CoMPasS Registered Charity No: 1141329
Mother Teresa was once quoted: “I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things we could use.” Thomas Edison stated, “waste is worse than loss. The time is coming when every person who lays claim to ability will keep the question of waste before him constantly. The scope of thrift is limitless.” Pope John Paul II famously quoted, “The earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations.” David Attenborough in his recent ‘Witness Statement’ warns, “The real threat is not to the survival of the planet but to the survival of humanity. And if we want to survive, we need to learn to work with nature, not against it. If we don't act now to protect and preserve our planet, the beauty we're lucky enough to witness will have disappeared” My Witness Statement - David Attenborough. The messages that have been spoken have largely been ignored by generation after generation and we must educate and empower our children to be Planet Protectors to ensure that this amazing natural world we live in can still be enjoyed in generations to come. This motivated the school to host a STEM week this week with so many science activities and experiments taking place. In our celebration assembly the children in each class described what they had been
You can follow us doing throughout the week and it is remarkable what they have achieved in just one week. The children have made Egyptian Papyrus paper from scratch, then used the paper to make their own books and name plates, they have conducted experiments to investigate what was the best ointment/chemical to mummify a body and learned how this process was carried out in graphic detail. The Year 2 children learned to use even more technology this week and investigated how to use a new app, ‘Poplett’, to create food chains and food webs, they also cooked flatbreads on camp fires at forest school and created stunning pictures of the ‘Baobab’ tree, otherwise know as the tree of life in Africa. The Reception children were engineers this week, designing and building the most amazing dens in our outside area and at forest school, they also made straw rockets and programming Cubetto robots. Year 1 have been investigating the ring of fire and looked at volcanoes and earthquakes. The children performed live experiments in assembly showing how volcanoes are formed. When investigating earthquakes they designed buildings that would withstand an earthquake tremor. They tested these designs and redesigned them until they created a model that worked. Whilst looking at traditional clothes in Asia they have designed and created their own clothes using different sewing techniques showing the importance of repurposing materials and not being wasteful. They also created
Newsletter No: 28 Friday, 21st May 2021
their very own tie dye Tshirts using natural dyes. The Year 1 children designed and made models of elephant sanctuaries and raised awareness of the importance of humans treating the animals on our planet in a positive way and recorded a passionate appeal to protect elephants.
where plastic is currently being used. Once used seaweed packaging breakdown completely in a very short time.
The strong message was loud and clear; if we all do our bit we can reverse the damage we are all doing to our planet. David Attenborough says at the start of his witness On Thursday Mrs Mckie, a statement, “It's happened in Biology teacher from St my lifetime. I've seen it with Peter’s 13-18, was our guest my own eyes. This film is speaker and the assembly was my witness statement and my brilliant. It started with this vision for the future, the story of how we came to short film ‘Wasteminister’. make this our greatest Then Mrs Mckie explained mistake, and how, if we act how humans can use the plastic problem in the world now, we can yet put it right” to solve another world problem, or a shortage of Dr Seuss tried to tell us years housing in poor areas of the ago, “Unless someone like world. The amazing scientists you cares a whole awful lot, at Othalo (The future of nothing is going to get better. Housing) have created Its not”. something extremely exciting. Let us be a voice for change. We were all told of the problem of flip flop waste and My thanks to all of the how ‘Ocean Sole’, who are a teachers, teaching assistants social enterprise, upcycles and in particular to Mrs washed up flip-flops found Johnson and Miss Murray for along the beaches and an inspirational STEM WEEK. waterways in Kenya into Have a wonderful weekend. colourful products to sell at local Kenyan Markets as another means of income for their families. The children were also shown how seaweed can be a replacement for many items
Notice Board MUSICAL NOTES I was so proud today of our Year 2 and 3 choirs who sang beautifully for the recording of our Whole School Concert in the Chapel at 13-18. We are now looking forward to the concert when it is broadcast next Thursday evening at 6pm. All parents will be emailed a link so you can view it at home with your child. The concert features our two choirs plus choirs and instrumental ensembles from 8-13 and 13-18. It promises to be a lovely concert. Preparations are
well underway for our own concerts next week. Year 1 start us off on Monday at 1.30pm, followed by Year 2 on Tuesday at 1.30pm and finally Year 3 on Friday at 10.30am. Thank you to Miss Collins for organising the sparkly curtain in the Rayson Room; the children are very excited and I’m sure they too will sparkle next week! Parents will be sent password protected links for each of the concerts next week which will be streamed on Planet eStream, and we hope to see you live on our big screen via Zoom!
