Registered Charity No: 1141329
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This week it has been great to watch all of the activities the children have experienced at Forest School. Outdoor learning is an integral part of our curriculum at St Peter’s 2-8. Roald Dahl once said, ‘The more risks you allow children to take, the better they learn to take care of themselves.’ I think we could all remain within our comfort zones, happily doing all the things that are easy and undemanding. It may well be that we would be happy living our lives this way, not knowing anything better. Conversely, we can challenge ourselves, take risks, seek to discover more than we know and enjoy those different experiences. This can be as simple as removing our shoes and standing (or, even better, jumping) in puddles.
learning both inside and outside the classroom, we are able to teach children that learning occurs everywhere, at all times. Also, by having a curriculum with a strong focus on outdoor learning, and an assumption that we will not give up easily, we teach our children to be resilient, determined and to see things through. Demonstrating the learning superpowers of one of our learning superheroes Rita Resilience. High-quality outdoor learning experiences are proven to: develop reflective and inquisitive thinking along with problem-solving approaches in ‘real’ situations, encourage holistic development of children, develop resilience and adaptability in occasionally adverse circumstances, allow children to become more able to identify hazards and risks, develop a love, appreciation and respect for nature and all that is living, develop selfawareness, confidence and self-esteem, develop collaborativeworking and communication skills, provide positive health benefits – both physically and mentally – and assist gross and fine-motor development.
‘The Invisible’ and spreading kindness. Reception have continued learning about lifecycles, sculpting clay frogs and minibeasts and painting symmetrical butterflies. Year 3 have journeyed to the Valley of the Kings, along with Howard Carter, rewriting the story of discovery, making clay shabtis and amazing tomb paintings. They also had a visit from some of the J1 children from 8-13, who were very helpful in answering lots of questions about the day to day life at St Peter’s 8-13. Exciting times.
Friday 19th May 2023
22nd May 2023
School Council
Year 1 Lexia (cancelled)
Year 1 Ball Skills
Year 2 & 3 European Culture
Year 2 Cricket*
Year 2 Cookery
Year 3IT
Year 3 Football*
Year 1 Football*
Year 2 STEM
Year 2 Tag Rugby
Year 3 Swimming
Year 3 Tennis*
Year 2 & 3 Dance Club*
Year 1 Construction
Year 1 Yoga*
Year 1 Cricket*
Year 2 & 3 Choir (cancelled)
It could be climbing a tree, whittling sticks with sharp knives, or cooking on open fires. The benefits of high-quality outdoor learning experiences quickly become apparent when the children are given the opportunity to take part in risk-assessed, but not riskfree activities. At our school by committing to
Year 2 inspired by their journey to Delhi, home to the largest spice market in Asia, created some delicious Samosas at Forest School over the camp fire. They designed a recipe and prepared the filling by chopping the ingredients (and adding the spices). They then made a fire cooked the filling until it was ready to be added into the filo pastry to make samosas. I must say they were absolutely delicious. Walking around the school this week has been a joyful experience with so much learning on display.
The Year 1 children have made homemade ice cream and enjoyed sharing small bowls of kindness to people around the school. This followed reading their themed text
Last Sunday the Friends of St Peter’s 2-8 organised a Reception stay and play. This event proved to be very popular and it was great to see the children who will be starting in Reception in September. Huge thanks to all the Friends, particularly Mrs Dolan-Bent for organising such a successful event.
Tomorrow I am looking forward to swimming with Reception in the morning followed by the St Peter’s 2-8 Charity Ball organised by the Friends of St Peter’s 2-8. Huge thanks to everyone who has given their time to organise the ball, I am sure it will be a wonderful evening. Have a wonderful weekend.
