St Peter's 2-8 Newsletter I 2

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CoMPasS Registered Charity No: 1141329

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Newsletter No: 2 Friday, September 17th 2021




Y1 Story Club Y2 Multisports Y2 Engineers & Construction

Y2 Cricket* Y3 Football* Y3 IT

Y1 Multisports Y1 Sports* Y2 STEM Y2 Sports* Y3 Language Y3 Swimming

Y3 Tennis* WEDS

Y1 Get Creative Y1 Cricket* Y2&3 Choir


Y1 Sign Language Y1 Tennis* Y2 Art Y2 Multisports Y3 Sewing and Craft

Y3 Hockey FRIDAY

Our parents are such valuable supporters of the school, particularly the St Peter’s School 2-8 Friends, who held a meeting this week that I attended. I presented a small bouquet of flowers to Laura Todd, Sarah Binks, Lucy Dunn and Olivia Houlston in gratitude for all their work last year keeping the Friends group connected. There are lots of events to look forward to including the Great St Peter’s 2-8 Bake Off and they aim to organise a bag2school collection and a social event for parents (Covid-19 guidance allowing). If you would like to get involved, please do come along to the meetings, which are open to everyone. Most recently the St Peter’s Friends purchased waterproofs for all year groups to use at Forest School; on behalf of the school community huge thanks. The highlight of my week is awarding the learning superhero and Value champion awards to each class in the celebration assembly. We are hoping this will be the last ‘Virtual’ assembly and we can meet in person next Friday. I was also delighted to award School Council badges to our new members, who are looking forward to discussing ideas for making St Peter’s 2 -8 an even better place! The names of the school council members are further down the newsletter. Have a lovely weekend,


The themes are in full swing, and the children have been incredibly busy learning and enjoying their new classes. Your children may have told you that our focus value for this half term is Friendship: ‘We are kind and welcoming. We are kind and helpful and we don’t hurt anyone else’s feelings’. If you have followed @Stpeters2_8 on Twitter this week you will have seen the children at St Peter’s 2-8 using technology in their learning. It’s marvellous to see technology enhance the learning experience for our children and to see their confidence when using new apps. Year 1 embarked on a trip to Runswick Bay and Whitby on Thursday hunting for fossils in the Jurassic coast and visiting the Whitby Museum to explore their collection of fossils and learned about the ships of the world. All year groups experienced Forest School this week, exploring this superb resource we have at St Peter’s 2-8. There is a tremendous amount of research describing and explaining the benefits of Forest Schools and I have attached this link from the forestry commission that explains the impact of forest schools for children of Primary School age. https:// forest-schools-impact-on-young-children-

england-and-wales/ RJ went to Pets at Home this week in search of friends for the goldfish they identified a number of candidates that were brought back to school. We are so fortunate to have so many exciting places to visit on our doorstep that enrich learning and bring themes to life and over the next few weeks all year groups will be taking advantage of our location. We also held our Parent Information Evenings throughout the week, which were well attended. Mrs Clarke and I shared an overview of our ethos, aims and curriculum and the class teachers shared some insights into the learning that your children will experience this year. As always, we aim to provide an excellent education for your children, but we are always reflecting on our practice and striving to refine and improve it. We talked about using evidence and research in guiding our approach to the curriculum and learning. The presentations explained the importance of Metacognition and Self -Regulated Learning based on the research from the Education Endowment Foundation which will enable us to support your children on their journey to becoming lifelong learners. There will be Parent Forums later this term where we will answer any questions, feedback and ideas to make the school an even better place for your children.

Y1 Film Club Y1 Street Dance Y2 Coding Y2 Football* Y2 Tennis* Y3 STEM Y3 Cricket*


Reception swimming

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