Notice Board house points trophy Music award • Rosie T (1J) • Ellie B (RC)
PE award • George P (1E) • Maria P (2H)
Please could Year 1 make sure they have their recorders in school on Monday for the concert.
Please do not let your children bring magnetic ball toys into school. They pose a health risk when broken apart if they end up in ears / noses / mouths.
Mrs Hall was delighted with all of the wonderful entries to the Art Competition! Serious judging will take place over the weekend and the exhibition will open on Wednesday. Details as to where to visit will be in the Tuesday email.
Well, what a busy, amazing STEM week we have had! We have been so impressed by all of the wonderful STEM activities we have seen going on around school, from mummification to Art using hairdryers and tie dyeing and on to designing elephant sanctuaries and dens; the range of activities has been amazing! Thank you to all the class teachers for preparing such wonderful lessons and we hope you have all thoroughly enjoyed your week and have been inspired to find out more about STEM.
ChatterPix videos or wind farms created from Lego models. What an imaginative, passionate lot you are! If the future is in your hands, we should be reassured.
On Thursday Mrs Mckie, who teaches Biology at St. Peters 13-18, delivered a fantastic assembly all about plastic pollution and how some companies are using technology to solve some of the problems this has caused. We saw houses built from plastic and plastic art made from flip flops, as well as edible seaweed packaging. She also On Monday we launched our competition ‘Protectors of the Planet’ and explained why she loves science so much. Maybe one day we will have the standard of entries has been brilliant. right from Reception to some future mathematicians, engineers and scientists who originally Year 3. Lots of the entries have been created using technology that the started at St. Peter’s 2-8?! children have been learning in their lessons, for instance, using Don’t forget to send your competition entries to Miss Murray and Mrs Johnson before Monday morning when we will announce the results in assembly. Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Johnson and Miss Murray
Acorns and Conkers have had a brilliant time developing their skills in their PE lessons this week. The Acorns enjoyed exploring how they could roll and throw different sized balls and beanbags. Some children chose to challenge themselves, aiming to roll their ball through a course of cones. There were
some brilliant rolls and it was great to see the children working together as a team to design their course. Well done Acorns, excellent work!
they have been practicing in the previous few weeks, the children investigated whether they could throw their beanbag in the air and catch it. Conkers then The Conkers have demonstrated also been extremely excellent diligent in the collaboration when development of their working with their throwing and partners to throw catching skills this their ball to each week! After other, using their recapping their ‘crocodile snap’ rolling skills which
PE technique. Once they had mastered this skill, they had a lot of fun incorporating their new skill into game play. Brilliant job Conkers!
Our little Acorns started the week getting very busy and very wet, working all together to wash our vehicles. By the time they had finished they looked shiny and new!
Also this week, we have shown a keen interest in playing vets and have taken on the role with our friends to make all the poorly animals better again! What a caring and kind group we are!
This week our creative Conkers have been playing teachers, making up stories and being busy outside!
RECEPTION Our little scientists, engineers and mathematicians have been busy, busy this week, as it has been STEM week! The excitement started with an assembly from the lovely Mrs Johnson and Miss Murray explaining to us what STEM is all about and introducing the theme for this year - being Planet Protectors! This ignited a discussion about how we would like to protect our planet… we could help reduce plastic pollution, we could be less wasteful, we could look after our plants and animals. Our little Planet Protectors were full of ideas! In our play the children have had lots of fun exploring lots of STEM activities. Cubetto the robot, nicknamed Cubey by the children, was welcomed into our area on Monday morning. The children have had great fun working collaboratively to create a set of instructions to guide our little hungry Cubey to the food of their choice. We have been so impressed to see the children problem solving and using their super power of reflectiveness to debug their instructions when Cubey didn’t quite go in the direction planned! They have also been testing their ability to balance rocks into a tower. It took a lot of patience and perseverance at times but we managed to create some very well balanced and tall
towers! In the forest this week we put our engineer hats on and collaborated together to build dens. We looked at all the types of dens we could build and then together created our ideal den. The children worked so well together and a good job too as it was a very wet trip to the Forest. At least we had a nice den to shelter under. As we were so good at creating large dens the children also had a go at creating their own little dens back at school out of different fabrics, straws, lollipop sticks… anything we could find to build with! We have also been continuing to explore our numbers but this time using our tens frames. It was Numeracy Day on Wednesday so we headed outside for our maths! We had great fun running around to collect lots of loose parts and natural objects to make show different ways of making numbers. Sometimes the teachers would even throw in a little challenge question before we could run off to find our next number! As well as all the fun challenges the children have been exploring this STEM week, we have also been busy making timed obstacle courses outside; building horse jumps, trains and cars; organising a jumping station from the top of the tunnel and giving points out of ten to the most creative jumps (super spinning jumps, sideways jumps, super high jump and roll jumps) and extending our ever popular chocolate factory with more water runs and sand tunnels!