Year 1 Board Games
Year 1 Let’s get Moving
Year 2 Tennis*
Year 2 Art
Year 3 Athletics
Year 3 Environment (cancelled)
Year 1 Wellbeing Outdoors
Year 1 Street Dance*
Year 2 Football*
Year 2 Bat & Ball Skills
Year 3 Board Games
Year 2 & 3 Film
Year 3 Cricket*
Music Award
• Tatiana (RC)
• Zoe (RP)
Notice Board
High Jump
• Georgia (2J), Oliver (2P) & Martha (3M)
Long Jump
• Hugh (2P), Sasha (3M) and Sam (3S)
Over Arm Through
• Martha (3M)
• Oscar (RC)
• Zoe (RP)
• Manny (3M)
• Martha (3M)
• Everyone in (RJ)
• Ava (RC)
• Mabel (RP)
• Grace (RJ)
• Magnus (1A)
• Ellen (1E)
• Toby (1C)
• Iker (2H)
• Connie, Oliver, Arthur, Emma and Georgia (2J)
• Hugh (2P)
• Sophie & Joyce (3C)
• Oliver (3M)
• Patrick (3S)
• Tatiana, Zackaria, Martha, Luna and George (RC)
• Harriet (RP)
• Leo (RJ)
• Ellen (1A)
• Ayla (1E)
• Elizabeth, Poppy & Ava (1C)
• Tiaa (2H)
• Zachary (2J)
• JoJo (2P)
• Drishya (3C)
• Molly (3M)
Notice Board
We have recently had a few cases of head lice within the school. Please can we ask that you check your child/children’s hair and treat as necessary. For further information please refer to the NHS page. To access the link please click here
We recently supplied information from the School Nurse relating to both Conjunctivitis and Molluscum Contagiosum.
For further information on both, please click the links below
Conjunctivitis - NHS (
Molluscum contagiosum - NHS (
On Friday the 26th of May St Peter’s 2-8 are running a colour run to raise money for our school charity Zarach.
More information will follow early next week.
There is availability for Stage 1 Beginner sessions starting from 6th June at St Peter’s pool.
All enquiries can be directed to Chris Turner, email address as follows:
This week our Year One children have been focusing on both athletics in Core PE lessons and cricket in their games lessons.
I was extremely impressed with the spring and agility they showed when jumping into hoops, over hurdles and onto mats. We even managed to put some of our jumping skills into little relays.
In our games lesson, we focused on developing our underarm throw technique. Starting with a rolling game to improve our accuracy before moving on to underarm throwing towards a target.
I look forward to seeing how this technique progresses when put into more of a cricket game next week.
Congratulations to the following children who broke the Year 2 and Year 3 school records:
Georgia Vonberg
Oliver Page
Martha Todd
Hugh Pace
Sasha Norman
Sam Hodgkins
Martha Todd
Year 1 - Monday 22nd May at 2pm
The children are really looking forward to welcoming friends and family to their concert. The Rayson Room doors will be open from 1.45pm.
The concert will feature all Year 1 singing some new songs and Ms Leaman-Brown's recorder superstars who will be performing in their very first concert!
We look forward to welcoming you into school!
Year 2 - Tuesday 23rd May at 1.30pm
Our Year 2 instrumentalists and choir children are very much looking forward to welcoming their friends and family to their concert in the Rayson Room.
The doors will open at 1.15pm and we are very much looking forward to welcoming you into school.
Year 3 - Wednesday 24th May at 1.30pm
Our Year 3 instrumentalists and choir children are very much looking forward to welcoming their friends and family to their concert in the Rayson Room.
The doors will open at 1.15pm and we are very much looking forward to welcoming you into school.
Theexcitementhasbeentangibleasthechildrenwaitedtohearwhichday wecouldhopupontothetractorsandhaveaturnpretendingtobetractor drivers.
Eachdaythechildrenlovetospotthetractorsaroundtheschool.They waveandchattothelovelygroundsmenwhoareveryfriendlyindeed!We wouldliketothankthegroundsmenverymuchforbeingsopatientand kind,allowingtheAcornsintotheirvehicles.
WehavehadagreattimeinAcornsplayingwithtractorsandmakingtracks withpaint.
Wealsoenjoyedalovelywalkouttothemuseumgardens.Thechildren lovedspottingthebeautifulflowersandseeingifanysquirrelswerehoping about.
Ithasbeenaveryexciting andfunweek.
This week in Conkers we have been channelling our inner Monet and have loved experimenting with watercolours.....
We've shown such skill with the different brushes and techniques, 'tapping' the water off the brush and 'stroking' the paper with the paint.
Next week.....Van Gogh!
As always, it’s been nonstop in Reception this week.
We have continued our learning about life cycles and growing, with observations of our growing caterpillars and fruit and vegetable investigations.
We’ve made fruit kebabs and squeezed oranges and lemons for our snack as well playing in a pop-up fruit stall outside.
Our outside area is flourishing with sweet peas, tomatoes and lettuces. The Reception children have been busy planting and caring for the plants and are excited to watch them grow.
