is Clif-Fest! It is such a fun day in an environment that the children know and are relaxed in and it is great fun for all of the grown-ups too. Finally a chance to catch up with everyone again whilst having some good wholesome family fun. We look forward to seeing you all there! Thank you! FoSP/Clif-Fest Committee


£30 p/p P/P



For more Info and bookings : CLICK HERE

30 MAY - 1 JUNE


For children in Y2 to Y6



ST PETER S Summer 2022 '

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