In Year 1 we have absolutely loved STEM week and can't wait for you to see what we have been working on- keep your eyes peeled for more on Twitter. Over to the children to let you know what they've enjoyed this week:
Martha: I have enjoyed maths and phonics because I love multiplication and in phonics I like that we get to write on the stairs and on the carpet in school. Ethan: This week we have been designing our elephant sanctuaries to make sure they have a safe place to live.
Jack: I've enjoyed writing and making my own recipe and showing people how to cook because I'm really good at it. I Dhruv: I have liked maths and I counted in painted most of the sky in my elephant twos and tens and threes. I counted to 21 sanctuary and it looks really good. in threes today. Freya: This week I have really enjoyed Izzy J: We have been doing our sanctuaries for helping elephants.
Alfie: We have been saving the elephants by making an important video to spread around the world.
sewing my own elephant and making it even better.
YEAR 1 I did tie dye. First you take an old T- shirt. Do not use a new T- shirt. Then put some paint on your T shirt. Wait for it to dry. It was fun. By Dilarum
The ring of Fire is lots of volcanoes in the Pacific Ocean and there are lots and lots but they only erupt at certain times. Some of us have been building earthquake structures and if you make it tall it will fall over easier and that’s why you should make it wide. We have been making Ikat patterns in the woodwork area. It takes 2 or 3 days to finish painting. I enjoyed STEM week. By Hamish
I like doing tie dye. First you need to put an elastic band. Then you put tie dye paint. You can do any pattern you like. And you have to bring an old T-shirt. And when you are done you need to keep your elastic band on your old T -shirt for a long time. Then when it is dry you can wear it. By Rosie I have been making tie dye with T- shirts and I have been making Ikat patterns in woodwork with string and paint and wood. First I painted a pattern. Then I hammered some nails on the wood and I tied string and that’s how you do it. I enjoyed STEM week. By George
I enjoyed making the volcanoes. I’m going to tell you how to make a volcano. First we need some ingredients to make an underwater volcano – a cup of sodium bicarbonate and half a cup of citric acid and put water in the volcano. By Kalina I’ve been making my lemon volcano. First chop the lemon in half. Then put food colouring in. Then when you finish with the food colours you put the acid in. The you squash with your thumb. Then the acid and the food colouring will come out. Then the lemon volcano will explode! It was amazing! By Novem
I enjoyed the sweetie game where you had to make equal numbers, 5 and 2 in the sweetie game. I enjoyed making flatbread in Forest School it was yummy. By Pierce
I have been doing tie dye. I fold a T-shirt. The I put rubber bands on it. Then put colour on. Then put it to dry. I like it and STEM week! By Eva
We counted in twos. There were 12 groups. We also counted in fives. There was 15 altogether. We also counted in tens. There was only one group of 10. I enjoyed maths. We ate some. I loved it. It was the best. Maths is awesome. By Kate
We put sweets in equal groups of twos and fives. When we took sweets away we ate them. It was my birthday yesterday we put my buns in equal groups before we ate them. I loved the week. By Ros
We are learning about STEM week. We have been learning about tie dye. You have an old T- shirt and fold your T-shirt and get an elastic band and then get dye and paint your T -shirt and then put the Tshirt in an elastic band. Love from Hugo McA
We have been doing tie dye on a white T shirt with tie dye colours. I liked doing the sweetie maths. I enjoyed doing the science experiment for STEM week. I have been doing some wood work. I have hammered some nails and I tied the string to each nail. Hugo W
I really liked the string game. The string game is a game where a person has a string and he rolls the string to the other person and when it gets to the last person he rolls it to the other person. By Dylan
I enjoyed tie dye. First you have to get your old T- shirt. Then you get your old T- shirt and roll it up. Then put your gloves on. Then you can start tie dyeing. Put the elastic bands on. I loved tie dyeing. By Lucy I brought in my Mummy’s Indian Wedding dress and I have been making my own wedding dress too. I have not finished and I really enjoyed it a lot. I used the sewing machine and I need some jewels to stick on and I used pins to hold it together but it would break the sewing machine. By Amara
I made an underwater volcano. It blast to make an eruption. You need a big jug and a mall jug and a rock. By Albert I’ve been making a rainforest. You have to add the animals and trees. After you did that you make a Chatterpix video of your rainforest for yourself. We have to save the animals. We have to stop making the palm oil because the animals are getting hurt. By Charlotte
I was at Forest School. At Forest School we made flat bread with flour and salt and water. We mixed it and we patted it and rolled it and cut it. And we ate them. It tasted yummy. By Oliver I made a submarine volcano. This is how: Step 1. Put lab coat and goggles on. Step 2. Put one scoop of Bicarbonate of Soda in and citric acid. Step 3. Clip the volcano back together. Step 4. Put in the water. By Owen
In maths, we have been so impressed with the children's number knowledge as we revised doubling and applied this to halving. The children were doing such an incredible job of whizzing through their number problems, that we began looking at how this can support us with doubling and halving larger numbers e.g. 2 + 2 = 4, 20 + 20 = 40 and so on. We also used our understanding of partitioning numbers into tens and ones to double larger numbers! Overall, a very busy but successful STEM week in Year 2! Well done 2J and 2H, we definitely have some engineers, mathematicians and scientists in the making!