Thank you for all the flower donations, the children have been busy making weird and wonderful magic potions with them in our newly improved mud kitchen.
At Forest school, the children have been exploring nature looking at dandelions and other plants and carrying out minibeast hunts. Our focus skills sessions have been busy sculpting clay frogs, painting colourful clay mini beasts and painting symmetrical butterflies.
Have a great weekend!
Wow what a fabulously fun and busy week we have had in Year 1!
This week we have started our new core text, The Invisible, by the author Tom Percival. This provoked lots of discussion about acts of kindness and how we could maybe spread some of our own. As a result, Year 1 have been busy writing kind and thoughtful messages to make each other smile. On Thursday and Friday, we decided that everyone deserved an end of the week treat and we made our own homemade ice-cream to spread the joy. It was delicious!
In maths this week our maths mascot, Super Sid, introduced us to some tricky division problems where we had to divide some sweets into equal groups (although the trickiest part was most definitely trying not to eat the sweets). We loved working practically to find multiple possibilities and writing these as division calculations.
In art this week we have explored the concept of using colours to express our emotions. We have been inspired by Picasso-like art and we have used a variety of mediums to create our masterpieces.
We have arrived in the hustle and bustle of India!
First stop, the spice market! New Deli is home to the largest spice market in Asia! The children have been busy exploring our classroom spice markets and creating spice quizzes! Inspired by the amazing smell wafting throughout Year 2 we decided to put the spices to good use and made tasty vegetable samosas! We peeled, chopped, and cooked the filling. Then once cool, placed it onto filo pastry and folded it into little triangular parcels and baked! They were DELICIOUS!
We have begun creating our own Indian recipe books and we are in the process of writing up our recipe, using instructional language and recounting what we did.
In maths we have been busy exploring weight and mass, weighing items from the classroom and also making amounts using rice! We have been learning how to read a scale and looked at the different increments a range of weighing scales have.
Next week we are looking forward the Year 2 music concert on Tuesday afternoon, we hope to see some of you there!
Have a lovely weekend.
This week we have been learning all about the great discovery of King Tutankhamun’s tomb.
We journeyed to the Valley of the Kings, along with Howard Carter, Lord Carnarvon and not forgetting one of the most influential participants of this exciting story, Hussein the waterboy. We learnt that if it wasn’t for Hussein, the discovery may not have been possible.
We re-wrote the story of the discovery and went on to write an independent diary entry, as if we were Hussein. The children have been developing their stamina for writing over the course of the year and it has been wonderful to see their progress with this. Once we had completed our learning about that exciting moment in 1922, we worked with a friend to create an iMovie trailer based on everything we had learnt!
In art we made clay shabtis and had a go at painting some tomb pictures, based on the interior of the great pyramids we have been exploring.
In maths we created different style charts and tables using on hieroglyph data we collated. We then interpreted the data, answering questions about our findings and tackled word-based problems.
Aside from our classroom learning, we had an exciting visit from some of the J1 children who were in Year 3 last year. They were incredibly kind and helpful in answering lots of questions that we had to ask about life and day-to-day comings and goings at 8-13. We are all starting to get very excited about our next learning adventure!
Clif Fest volunteers
Clif-Fest couldn’t happen without an army of volunteers.
Please click here to volunteer
We are very grateful for your support and any time you can give.
Clif Fest – Bottle tombola donations – NEXT WEEK
Monday 22 – Friday 26 May
Pineapple juice to Prosecco, lemonade to Limoncello – all donations welcome! Please bring any non-perishable bottles you are able to donate to the tombola next week at drop off. Yellow crates will be located outside the Clifton Courts and the dining room for any donations. Alcohol is accepted but please drop this at the office so it is not left where the children are present. Thank you!
Bottle tombola
Collection dates
Monday 22 – Friday 26 May
Monday 12 – Friday 16 June
Monday 19 – Friday 23 June Cakes & bakes ON THE DAY!
Jolly jars
New Reception Starters Welcome – thank you
We had a wonderful play date on Sunday afternoon to welcome Reception class of ’23. Thank you to all parents, carers and children who came, we hope you had an enjoyable time meeting your new classmates!
Dates for your diary:
❖ 14-16th June – Bag2School clothing donations and collection
❖ 20th June - Nearly New Uniform sale – including STP 8-13 uniform
❖ 25th June – ‘Clif-Fest’ the STP 2-8 Summer Fair (all the family!)