What better way to kick off a Monday morning than with some baking! The children's collaborative skills were put to the test when they were given a recipe to follow to make flatbread. We were so impressed at how independently the children followed the recipe accurately and took turns to make their dough. But the best bit was... cooking it at Forest School! The children helped Miss Jeffrey to set up two campfires using the right thicknesses of dry wood which we collected around the forest, prepped their dough and helped to cook it. They tasted delicious! We even topped some of them off with a bit of cheese! We have also been celebrating a spectacular STEM week in Year 2 this week! For our science lesson, the Year 2 children combined their scientific knowledge of rainforest food chains and their impressive iPad skills to create food webs using an app called Popplet Lite. The children used the internet safely and correctly to retrieve photographs of rainforest animals, edited them and added them on to the app where they created their own food webs using the mind map format of the application. In our Thematic and Art lessons this week, Year 2 have been learning about the baobab trees (which many of us are still struggling to pronounce correctly!) which are trees native to Madagascar with unusually broad trunks and compact crowns. Mrs Hall taught us how to paint beautiful sunsets by mixing our own colours and using a washing technique. The children then used thinner brushes and black acrylic paint to create the silhouettes of baobab trees.
YEAR 3 Year 3 have had a busy STEM week, amongst other things we have been investigating the Ancient Egyptian mummification process! Having left Turkey behind, we have been exploring a new continent and country this weekEgypt. Tom arrived at the Pyramids of Giza on Monday and this sparked interest in what was inside. Discovering they were burial chambers, we looked at the process of mummification and why it was important to the Ancient Egyptians. We then excitedly dramatised the steps of mummification by mummifying a class member! Following on from this, we set out to explore various preservation methods and set up an experiment to see which solution best preserves
apples. We all made predictions as to which method we felt would be most effective and were surprised with the results! We continued with our theme down at Forest School and made free standing pyramids and Israelite mud bricks, just like they did back in the day! We have crafted some of our own papyrus paper, designed cartouches with our names on and created our own Egyptian pictures on papyrus. In maths this week we have been continuing to work on our division skills using the more formal methods to solve calculations. We have been putting 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers into the bus stop method and working out some tricky word problems.
We have thoroughly enjoyed STEM week and are looking forward to our final week of learning before half term!
Friday 18th June 2021 Bring in your bags of unwanted items and raise money for charity!
YES to all of these:Clothes
Paired shoes (tied)
Socks and tights
Scarves and Ties
Curtains Bed Linen
Household Linen
(But NOT Duvets, blankets, pillows or cushions)
NO to all of these:Duvets, blankets, pillows and cushions
Textile off-cuts
Carpets, rugs and mats
Soiled, painted, ripped or wet clothing
Corporate clothing
COLLECTION DAYS Nursery – Monday 14th June Reception – Tuesday 15th June Year 1 – Wednesday 16th June
Year 2 – Thursday 17th June Year 3 - Friday 18th June 2021
The Collection Point for Bag2School will be behind the Nursery/ Hope House building, at the Friends of St Peters 2-8 shed.
Just follow the A-board signs, queue up at 2m intervals and use the one-way system in place, to ensure we abide by strict social distancing guidelines. If you miss your year group’s day, don’t worry, you can drop off on another day, but we are just trying to keep as socially distanced as possible.
Thank you Friends of St Peter’s 2-8